Sentences with phrase «theological education method»

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Much more work needs to be done to establish practical theology as procedure and as method before it can become more central to theological education.
Farley's work points in the right direction, but more work needs to be done to establish practical theology as procedure and as method before it can become the center of theological education.
When the question is one about the education of the ministry it will not do to ignore either the general — the theological — nor the particular — the educational — approach; the theologian as educator or the educator as theologian can not carry on his theological and his educational critiques separately and independently, nor can he reduce them to one inquiry with one method in the hope of gaining one single answer.
In this situation more than a hundred theological schools have agreed to examine themselves and the status of theological education in general, to raise immediate and ultimate questions about their purposes, their methods and their effectiveness in discharging their duties; to seek also ways of improving their own ministry.
The standard method of theological education — a method practiced in the public schools and on through the university — is one of attending a certain number of classes, drafting some papers and, at the end of the term or course, writing the answers to some questions in order to indicate comprehension of the materials covered.
The central positive moral about how best to address both issues of unity and issues of pluralism has repeatedly been this: Focus on the end of theological education, not on its methods or structure; conceptualize theological education teleologically and not functionally or formally.
Accordingly, course work in these subject matters in theological education can no longer be defined and organized as they have been by research agendas and methods of the relevant disciplinary specializations.
During the course of the last two or three generations the theological curriculum has been «enriched» — like vitamin - impregnated bread — by the addition of a long series of short courses in sociology and social problems, rural and urban sociology, the theory of religious education, educational psychology, methods of religious education, psychology of religion, psychology of personality, psychology of counseling, methods of pastoral counseling, theory of missions, history of missions, methods of evangelism, theory and practice of worship, public speaking, church administration, et cetera, et cetera.
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