Sentences with phrase «theological explanation»

A relational explanation is quite different from a typical theological explanation.
Man assimilates them into his transcendental I, and so they are unable to be objective in the full sense, hence are useless for theological explanation of the revelation in Christ... 17
And I suspect this explains why, in the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy, so many evangelical leaders responded like Job's friends, eager to offer theological explanations for what happened instead of simply sitting down in the ashes and weeping with their brothers and sisters.
I used to teach and write about the death of Jesus in this same way, and in fact, many of the posts and sermons which you can find on this blog will contain this exact sort of theological explanation about the death of Jesus.
And only arrogant fools respond to the pain of their neighbors the way that Job's friends responded to his — with elaborate theological explanations, blame, and calls for repentance.
Presuming familiarity with the HISTORICAL story in which these characters and their attempts at theological explanations of the plot line occurs you will recall it ended well.
And because they allow for many levels In the quest to understand the universe, they do not feel obliged to force theological explanation into what is more properly the sphere of purely scientific clarification.
Thus, in those cases where the person does not want a reaffirmation of the traditional symbols about life after death in his particular circumstances, the appropriate theological explanation is Whitehead's «objective immortality.»
Luther was drawing every kind of human being to himself from the ordinary layman needing counsel, to civil servants wanting advice, from the Elector himself wanting religious comfort and Spalatin requesting theological explanation, to the scholars and academics trying to keep up with his latest theological speculation, on that which lay at the heart of Society's Myth.
Thus the affirmation of a single deity containing three persons, the second of whom was the eternal person of «God the Son,» was a clear and consistent theological explanation of the divinity of Jesus in the framework of their philosophy.
I have what I think is a sound logical and theological explanation for these violent texts, which is discovered by looking at Jesus on the cross.
Part of the reason for this is that the typical theological explanation of death's meaning seems unsatisfactory, inadequate to the actual experience of death, artificial or forced in attempting to articulate a faith response to the question: What does it mean to die?
Cobb's theological explanation of religious vitality's decline draws on a recurring theme in his recent works: the need for lay theology and theological thinking as part of the everyday life of every congregation and every Christian.
The idea of god suffering offers no consolation for me, and I would have to include that sentiment in the little red dot of «our theological explanations».
However, the theoretical formulation of evolutionary theory would no longer systematically exclude a theological explanation.
For each of the five points, they provide a theological explanation for the point, and then «prove» it by citing numerous pages of Scriptural proof - texts, without ever attempting an explanation of any of those texts.
She identifies this as «mystical» experience, without elaborating any theological explanation of it.
While I'm not qualified to provide a theological explanation, I do believe my experiences can help shed light on the subject from a sociological perspective.
The theological explanation above makes it sound as if He wants both.
But I would like to (a) offer a theological explanation for why I believe more and more Christians, especially evangelicals, may well be attracted to Orthodoxy in the 21st century, and (b) explain why more and more Orthodox need to become more evangelical.
Clearly, this is not the outcome that our theological explanation of salvation desires.
And he does not use the tragedy as a chance to inflate the ranks of his own followers or give some theological explanation for the illness and death of Lazarus... What he does do is share in their grief.
All the theological explanations return in the end to faith and the truth of Our Lord's words.
So I made this easy chart to show how the more severe is the suffering the more stupid are the theological explanations... because the more profoundly incomprehensible the evil is the more profoundly far does the explanation must reach.
He dominates the will of human beings easily (and is the theological explanation for the life of Mary and other Saints).
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