Sentences with phrase «theological analysis»

It is an indispensable element in theological analysis; but metaphysics is not the interpretation of the faith of the Christian community.
This chapter functions as a bridge from the life stories to the extensive theological analysis in the latter part of the book.
But stated thus for theological analysis, the concept still lacks concreteness.
To elaborate a feminist theological analysis with women who brought to this discourse quite different religious experiences and institutional analyses proved crucial for articulating the theological paradigm shift in which we were engaged.
Theologian Juan Sepúlveda considers the results of these studies and provides an interesting theological analysis in his article, «The Growth of the Pentecostal Movement in Latin America.»
The last two chapters turn from theological analysis and biblical study to the relations of these to the individual Christian and to the message and the service of the churches in the present world.
Part history, part theological analysis, part sociology, part ethnographic study, Blessed explores how this movement came to be, analyzes its central teachings, traces its networks, and notes its appeal.
My vocation from God has not been to be a scholar, or to enjoy the time and library researches for deep theological analysis and reflection.
By giving creative writing a much more central place in the curriculum, Catholic educators would be responding to authentic theological analyses of the arts while simultaneously demonstrating that bringing Catholic culture back into the schoolcurriculum does not mean indoctrination or the abandonment of thought and choice.
His book offers a musical, historical, and theological analysis of Bach's major vocal works: the Magnificat; the Christmas, Easter, and Ascension Oratorios; the St. John and St. Matthew Passions; and the B minor Mass..
Because Judaism and Christianity have been in such constant historical contact, theological analysis of that relationship must begin to reconstruct its complex past.
Niebuhr delivered his gifts» theological analyses of social problems» with unsurpassable sincerity, but wrapped tightly in irony.
Embodying Forgiveness: A Theological Analysis By L. Gregory Jones Eerdmans, 312 pages, $ 28 Jones teaches at Loyola College in Maryland, and here offers a bracing polemic against and constructive alternative to «the therapeutic society,» as Philip Rieff famously called it.
In view of this theological analysis of the implications that Christ's ascension has for Eucharistic theology, I must admit that it is not clear to me why Farrow still insists on using the unhelpful language of transubstantiation for the Eucharist.
This is shown, for example, by a theological analysis of the structure of the Old Covenant.
This has dissolved emotional obstacles that were far more formidable than any theological analysis anyway.
A historical and theological analysis of one or the other of these emphases shows each to be wanting as an adequate expression of the ministry.9 In the measure to which these are used to focus ministry in turn or together, the result has proved to be unresolvable conflict within a congregation or a denomination10 In the pluralistic churches of today, both emphases are always present to some extent, so that the ideal ministry attempts some balance between the two.
It must be true to what we believe about God; yet it must quicken the emotions rather than give information or theological analysis.
These judgments need to be informed by a theological analysis of the present moment, as well as biblical principles for public life.
Though he does not provide such supporting historical and theological analysis, Barr hints that he would find such a position acceptable.
In order to make a theological analysis of the text and the appropriateness of its world view to the gospel and to the situation of the congregation, it is important for the preacher to determine that world view and its social effects.
Theological analysis is proper within this framework of the appropriate logical mapping of phrases.
a theological analysis of the message.
Scholars distinguish among three kinds of work: literary criticism, historical reconstruction, and theological analysis.
While a theological analysis of other candidates would suggest many equally troubling assumptions of their evangelical followers, no candidate is more identified with the word evangelical as is Trump.
Finally, while I have refrained from discussing the Orthodox contribution to all of this, it has become clear to me that the theologically robust understanding of the Spirit's presence in the Divine Liturgy has been a constant stream that a number of theologians from Pentecostal, Anglican, and other traditions have drawn from in order to engage in a theological analysis of worship.
In this situation the theological analysis of Professor Paul Tillich took on special significance for the American context.
I am not overstating the case to say that theological analysis of media is an essential task for North American Christians today.
Theological analysis of this sort is not really so difficult.
It takes no theological analysis to discern the failure of language in these times.
In many cases, reviewers trained as modern biblical scholars have objected to what they take to be spurious typologies, unwarranted intrusions of Christological claims, and a general tendency to move from the biblical text to theological analysis.
The specific identity of women's oppression was not present in the sociological and theological analysis of the first writings of Liberation Theologians.
Every sociological analysis of mine is answered (not in the sense of replying, but in that of noting the other dialectical pole) by a biblical or theological analysis.
Minerbi offers no sustained argument for this viewpoint» indeed, he makes no theological analysis of Catholic doctrine» but simply presumes it as self - evident.
Throughout these chapters he returns to the stories he has told, showing the fruitfulness of his theological analysis.
Reinders has written a book of theological analysis, but he wants theology to make sense of our lives as we experience them.
What I would object to is if those contracts were drafted in a way that required that the court embark on a theological analysis to interpret the contract, or if those contracts reequired that a person perform some sort of religious ritual.
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