Sentences with phrase «then warms the atmosphere»

The resulting decrease in albedo then warms the atmosphere.
So when the Trade Winds stall, preventing the heated ocean from taking that heat away, then this warms the atmosphere, and global temperature tends to go up.
It absorbs solar radiation converting it to heat and then warming the atmosphere, It also dissolve in the oceans lowering the pH (makes them more acidic) which interferes with phytoplankton, fish reproduction the production of coral and mollusk shells.
The ocean then warms the atmosphere including the atmosphere over the continents especially nearer to the ocean (continentality).

Not exact matches

This change leads to a higher percentage of emitted carbon dioxide remaining in the atmosphere, which then further accelerates global warming.
Methane is an extremely efficient greenhouse gas which may contribute to enhanced global warming when free in the atmosphere, and such free methane, would then be considered a pollutant rather than a useful energy resource.
They then selectively removed different plant species such as heather, cotton grass and moss enabling them to study the effects of both warming and vegetation change on carbon release from the dead plant material into the atmosphere.
But then we come along and start burning fossil fuels and adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, and glaciers that would still be growing start to melt back because summer temperatures are warmer
Then in 2003, William Ruddiman, a palaeoclimatologist at the University of Virginia, suggested the advent of agriculture 8000 years ago ramped up levels of the greenhouse gas methane in the atmosphere, warming the world by about 0.8 °C.
These so - called «modest hyperthermals» (meaning a rapid, pronounced period of global warming) had shorter durations and recoveries (about a 40,000 year cycle) and involved an exchange of carbon between surface reservoirs into the atmosphere and then into sediment.
Then they compared them to Arctic weather records and found that when the Arctic was warm, cold snaps happened more often in the East — and the higher that Arctic warming reached into the atmosphere in mid to late winter, the more severe winter storms hit.
It is one of the most extreme things they could come up with because they are not able to find the fingerprint of the carbon dioxide warming of the atmosphere so then they started to come up with this new scheme [ocean acidification].
Then animal rights groups want to talk about animal cruelty, but global warming is steadily increasing because these stupid vegetarians are eating all the plants which purify our atmosphere and trying to save the cows that are polluting our air.
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With a small amount of LW penetrating into the first three meters and a normal mid-ocean Wind and Wave complex most of the radiant energy is also returned to the atmosphere if not as direct heat then in the form of warm salt aerosols?
It is then amplified by increased water vapour in the atmosphere resulting from the warming caused by the CO2.
If the oceans were driving energy into the atmosphere (over a significantly long enough period to account for observed warming trends in the atmosphere, then I imagine we'd also see the TOA warming and consequently more energy (power, taken per unit time) radiating into space.
* If warming warms the lower atmosphere more than the upper atmosphere, then the vertical gradients will likely increase.
If you are modelling the GHE using a single grey body absorber that is not wavelength dependent, then you have warming throughout the whole atmosphere.
If we knew ocean heat uptake as well as we know atmospheric temperature change, then we could pin down fairly well the radiative imbalance at the top of the atmosphere, which would give us a fair indication of how much warming is «in the pipeline» given current greenhouse gas concentrations.
How then can the atmosphere warm it?
So, as to my understanding then, it's not the cold water, but the cooler atmosphere, and as the atmosphere is warmer, then... there will be less relative difference and fewer occurances....?
And if one wants to argue that CO2 emissions are responsible for most of the warming, then obviously these emissions are being emitted into the atmosphere, right?
Are the episodes thought to be actual changes in the amount of heat being radiated by the planet (because the surface of the ocean gets warmer and cooler, does the actual infrared flux from the top of the atmosphere then change as a result)?
I then applied a 1 watt / sq meter forcing to a 10 meter thick slab of ocean and he atmosphere above to get a warming of 0.6 C per year.
CO2 is as you know, the most important global warming gas, as it stays in the atmosphere for long ages, this then is the major «amplifier» of a warming globe between the ice ages.
But a warming atmosphere does set off a chain of «positive re-enforcing» events that release more CO2 which then causes more warming and so on.
3) If the ocean tends to lose heat to atmosphere, then this means that the ocean is warmer than the atomosphere?
Steve, if the laws of thermodynamics still hold, then a net extra loss of 3 W / m2 (top of atmosphere) should give more cooling (or less warming, dependent of the absolute values).
Now, if warming also causes increased CO2, then we may be talking about a positive feedback loop in which the warming spirals upwards, which amplifies the warming effect of whatever CO2 we humans contribute to the atmosphere.
