Sentences with phrase «theoretical research»

Do you believe it would be valuable to gain the experimental experience which I can not get away from, and then switch to theoretical research in the future.
Students researching schools can also focus on theoretical research, where they read research archives, published academic journals and other sources to device their own theories about learning, teaching and leadership.
Every year, it welcomes some 190 talented scientists to come do theoretical research for a few years without the distraction of teaching obligations or mundane issues like housing.
Do you worry about the public's willingness to support such purely theoretical research?
We conduct empirical ethics research, such as surveys of people's perceptions of neural technologies, and we conduct theoretical research that explores the social and ethical implications of neural technologies.
In the final part of the work, the author deals with the nature, the dynamics and the phases of relation between knowledge gained through theoretical research and its application in practical work.
However, many governments have developed risk - taking research and development organizations to take basic theoretical research over the edge into practical engineering.
There has been increased interest in experimental, computational and theoretical research in this complex field due to exciting new potential applications in treating diseases, such as cancer.
The centre is organized combining experimental research mainly at Aarhus University and Radboud University in Nijmegen with theoretical research at Nordita in Stockholm and in the US.
Previous experimental and theoretical research suggested that Si - III was a poorly conducting metal without a band gap, but no research team had been able to produce a pure and large enough sample to be sure.
Funding: NMP is supported by «Metrology on a Cellular and Macromolecular Scale for Regenerative Medicine» - Metregen (2009 — 2012), supporting theoretical research for scaffold design.
IFAE conducts experimental and theoretical research at the frontier of of fundamental physics, namely in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology.
However, within the geoengineering Google discussion group, where even CIW's renowned climate scientist Ken Caldeira joins in to make sense of the news, the statement is considered broad, raising concerns over possible limitations into theoretical research studies.
While theoretical research concerns itself principally with observing domain wall velocity and its correlation with oscillations in the spin structure, the results obtained also have important implications for applied research.
Many game theoretical researches have searched for such norms that cooperation is not directed toward the bad, under the assumption that at most a few norms are shared among people.
«Clarifying the mechanism for suppressing turbulence through ion mass: Theoretical research develops significantly towards improved performance in fusion plasmas.»
As it turns out, despite the initial skepticism about the importance of gene flow, modern empirical and theoretical research using up - to - date molecular and DNA techniques have shown us not only how surprisingly far the flow of genes between distant plant populations can be, but also that the flow of alleles among populations is just as important, if not more so in some cases, as natural selection.
Planets rich in carbon, including so - called diamond planets, may lack oceans, according to NASA - funded theoretical research.
The work of Henn's theoretical research team is part of the Precision Physics, Fundamental Interactions and Structure of Matter (PRISMA) Cluster of Excellence at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, which receives funding through the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments.
These efforts include broadly based observing programs, frequently at different wavelength bands, challenging theoretical research, and ongoing development of instrumentation to benefit from advances in new technologies, instrument design, and computational power.
Theoretical research tends to use math — usually performed by computers — to predict how or what will occur for some specified series of conditions.
-- New theoretical research explains the forces that keep Saturn's rings from spreading out and dispersing.
The technological and experimental part of this project will be accompanied by the complimentary advanced theoretical research utilising modern theoretical, computational and modelling methods accomplished with high performance computing techniques.
tells us how theoretical research and film scholarship has demystified the romantic conception of the artist as an endowed being and challenged auteur theory's far - flung claims.
Predicated on thorough theoretical research and a deep investigation into archival material, Thomas's conceptual process relies substantially on the collection of both the iconic and the transient in literary and photographic relics of mass culture.
Catherine Sullivan, a Chicago - based artist who works primarily with video and performance, gives us an example of artistic practice rooted in the more familiar academic territory of historical and traditional theoretical research.
Dynamical physical oceanography focuses primarily upon the processes that govern the motion of fluids with emphasis upon theoretical research and numerical models.
The simulations indicate that future theoretical research needs to focus on interface rules, whereby the cloud layer is coupled to the subcloud layer below and the free atmosphere above.
Sometimes, in the course of my more theoretical research, we may come across a discrete doctrinal issue and consider writing on that topic.
Thorne has carried out a wide range of theoretical research in gravitation and astrophysics, including having predicted the existence of a type of red supergiant star with a neutron star core, and using general relativity to describe how black holes move and precess.
This version is a remarkable solution which incorporates all the vital components required for empirical as well as theoretical research in econometrics, applied economics, and time series analysis.
Participating in industry - relevant projects, which may be more advantageous from a career advancement point of view than purely theoretical research
The Sui Jianguo Foundation was officially established in 2016 with the mission of establishing a comprehensive system for collection and scholarship on the artist, while also supporting theoretical research and education in sculpture, making for a foundation with an international vision firmly rooted in China.
The institute was sited in New York on the premise that conducting theoretical research in the space sciences would be facilitated by being near the leading universities in the greater metropolitan area.
Leonhardt says he saw neither the application nor the budget estimate until his lawyers procured them and that he assumed the entire grant would focus on theoretical research.
You need to stick to your research and business plan Rather than getting bogged down by pages and pages of theoretical research and statistics, Rubin encourages entrepreneurs to go out and prove instead that «five people will buy what you want to make.»
When Helmholz discovered the eye - mirror a century ago, he was pursuing no practical medical purpose but only a theoretical research purpose.
«The beauty of theoretical research is that it can make predictions.
Fortunately, several effective computational models have been developed; most serious, mathematically inclined players find their optimal balance through a mix of theoretical research and practical, hands - on experience.
The survey coincides with a shift in ecology away from teaching and research rooted in natural history and toward modeling, laboratory and theoretical research, which tend to attract more grant funding and publications in higher - impact academic journals.
This work was done by the theoretical research group of Long - Qing Chen, Donald W. Hamer Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, professor of engineering science and mechanics, and mathematics, Penn State.
She would advise young chemists who think of going into materials science to consider carefully the research group to which they apply for their Ph.D. «You should definitely not choose a theoretical research topic,» she says, to show that experience in applicative chemistry research gives you a head start in materials science, «and it helps if your professor is known in the field.»
Some theoretical research suggested that at the pressures and temperatures found in the depths where this quake happened, ruptures could only occur within zones about 6 miles (10 km) thick, said study lead author Shengji Wei, a seismologist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
Yamamoto says, «This is a surprising finding since all the theoretical researches so far are based on individualism.
This division includes a Condensed Matter Physics program for experimental and theoretical research in materials science that includes superconductivity as an area of interest.
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