Sentences with phrase «theological history»

Its publication was a truly important event in theological history in the United States.
What most commentators fail to realise is that our sense of common humanity with rights, responsibilities and liberties, has its roots precisely in the Christian West whose theological history they so vilify.
The Hebrew word «kapparah,» although usually translated as «atonement,» does not occupy exactly the same linguistic field as the English noun «atonement» — a word that has its own long theological history.
For under various rubrics the same clash has recurred throughout theological history, between Alexandria — my side — and Antioch, East and West, Lutheran and Reformed.
It is precisely the historicity of Jesus which has been dangerously obscured in Christian theological history — an obscuring which coincides, with anti-Semitism.
My general point is why we fiter that age thru a presupposed theology, rather than apply some consistent «historical methodology» to it and then infer a workable theology for our present age.That's what I meant by theological history trumping historical theology?
One can show that there are elements in theological history that preserve the kind of self - criticism that is needed.
I'm fond of saying,» We have a choice... theological history or historical theology»... and becuz I lean toward the latter, biblical anachronisms (belonging to another time) aren't on my wish list.
He outlines the theological history of that split, but he does not share with the reader the philosophical integration and synthesis that has been taking place since at least Etienne Gilson as a result of drawing out from the metaphysics of St. Thomas what is implicit in his writings.
J. Kittagawa, a colleague of Eliade, admits that a theological history of religions is legitimate and admissible but it should be kept distinct from the «humanistic» History of Religions, which develop sufficient understanding of classical forms of religious phenomena.
My point is that he doesn't exist, but the «theological history» contained in the Bible gives people who believe it license to do whatever it is that they want, and strips other believers of valid criticism of those actions.
I wonder, then, why most theologians have been so hesitant to enter into the next phase, the sociocritical phase, of theological history.
His plotline is amazing and his extent of research into scientific and theological history is amazing.
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