If you were in a situation where there was initially more precipitation than radiative cooling could handle, then the atmosphere could just warm up until the radiative cooling increased — though then you'd have to worry about how much the warming affects precipitation, etc..
So a local spike in precipitation releases a lot of heat — but as the heat increases, this negatively affects the vapor - > water transition (precipitation, or raindrop formation), since warm air holds more water then cool air — and so the limit on precipitation vis - a-vis the radiative balance of the atmosphere appears.
4) But if we are warming that mm or less, then we are * increasing * the gradient between the warmer ocean and the cooler atmosphere.
If the effect of increasing the partial pressure of CO2 is greater than the effect of the warming ocean then there will be a net transfer of CO2 from the atmosphere to the oceans.
(PS a skin temperature can be lower than the brightness temperature of the OLR because a very thin layer at the top of the atmosphere will absorb a tiny fraction of OLR, thus barely affecting OLR, but must in equilibrium emit that same amount of energy both upwards and downwards; if it were as warm as the brightness temperature of the OLR then it would emit twice what it absorbs and thus cool.
When people understand the GHE from this greenhouse or car analogy and from such simple images, then it becomes very easy to understand that adding more GHGs to the atmosphere will increase the global warming.
Alternatively, if a deepening of the subtropical gyres gives rise to an increase in the heat stored in this water mass, with a corresponding non-zero trend in the surface heat flux; then I should think that a restoration towards conditions of the past must somehow give rise to a delayed warming of the atmosphere (if the surplus is not somehow lost to space).
The implication is that when you dump more GHG in the atmosphere but don't give the ocean time to warm up, then the atmosphere needs to warm up until the sum of the energy lost to space and the energy lost to the ocean surface comes back into balance.
Almost immediately (nanoseconds) they relax from their excited state by either 1) emitting that energy as a new photon, some of which will continue up towards space, some of which will go back downward to be reabsorbed, thus keeping the energy in the atmosphere longer, or 2) by colliding with another gas molecule, most likely an O2 (oxygen) or N2 (nitrogen) molecule since they make up over 98 % of the atmosphere, thereby converting the extra vibrational energy into kinetic energy by transferring it to the other gas molecule, which will then collide with other molecules, and so on, making the air warmer.
If the air in the boundary layer is warming and the statosphere is cooling so that the total heat in the atmosphere stays the same, then that is no comfort for us who are living on the surface!
The surface waters of the tropical Atlantic are then transported, via the Gulf Stream, towards the high latitudes where they warm the atmosphere before plunging into the abysses in the convection zones situated in the seas of Norway, Greenland and Labrador.
If in exceeds out and the diffential MUST exist from top to bottom of the atmosphere, then before the hotter air can migrate to the deep ocean, the daily temerature cycling will force the hotter air at the bottom into an overall equlibrium ie hotter air will rise — or more correctly since GHGs have heated the air up more at the bottom, then the sun induced daily warming will add more heat to the top, & less at the bottom to force the equilibrium — ie effectively hot air rising even if not in actuality.
If I am right, then correct processing of the data used in Forest 2006 would lead to the conclusion that equilibrium climate sensitivity (to a doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere) is close to 1 °C, not 3 °C, implying that likely future warming has been grossly overestimated by the IPCC.
IF carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels only stayed in the atmosphere a few years, say five years, then there may not be quite the urgency currently associated with anthropogenic global warming.
I also think that if one wishes to prove that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the cause of global warming then the focus of temperature measurement should be upon those few feet between the Earth's surface and the measuring instruments employed on land for measuring that temperature.
If the med - evil warming period was warmer than the present, without the presence of elevated anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere, then their «CO2 as poison» theory dies on the vine.
But you claimed that if the atmosphere contained more CO2 then the ground would radiate less energy and therefore warm.
And then the trees grown to absorb carbon would have to be stored deep underground, to prevent the carbon returning to the atmosphere to accelerate global warming rather than limit it.
5) A warming effect in the atmosphere arises because between coming in and going out the radiant energy is «processed» by the molecules in the atmosphere into heat energy and then back again, often many times for a single parcel of radiant energy, the number of times being directly proportionate to the density of the atmosphere.
If that increase is evenly distributed then the surface will only be 0.2 C warmer than today and if the ocean surface is only 0.2 C warmer then it can not warm the atmosphere more than 0.2 C.
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