Sentences with phrase «theology is in error»

I wouldn't say your theology is in error.

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it is so easy for even a first year theology students to show all the errors of reasoning and the straw men in most of the author's statements.
You are right, Calvinists do have tremendous flaws in their theology but then so do we all and I have found through the years that it does not help to point out peoples flaws or errors as some are just downright unteachable and others are extremely zealous for what they know.
Those who error in theology need gentle correcting, but if they refuse sound doctrinal correcting then they are to be marked and removed from fellowship until they repent.
In my judgment this is the error of a great many of the exponents of what is nowadays known as «biblical theology
Once again: Considering the flaws and errors in the theology and history of all religions, all priests, rabbis, imams, preachers and evangelicals should be given «pink slips».
Brother Myers, is my theology in error or pretty much biblical.
In February the Jesuit theologian Roger Haight, former professor at Weston Jesuit School of Theology in Cambridge, Massachusetts, received notification that the Vatican had found «serious doctrinal errors» in his 1999 book Jesus: Symbol of God (Orbis) and that he was forbidden to teach as a Catholic theologiaIn February the Jesuit theologian Roger Haight, former professor at Weston Jesuit School of Theology in Cambridge, Massachusetts, received notification that the Vatican had found «serious doctrinal errors» in his 1999 book Jesus: Symbol of God (Orbis) and that he was forbidden to teach as a Catholic theologiain Cambridge, Massachusetts, received notification that the Vatican had found «serious doctrinal errors» in his 1999 book Jesus: Symbol of God (Orbis) and that he was forbidden to teach as a Catholic theologiain his 1999 book Jesus: Symbol of God (Orbis) and that he was forbidden to teach as a Catholic theologian.
There is in this age of science, besides the error, a vast amount of misdirected truth awaiting synthesis within the authentic thought in philosophy and in theology of the Catholic Church.
I am not interested in the narrow issue of who was to blame, but in suggesting to you that the present crisis of faith and life in the Church is not an incidental confusion, but the culmination of a long, slow crisis of truth and error in theology, perhaps the greatest since the rise of Arianism, and that we may no longer refuse to admit it, and to meet it.
Russian religious thought of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was also very sensitive about the crisis of classical philosophy; quite strong in the criticism of its errors, but aspiring to work out its own organic vision of the world, it was not inclined to unite science with philosophy and theology.
In the minds of men and in the Church, a revealed truth can be compatible with an error in secular matters, as can be seen from the very fact that the Church declares contrary theories in theology to be equally «safe», that is to say, without danger to RevelatioIn the minds of men and in the Church, a revealed truth can be compatible with an error in secular matters, as can be seen from the very fact that the Church declares contrary theories in theology to be equally «safe», that is to say, without danger to Revelatioin the Church, a revealed truth can be compatible with an error in secular matters, as can be seen from the very fact that the Church declares contrary theories in theology to be equally «safe», that is to say, without danger to Revelatioin secular matters, as can be seen from the very fact that the Church declares contrary theories in theology to be equally «safe», that is to say, without danger to Revelatioin theology to be equally «safe», that is to say, without danger to Revelation.
That error always appears in Christian theology when the doctrine of original sin is not very carefully stated.
That speech somehow shifted into a diatribe against various translations for «errors», which might be defined as things in various translations that did not agree with his theology.
It is an error to blame theology for the powerlessness of the traditional pulpit language; we preach in a radically changed situation.
To give him credit, his theology sounded fairly orthodox at this point, with no sign of the doctrinal errors on the Trinity he's been accused of (he's previously preached that there are actually nine parts to the Trinity, as each person of the Godhead is in fact a trinity itself).
I'd agree, but add that it takes faith and humility, and the resulting spiritual experience, to understand not only scripture and theology but also all the human errors that have been made in presenting them.
In this respect Enns, an evangelical, is close to Catholic theology, expressed by Pius XII in Divino Afflante Spiritu: «Just as the substantial Word of God became like men in every respect except sin, so too the words of God, expressed in human languages, became like human language in every respect except error.&raquIn this respect Enns, an evangelical, is close to Catholic theology, expressed by Pius XII in Divino Afflante Spiritu: «Just as the substantial Word of God became like men in every respect except sin, so too the words of God, expressed in human languages, became like human language in every respect except error.&raquin Divino Afflante Spiritu: «Just as the substantial Word of God became like men in every respect except sin, so too the words of God, expressed in human languages, became like human language in every respect except error.&raquin every respect except sin, so too the words of God, expressed in human languages, became like human language in every respect except error.&raquin human languages, became like human language in every respect except error.&raquin every respect except error
Later, in his book Radical Imperative: From Social Ethics to Theology, Bennett confessed his mistakes, and came to see that his view of American foreign policy in the 1940s and 1950s, a view that took American policies as manifestations and realizations of the kingdom of God, was gravely in error.
I'm just suggesting you accept that human nature and error have played at least some part not just in other religions, but in Christian theology and scripture as well.
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