Sentences with phrase «then underscored the point»

Imagine the response by some Christians if Feuerstein walked into Starbucks, «tricked» the barista into writing a religious phrase from a different faith on the cup, encouraged people to start a movement and then underscored his point by showing off the handgun he'd snuck into the store.
The answer, he says, «is simply found,» and then he underscores the point by saying it is «not hard to understand,» it is «so simple,» and it is «profound in its simplicity.»
McRae then underscored the point that the professor hadn't published anything on teacher layoffs in California.

Not exact matches

The rabbis» observations underscore this point: God was speaking about the Canaanites back then, and there are no more Canaanites today.
;) Or read it all and then try to get me at the purple service with a smiley face and an exclamation point with J underscore cash seventy four just before that weird A symbol.
Underscored by Marcus's visit to an actress's apartment (her wall of photos a dedication to her career in... why, pictures, of course) and then to her son, who's living with a beautiful transvestite, gender is a slippery thing in Argento, charges of misogyny being something he's had difficulty dodging to the point of appearing at the end to concede.
This was essentially a civil - rights case, and the court underscored that point by starting its opinion by referencing Brown vs. Board of Education and then quoting the famous passage that education «is a right which must be made available to all on equal terms.»
These «subliminal ads» are designed to produce a generalized desire in the subconscious that will then translate into a specific desire — a desire for the advertised product — in the viewer's conscious mind, a strategy so obvious and ridiculous that McCarthy need only point to it to underscore our culture's susceptibility to such tactics.
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