Sentences with phrase «then try it»

They first try to convince you to do something their way, than tell you, then try to force you.
If these Christians had experienced the freedom and blessings of living under grace, but then they try to return to living under the law, God will not allow them to return to the blessings of living by grace again.
Go back and do your research then try again.
We may then try to dismiss all concerns to maintain a cynical unconcern.
Then try to use EMPIRICAL evidence that unicorns existed and that serpents and mules can speak human languages.
Rather than focus on those who do not show Jesus, my wife and I try to focus on Jesus, his message and his love, then try to show that love to those around us.
Then try to counter their attacks using logic.
I don't like how these books lump most of humanity into a few little categories, and then try to solve the problems of one or more of these categories with a few simple tips and suggestions.
Adults then try to pull children away from the very consumerism they introduced them to.
These Chinese spies also logon to various English news cites pretending to a ordinary news readers and then try to mislead people on issues like Tibet, Uyghur people, Tiananmen Square, free speech in China.
But just don't try to push that as fact, and then try to make the rest of us go along with it.
Those organizations do not find evidence — they start from a position of bible infallibility and then try to discredit the science that shows that the bible is fallible; they produce no evidence and no experiments.
The problem comes when people think they do, and then try to influence others based on that delusion of knowing.
Then we try to reach them, to evangelize them.
We look at the world to see what they do for fun, then we take out everything we perceive as «sinful» and then try to do this stripped down version as a «Christian event.»
Every now and then I try to stir the classroom by introducing different views on the end times.
Go look at the ladies costume section at the Halloween store and then try to tell me you don't think we need feminism.
The volunteers pray with callers for 5 to 10 minutes, then try to connect them to a local church.
Then see the thing that happens... then try to say that Jesus isn't real.
Only the blind miss seeing him, then they try and convince us that we are blind [faith].
They then try to find something or someone new and interesting.
The scientist then try to figure the problem out.
Every time no matter what particular branch or division of Christianity they belong it is the same thing.They have book which takes a topic references a few verses and then try and create an argument to support the idea.
Consider for a moment that only 1 % of species exist from the last mass extinction barrier and then try to see the logical paradox that species evolve over a long period of time.
And then they try and force others to live by their religion.
We set a goal and then try to accomplish it.
«If we are in Christ, we have to acknowledge that first, and then try to work out why we are so different.
They pick and choose which teachings of Christ they want to make political issues, and then try to force those issues into a platform.
You talk to a woman who has been raped or sexually violated or beaten or abused and then try to tell me that it's okay to be turned on by that.
In this chapter I shall state the reasons for saying that the liberal doctrine will not do, and then try to save out of the liberal perspective the valid concept which it possessed.
Look it up and then try to talk about that silly book being any kind of «truth»!
Many times, we would slave over the wording of mission statements and vision documents, and then try to figure out the best way to communicate it to the rest of the church.
Then try a variant of the experiment.
It is all right to explore and then retreat, and then try again.
If I feel I've done something wrong, then I try to do something about it and I talk to God about it, but it's not a constant preoccupation.
If this is the case then I can only conclude that THERE IS NO NEED TO PRAY since God is not going to answer you — all you now have to do is to just read the Bible and then try to figure out what you should do.
Turn your caps off, then try to make a sensible sentence.
11th commandment: In case you can't keep the commandments and are on the verge of breaking any of them, then try as much as possible not to get caught in the act.
Why not show love like Jesus would and then try to recurit the Muslins to Christ.
It is a day when we live out redemption, when we imagine what life will be like in the eternal Kingdom of God (the eternal Sabbath), and then try to live out that vision here and now.
There is more to becoming a Christian than becoming a Marxist (for example): one does not merely become convicted by the truth of a text and then try to convert the world; one must be born into a new life, bodily and spiritually, in baptism.
If this is the case, then let's consider what constitutes a friendship, and then try to pray in accordance with that.
The thing is, people do stupid things and then try to hide it.
I suggest you go back and read then try to comprehend what was written.
REALLY read it, cover to cover, and then try to suggest that every word of it should be taken as literal fact and guidance on how to live our lives.
I may be judgmental to those who believe in fairytales and then try to force their fairytale values on me.
if you're interested in knowing God, then try approaching him yourself, because it's a relationship.
We decide what God should be, then try to stuff him in that box.
Like Martin you've latched onto a false teaching and then try to find verses that seem to halfway somewhat support your belief.
If we know the density of water at 4 degrees C and 99 degrees C, and then try to predi - ct the density at other temperatures, we will be tremendously better off interpolating the density between the two temperatures than extra-polating even one or a few degrees outside this range.
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