Sentences with phrase «then talk to your children»

Afterward, you might reward yourselves with something fun like playing a game or reading, and then talk to your child about why he or she was so upset.
Once you and your spouse have discussed it, then talk to your children.

Not exact matches

So again, if you wouldn't be talking to someone else — especially your children, for example — that way, then you deserve to be kinder to yourself as well.»
Susie if you are telling me that the creator of the universe is talking to our children and giving them this message then you seriously need help.
The only voice I ever herd was my own; when I was a child I thought it was god but then I realized that I was talking to my self.
1 Corinthians 13 talks about talking, reasoning and thinking like a child, and goes on to say, «now I know in part, then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.»
then a woman has to marry their rapist and you have to stone your children to death if they talk back to you, you can't have tattoos, you can't eat selfish, you can't wear clothes made of different fibers, etc..
It isn't long before somebody is asked to organize activities for the children, snacks for the children, then somebody doesn't like the subject matter of the adult study, somebody says it's going on too long, too short, and where's the music, we need somebody to play guitar, and who's going to organize the prayer at the end, and why do the children interrupt us all the time when we're trying to talk to God?
No, I wouldn't talk to a child like that, but then a child won't say: bob said, on June 27th, 2009 at 6:59 pm Semety said — «Ah, you're trying to believe and be true to your heart.
One could just picture the couple in the crowded square - initially thrilled that their child had been chosen to talk to the pope, and then squirming with embarrassment when their failure to get to Sunday Mass was revealed to the world.
If Atheists started wars in the name of Science and killed countless women and children, then yeah go ahead and say that we don't have any room to talk.
but thats not what i'm talking about... i am discussing the god you claim to worship... even if you believe jesus was god on earth it doesn't matter for if you take what he had to say as law then you should take with equal fervor words and commands given from god itself... it stands as logical to do this and i am confused since most only do what jesus said... the dude was only here for 30 years and god has been here for the whole time — he has added, taken away, and revised everything he has set previous to jesus and after his death... thru the prophets — i base my argument on the book itself, so if you have a counter argument i believe you haven't a full understanding of the book — and that would be my overall point... belief without full understanding of or consideration to real life or consequences for the hereafter is equal to a childs belief in santa which is why we atheists feel it is an equal comparision... and santa is clearly a bs story... based on real events from a real historical person but not a magical being by any means!
My response, then and now, is that the majority of parents are able to talk about puberty to their children.
So the goal is to go with these people who might have training in basic counseling and mental health services and then help them, as part of the mothers clubs or child - friendly spaces, to talk through some of the things that they might be suffering with.
Additionally, it is not in the child's best interest to have to talk about the abuse with multiple adults, and then later to have to talk about it again to investigators.
And then she starts to talk about her past, in a French accent that remains heavy enough to require frequent interpretation from her children, Ray and Maryse (there is a third, Phil, in Virginia).
Of course I don't take it literally, but I do find that when a mom is concerned about her child (I like the word concerned more than worried) and X, Y, or Z, she will research the heck of out it, talk to others who know about the topic, and then research it some more until she finds the answers for which she is looking.
Your CIO friends will then complain of children who won't talk to them, won't talk about their feelings, won't tell them where they're going.
At Teach to Talk, we have a video model where we model appropriate social interactions, language, behaviors where the child watches the video and then learns from that video.
If it is reasonable to tell someone how you think their possible divorce will affect you, family, and friends, then it is also reasonable to tell them when their difficult marriage is affecting others, or their unhappiness with their work, or that third child they're talking about starting (maybe you can't have any, or enough, or you have too many for your situation), or their «perfect» marriage (is it making your life look bad?)
Start by talking with your network of support (including your ex), and then create a plan that effectively allows you to raise your children without forgetting to care for yourself.
If your child has a life threatening reaction (say to peanuts), and your school isn't a nut free zone (ours isn't), then talk with the principal and cafeteria staff about setting up a peanut free zone in the cafeteria.
However, don't push too hard for your child to talk right then.
But simply avoiding back talk doesn't work, because then your child won't learn how to express himself differently.
And if there's a tradegy, especially turn it off and then calm yourself before you try to talk to your child about it.
It is so hard to talk to your children about God and then it's even harder to talk them about other people and why they believe in God differently and why they practice a religion differently.
