Sentences with phrase «then sought legal counsel»

Adams then sought legal counsel for the first time, and petitioned the court for an order vacating the arbitration award.
If your newborn child was injured during birth, first make sure the child is okay and then seek the legal counsel of an experienced child birth injury lawyer.

Not exact matches

AAAS staff will then discuss the details first with the individual filing the complaint, then with the alleged offender; seek counsel if the appropriate course of action is unclear; and report findings to the AAAS Executive Office and AAAS Chief Legal Officer.
If we weren't notified and you placed our horse into a home you know nothing about, and did not allow us to approve said home or get a signed contract with new adopters, then when I find that horse in a sale barn, being neglected, etc., then I will seek legal counsel against the adopter of which we have a signed contract with.
When it does, then you have the right to seek legal counsel.
Where a business has tricky issues that need addressing, for example a wish - list of employees to exit from the business, then lawyers or in - house counsel should be engaged so that such correspondence can be made in the context of seeking legal advice and so be subject to legal advice privilege, the business's trump card, and a way of protecting your hand.
If, however, the client has completed a crime or fraud and then seeks the advice of legal counsel, such communications are privileged unless the client considers covering up the crime or fraud.
If the real reason for withdrawal is non-payment of legal fees, then counsel can not represent to the court that he or she seeks to withdraw for «ethical reasons».
and then most likely you would have to address your «Forms Committee» at your local Board, who then likely would have to seek legal counsel, through Board source...
Always open to learning new and better ways of doing things... I share in good conscience — not because I know all there is to know... but if this helps others, then go ahead and use it — but perhaps seek your own legal counsel first (my disclosure; I am not a lawyer).
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