Sentences with phrase «theologically conservative evangelical»

Taylor's post was quickly tweeted by several prominent pastors, including John Piper and Mark Driscoll, connected to the Gospel Coalition, a coalition of theologically conservative evangelical churches, and a full - blown theological controversy was on.
Where Wright is a liberal mainline Protestant, emphasizing liberation and social action, Obama's new circle of pastors includes theologically conservative evangelicals like Hunter and Jakes, who stress God's grace and personal transformation.
The fact that many theologically conservative evangelicals are also aligned with political conservatism — a movement which has developed strong Zionist sympathies — has helped to reinforce the idea that the Jews have a natural right to dwell in Israel.

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In light of the last few weeks, the American conservative evangelical movement as a whole has been exposed as theologically thin in its doctrine and historically eccentric in its priorities.
In the case of the Emergent movement, I wonder if some of the additional cognitive dissonance comes from it moving away from Young Leaders, which (in my understanding) was primarily a group that was evangelical and relatively conservative theologically, and moving toward progressive Emergentism.
The revised constitution clarifies the theologically conservative and evangelical nature of TCF.
He's well known for being theologically Reformed and regularly preaches at the heartland of the conservative evangelical, the Keswick Convention.
That includes evangelicals (among whom he holds a 55 % to 2 % lead over Clinton); non-evangelical born again Christians (he has a 49 % to 31 % lead among them); those who attend a Protestant church (47 % to 32 % lead); adults who claim to have a biblical worldview (57 % to 30 % margin); people who believe that absolute moral truth exists (48 % to 37 % preference for Trump); and those who consider themselves to be theologically conservative (60 % for Trump, 28 % for Clinton).
Linguistically the word evangelical is rooted in the Greek word evangelion and refers to those who preach and practice the good news; historically the word refers to those renewing groups in the church which from time to time have called the church back to the evangel; theologically it refers to a commitment to classical theology as expressed in the Apostles» Creed; and sociologically the word is used of various contemporary groupings of culturally conditioned evangelicals (i.e., fundamentalist evangelicals, Reformed evangelicals, Anabaptist evangelicals, conservative evangelicals).
Henry rejected liberal versions of the social gospel which tended to be all social and no gospel, but he appealed to an earlier evangelical consensus of cultural engagement that included the work of William Wilberforce in campaigning for the abolition of the slave trade in England, the revivalist impulses of Charles G. Finney against slavery in this country, as well as evangelical concerns for suffrage, temperance, child labor laws, fair wages for workers, and many other progressive issues to which many theologically conservative Christians were once committed» before what David Moberg has called «the great reversal,» an evangelical withdrawal from such concerns.
Whitaker House is a charismatic, theologically conservative, evangelical Christian publishing house in Pennsylvania
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