Sentences with phrase «then twist»

Then twist the rest around the handle part of the wire.
Then twist the strands of garland loosely in a rope fashion and place on the center of your table, fluffing where needed.
Hold the ends of the matching wires together so they are parallel and then twist them clockwise using your fingers.
Hold down the two buttons on the front then twist the volume knob and you can increase or lower the Airsound effect.
Oddly they then twist this around to conclude the opposite.
These are the words of the Lead Designer Dan Nanni: «Our gravity gameplay adds verticality to shooters in a whole new way, our roles play with class - tropes and flip them upside down, our game modes tease you with something familiar and then twist it up with nail - biting conclusions.
They will get bits and pieces of the story and then twist it to say Nintendo is either behind the times or start to speculate they are hiding something.
If you want to make your rabbit a quick treat simply take some hay and wrap them in a sheet of paper then twist the ends up like a giant sweet rapper.
As the dough produces gas and expands, it takes up a larger area, potentially blocking the bowel or cause the stomach to become distended and then twist (called gastric gilitation and volvulus (GDV).
Pinch these two strands together at one end, then twist them together six times lengthwise to make a single coiled strand.
Our $ 36,000 SE model has only five speeds in its automatic transmission, and to achieve ignition one must insert a metal key into a slot on the dash and then twist it.
Do you latch the device onto the can first then twist the tap to puncture the can, and loosen it again to allow it to flow?
Once you start the car with the button on the right - hand control stalk and then twist the end of the stalk to engage Drive, the car quickly moves forward as you'd expect, yet the takeoff is surprisingly seamless, even for an EV.
Then twist the thumbwheel one notch clockwise into Sport, and try to suppress a big smile when the powerplant grabs you by the neck and tacks your torso to the seat.
But then the twist comes, as King's crew learns that their hometown has been taken over by pod people from outer space.
Really, it looks so cool and hugely epic, going in a bit of a new direction than we all thought - with the island exploding first and then the twist with the freaky man - made, deadly dino wreaking havoc.
Then another twist hits, and another, and another, until it's hard to know who is telling the truth and who is not.
The laziness of such a set - up should be enough to lose several, perhaps less patient followers — and then the twist happens.
The filmmakers then twist things, struggling to place Dominika back into the power position — which, needless to say, never fully works to their planned advantage.
When Season 3 kicks off spectacularly, there's a slight exhale in the first 59 minutes — then a twist.
Discover how to make a classic Beef and Potatoes Pot Roast and then twist it into a Street Beef Salad with Asian Flavours.
Next, apply a texturizing product for grip, then twist, securing with pins spritzed with the texturizer for hold.
Start with a loose ponytail, then twist and secure it with bobby pins to create a bun.
Give yourself an epic side part, then twist your tendrils around a 2» wand, curling away from your face for a breezy flipped effect.
Step 2: Split the back of your hair into two sections then twist them into a knot.
Instead, just plop your curls on top of your head wrapped in a towel, T - shirt, or cloth, then twist both sides securely.
Then you twist, twist, twist.
Then twist a small section from the other side of your head and wrap around to the other side and secure for Bella Thorne's cool braided twist.
Lower your arm and do another push - up, then twist up to a side plank on the other side.
Raise your left leg off the ball, drive it towards your chest, then twist and extend it to the right, perpendicular to your body.
Sit up, while keeping the ball overhead, then twist the torso to the left side (bringing the ball a few inches from the left knee)(b).
You will need to guide your blade around this huge pit that's in the middle, then twist both halves in opposite directions to split it open.
This sequence begins with a simple seated twisting posture and then quickly moves onto the feet, culminating with some standing postures that will challenge you to balance and then twist.
To halve an avocado push your knife into it until it hits the seed and roll the fruit around the knife then twist
Hold the pillow out in front of your chest then twist your upper body so that your outside hand can touch the mattress.
I'm pretty lame in the girl department when it comes to doing hair, so this is super easy: I pull my hair back like I'm about to put it in a high ponytail and then twist it around my finger until the whole pony is one long twist.
Gently twist to the right, sweeping your left arm over your head and extending your right arm out to the side; then twist to the left, reversing the arms, creating a flowing rhythm.
Lower the arm back to the floor for another push - up and then twist to the other side.»
Tip the flavoured butter onto a square of baking parchment or cling film, roll it around the butter to form a sausage shape, then twist the ends to seal.
Lower leg, coming to all fours, then twist hips so you're seated on left hip with left forearm on the floor (B).
Return to center and then twist slowly to the right (B).
Lie on your back with your legs in tabletop (knees bent at 90 degrees), then twist up so your left elbow touches your right knee, then repeat on the other side.
With the front pieces that weren't pinned back with the hair comb, divide the front of the hair in the center for a middle part and smooth away from your face, then twist each section back and delicately tangle the ends around the pin vines and leaves of the comb.
Then twist and raise the other dumbbell.
Come back to the hand plank position, perform another push up, and then twist your body to open up to the right side, lifting your right arm overhead.
Turn your entire head and torso to the left to inhale through the nose, then twist to the right exhaling through the nose.
Your torso should lean back slightly so that your core is engaged and tight as you touch the kettlebell down to the floor on your left and then twist to the right as you raise it up above your head until your arms are stretched above you completely.
Pull all your hair straight up from the crown, then twist and wrap it around itself until it forms a loose bun.
Lift feet off the floor, then twist legs to the right (A).
«Then you twist them up again, and they snap back again.
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