Sentences with phrase «theoretical discourse»

It is an international network, highlighting both practical and theoretical discourse through reviews, interviews, essays and profiles on artist - centered spaces and projects.
In this way the artist not only questions the critique of theoretical discourse as a means of interpreting art in general, but his position within that framework of discussion as well.
Provides a thorough theoretical discourse on the causes and consequences of psychological and attachment difficulties for children in care
From ideas of acceleration, to the iconography of the liberation, to the dream of the open road, the American death drive of the automotive pervades the visual economy and theoretical discourse for artists from William Eggleston to Andy Warhol, John Baldessari to Rob Pruitt, Dennis Hopper to Jonathan Monk — all to be included in this groundbreaking exhibition.
Kundu, AMIT and Talukdar, SANJIB (2014): Impact of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Program on Rural Poor - A Simple Theoretical Discourse.
In his 1991 «Dialogue» series of installations, Los Angeles — based artist Mike Kelley hilariously animated the same idea by placing rag dolls on the gallery floor under an afghan, where they engaged in a weighty, art - theoretical discourse on, for example, the subject of «19th - Century White.»
Since its inception in 2009, the course has been recognized as a platform for open discussions on curatorial practices and theoretical discourses of contemporary art with special emphasis on the strategic and aesthetic approaches of biennales.
When talking about human rights, we often focus on all the theoretical discourse contained in diverse conventions and resolutions, but we tend to disregard the practical consequences, especially applied and developed by NGOs worldwide.
Questions of who and what qualifies as a person have become increasingly contentious as the agency of all beings — from nonhuman animals to corporations, and from ecosystems to artificial intelligence — has fractured legal and theoretical discourse.
Like other artists to follow, later in the «80s and «90s when identity politics became much more of a hotbed of theoretical discourse, Hershman Leeson understood and demonstrated early on the referential, collaged, easily established, and then re-established ways in which identities form and dissipate again and again.
Hammond moves from the mainstream art world to alternative venues, weaving a compelling narrative complete with critical and theoretical discourse.
Gijs Frieling describes in the Practice section his curatorial approach at Amsterdam's W139: refraining from pressuring artists to produce art and explain themselves in the theoretical discourse.
Read about the aesthetic and theoretical discourses that outline the Realism art movement
David Court's work lacks a stable or reliable methodology, operating instead through responsiveness — to architectural contexts, curatorial frameworks, institutional protocols, and theoretical discourse.
However, the radicalism of Aesthetics of Repair lies not so much in the exhibited artworks as in the show's theoretical discourse and in the accompanying catalog of the same title.
The themes of xenophobia, consumerism, military conflicts and gender seem to be dominating through their practices, so it can be said that Rosler and Steyerl tend to disseminate a different kind of visual and theoretical discourse in order to penetrate and dissect our social reality, and furthermore to challenge and disrupt existing political and ideological hegemony.
Dongtan's plan and concepts have in fact raised the bar in the theoretical discourse about ecocity planning, and have influenced plans for other new eco-developments that are currently being built.
Early chapters provide context in a theoretical discourse on the causes and consequences of psychological and attachment difficulties for children in care, including a discussion of maltreatment and foster care.
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