On this call, API founders Lysa Parker and Barbara Nicholson talk with Lu about how: — our «flaws» are actually pathways to raising resilient, secure, connected kids; — without an awareness of how our story drives our fears, our kids re-enact it; — without self - understanding and empathy, parents then tend to manage rather than engage, control rather than connect, in a chronic practice of «defensive parenting»; — we can turn our old wounds to new wisdom and free our kids from repeating our stories; — the gift of our anger, fear, doubt, chaos, anxiety, struggles, and conflicts is that they can shed compassionate light on our old wounds and we can use this light to «heal» our inner conflicts, and pave our path for ourselves and our kids; and — doing this paving work «keeps our light on»... and our children's light on, and teaches them the power of forgiveness, humility, and humanity.
If the words your or your spouse are using are inappropriate, however, and wouldn't be used around a group of your peers (meaning other moms with toddlers or any reasonable person who has ever had a child), then you should definitely talk to them about using more appropriate terms.
Special Time is an excellent tool for you in this regard: perhaps you set aside ten minutes each afternoon for Special Time, and make it clear that if your child wants to do potty talk, then Special Time is the time to do it.
Rather than pushing, if you can talk to your child and find out the parts that are hard or scary for your child, then you can brain storm how to break down the challenge to smaller steps, or clear up a misperception of the consequences of that step, and in so doing, turn what was frightening into an opportunity for mastery and success.
Then we searched together for the places my children wanted to «visit» and talked about how they'd get there.
The reality is that if a child doesn't feel they are being heard, then even if they stand silently «listening» while we lecture or rant or even just talk, the child is simply rehearsing in their brain what they want to say rather than actually doing any effective listening.
If your communication with your child feels like it is falling on deaf ears or if you struggle to be a more mindful parent, then this talk is for you!
The Real Food Survival Guide for Working Moms My real food story How I talk to my daughter about real food 10 Tips to Feeding Your Baby a Nutrient Dense Diet 7 Mistakes to Raising Healthy Eaters Real food meal ideas for biz travel Healthy school lunch and snack ideas Preschool Lunch Series If Obesity is the Disease Then Why is My Child Diagnosed the Healthy Eater?
I have two rooms full of toys and musical things, like electric keyboard, older computer to learn things on «», (a subscription service for 2 + yrs old children), and battery operated toys that are musical, or talk, or walk, or beep, or run, blocks and puzzles, plush toys and soft rubber balls, and when no babies around, I blow up lots of balloons which they throw up in the air and try to catch, or I bring out all the «kitchen stuff» (a collection of plastic dish sets, plastic fake food and utensils, and a big tablecloth I lay it all on and then pick it all up with until next time).
And then you say to yourself, «what did that blowhard Ann Brown write about that book she never read that talked about fostering coping skills in my child
Lori's ability to reflect, use self - talk, and then act based on the best interests of her children left all feeling inspired and more equipped to reflect for themselves.
The Third Rule: Reach Out Once, Then Leave Your Child Be I think it's fine if you want to check in and reach out to your child if they're still not talking toChild Be I think it's fine if you want to check in and reach out to your child if they're still not talking tochild if they're still not talking to you.
If your ex-wife is angry and talking is likely to provoke a fight, then try suggesting your child make a picture or something for Mom.
If you keep letting the silent treatment affect you by giving in to your child so they'll be «nice» and talk to you, then you're falling into the martyr trap.
If the mother and child do not bond, then the hospital staff will bring in a psychologist to talk with the mother and see if there are any major problems.
If your baby suddenly refuses to take a bottle, talk to your child's doctor to rule out a medical reason then try reintroducing it at another time.
When your child grows enough, you can talk to them until then you should take care of them and make everything safe for them.
If you are only able to feed your child Pedialyte for more than about 12 hours or if you baby has symptoms of dehydration, then you should talk to your pediatrician.
The Beale staff talks to children, gains their feedback on what types of programs they are interested in, and then makes it happen by providing fun - filled experiences that meet their needs.
Divulging past drug use is an individual decision, but having used drugs should not prevent you from talking to your child — in fact, experience may better equip you to communicate with your child by drawing on the value of mistakes made or knowledge gained since then.
Then I met someone who was breastfeeding a toddler, and talked to someone else who had tandem nursed her children for quite some time, and I started to think maybe I should adjust my goal.
Pick a date, stock up on waterproof pads and bottom sheets (you can layer them in a little liquid - repellant napoleon so you can just peel off the top layers in the middle of the night), talk it up with your child to get him or her on board, and then just go diaperless on the appointed day.
However, if your little one isn't interested in talking about war, then there's no need to push it — she might not be concerned about it yet, and young children shouldn't be forced into being aware.
When we talk about the potential for Attachment Parenting (AP) to change the world, we are referring to a ripple effect: Our children growing up to be compassionate and empathic, becoming parents who foster secure attachments with their children, whose children then grow up to repeat the cycle of peaceful living both in and out of the home.
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