Sentences with phrase «theories on abstract paintings»

Significant writing projects, both published in 1937, were the essay «Primitive Art and Picasso» in the Magazine of Art, and the book System and Dialectics of Art, which outlined his theories on abstract paintings and provided an international context for American Art for the first time.

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Panel II: Digital Abstraction This panel will hone in on abstract painting influenced by digital imaging techniques, digital technologies, and new / post media theory.
When Tom Wolfe called his polemic on modern art The Painted Word, he was thinking not of artists» books, but of post-1945 abstract expressionism and its enshrinement of theory and text.
Although Josef Albers» influence on color theory is pervasive, CMYK reveals that artists continue to experiment and explore the infinite possibilities of mixing pigments based on cyan, magenta, yellow and black (K), illustrating that the future for abstract painting is as vast as its past.
Dashper's work focuses on the histories, theories and more general or popular ideas of abstraction (in particular abstract painting), conceptualism and minimalism as a working methodology.
This display will also demonstrate development of Josef's work in the years that precede the «Homage to the Square» paintings, which had such a huge influence on abstract painting and colour theory.
The modernist abstract tradition where the words «big» and «abstract» belong together has clear resonance with Morris» work, yet in these little paintings she almost turns the theory of colour - field abstraction on its head.»
Bobrow's abstract and modernist grid paintings intersect Koolhaas's theories with art critic Rosalind Kraus's interpretations of grid; they are in agreement on the grid's effect of anti-humanist rigidity and as a myth, (New York, the utopia), or mythological symbol (a Greek cross).
His books include Scene jezika [Scenes of language](Belgrade, 1989), Pas Tout (Buffalo, 1994), Prolegomena za analitičku estetiku [Prolegomena for analytical aesthetics](Novi Sad, 1995), Postmoderna [Postmodernism](Belgrade, 1995), Asimetrični drugi [The asymmetrical other](Novi Sad, 1996), Estetika apstraktnog slikarstva [Aesthetics of abstract painting](Belgrade, 1998), Pojmovnik moderne i postmoderne likovne umetnosti i teorije posle 1950 [Glossary of modern and post-modern visual arts and theory after 1950](Belgrade and Novi Sad, 1999), Paragrami tela / figure [Paragrams of body / figure](Belgrade, 2001), Anatomija angelova [Anatomy of angels](Ljubljana, 2001), Figura, askeza in perverzija [Figure, asceticism and perversion](Koper, 2001), Martek — Fatalne figure umjetnika: Eseji o umjetnosti i kulturi XX stoljeća u Jugoistočnoj, Istočnoj i Srednjoj Europi kroz djelovanje umjetnika Vlade Marteka [Martek — Fatal figures of the artist: essays on 20th - century art and culture in South - Eastern, Eastern and Central Europe through the work of Vlado Martek](Zagreb, 2002), Impossible Histories — Historical Avant - gardes, Neo-avant-gardes, and Post-avant-gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918 — 1991 (Cambridge Mass, 2003), Politike slikarstva [The politics of painting](Koper, 2004), Pojmovnik suvremene umjetnosti [Glossary of contemporary art](Zagreb and Ghent, 2005), Konceptualna umetnost [Conceptual art](Novi Sad, 2007), Epistemology of Art (Belgrade, 2008) etc..
Inspired by Freud's theories of the subconscious, surrealist artists like Andre Breton (1896 - 1966), Andre Masson (1896 - 1987) and Joan Miro (1893 - 1983) were convinced users of this type of involuntary, spontaneous painting, all of which had a significant impact on later abstract expressionists.
In the 1940s she moved to New York and studied with Hans Hoffmann; she influenced fellow Hoffmann students (Jane Freilicher, Larry Rivers, Robert de Niro, Sr., and others) to revive representational painting from a perspective informed by Hoffmann's theories on abstract art.
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