Sentences with phrase «then straighten the leg»

Touch both knees to the floor (B), then straighten legs again.
Pull your in knees toward your chest by rolling the ball in, pause in this position for a count, and then straighten your legs back out.
Hold for a brief second and then straighten your legs.
Once you have done this you can then begin to progress to the V - sit by getting into the tucked position (an L - seat with your legs bent) and then straightening your legs.
Push the floor away with your forearms so that your shoulders and hips extend away from your elbows in a straight line, then straighten your legs and reach your heels toward the floor.
Lift the right foot off the floor and then straighten the leg only as far as you can control your core with a proper strategy.

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It looks like the child's whole body stiffens up then the arms and legs quickly straighten out and the hands open.
Straighten your leg and then gently flex your toes back toward your shin.
He demonstrates that during walking his heel hits the ground first, the leg straightens, and then the body vaults over it.
As it moves, the robot will bend one of its knee joints and then straighten it; if the knee joint fails to straighten, the robot determines that it can not put weight on that leg without falling over.
Go as deep as you can, then drive through your heels, straighten the legs and raise the bar back up.
And second, once you're up, straighten your front leg, turn your hips square to the front, then gradually sink your hips back down.
Pull the ball towards your chest by slowly bending your knees, then slowly return to the start position by straightening your legs.
Kneel on hands and knees, and then push back to straighten legs and open shoulders so your body makes an upside down V shape.
Swing the kettlebell between your legs and then swiftly push through your hips to straighten your legs and swing the kettlebell up to chin height.
Then press back up and pull left knee in toward chest while rounding back and bringing head down to meet knee; straighten leg.
Then, straighten your legs and lower your arms simultaneously.
My little nurse brain was like, you've got to straighten those up because you're going to... lose your blood supply, and then you're going to lose your legs
Inhale, bringing the arms overhead, then exhale and straighten the right leg, bending forward over the right thigh and clasping elbows behind back.
Place your hands around the back of the thigh of the bent knee, then slowly straighten the leg.
Young yogis start in a high kneeling position, then straighten the right leg off to the side.
Stand in middle of dip station and grasp handles, then straighten arms lifting yourself up off the floor, then bend legs bringing knees up towards chest as high as you can, then lower legs down to standing.
Bend your knees slightly, and then drive the barbell up in the air as you straighten your legs.
With both knees on the ground, come into a strong plank, then lift and straighten one leg.
Inhale, lean the torso back, then exhale and lift and straighten your legs, adjusting the strap to keep it taut.
If the chair hold wasn't challenging enough for you then perform the same movement but straighten your legs this time.
For example, if you are bending down to touch your toes, bend your legs for a count of 2 and then straighten for a count of 2.
I can tell you of my tongue's coat changing and parting like the red sea, moles falling off, grey hairs vanishing, warts disappearing, knees and entire leg bones straightening, eyesight going wild then improving, a little toenail appearing for the first time in my life, but I can also tell you of a cyst in my nose remaining, a scar on my cheek unchanged.
Lie on mat with hands behind head, rotate to the left as you bring in the left knee, while bringing in the right elbow towards it, then switch sides rotating to the right and bringing in the right knee and the left elbow to meet it, as the left leg straightens out, continue alternating sides
You can do this by first bending at the knees and then straightening out your legs by actively using your leg strength.
As you lower the weight, bend the leg to no more than 90 degrees to finish your rep, then begin to straighten again as you lift into your next rep.
Then you will swing the kettlebell up with arms extended while straightening your legs until the kettlebell is at chin level.
Then, straighten your knees and stretch your legs out behind your torso, tops of your feet on the floor.
Then push your heels into the wall and straighten your legs without losing the adjustment you just gave yourself.
The individual then straightened their knee over five seconds, held the knee straight for five seconds and then took five seconds to lower the leg.
When you bend and then straighten an arm at the elbow or a leg at the knee, your arm or leg moves through one plane of motion.
To do the exercise, simply lie down with your back flat on the floor and both knees bent then straighten out your right leg, use both of your hands to grab a hold of the leg at the ankle and then keeping your hips pressed against the floor gently pull the leg towards your head until you feel some tension in the hamstring.
Next, straighten your legs, then tuck your tailbone in as you engage your thigh muscles.
Maintain the dual action of internally rotating your back leg while your tailbone reaches downward, then push the top of your thigh back to straighten your leg.
Then straighten your arms and simultaneously lift your torso up and your legs a few inches off the floor on an inhalation.
Place the block or sandbag on the soles of your feet, and then carefully straighten your legs.
Standing behind dip station, squat and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position and do a push up, then jump legs back in and step or reach forward grasping handles of dip station and do a knee raise, straightening arms to lift yourself up off the floor, bending legs and bringing knees up towards chest as high as you can, then lower legs down to floor and step back behind dip station.
In the full pose, however, you walk the feet away from your hands until your legs are nearly straight; then plant your inner feet and exhale as you stretch down through your calves and push to straighten the legs completely.
How - to: From a Warrior II, straighten your front leg, and follow your front hand forward then down to your shin or the floor.
Only then can Puppy begin to automatically shift weight, straighten a leg, and assume the show pose you've spent hours teaching him.
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