Sentences with phrase «theories suggest the link»

Other theories suggest the link between teething and viral infections, as teething toddlers often put their hands and foreign objects into their mouths.

Not exact matches

Once you have digested the theory behind link building and the suggested ways of assessing what type of link assets you have and need, the next step is to make use of the tools and templates provided with the book to help get you started with your campaigns.
World - system theory has emerged over the past fifteen years as leading contender with modernization theory.6 As the name suggests, world - system theory emphasizes the larger set of social, economic, and political relations that link societies together.
It also suggests possible relationships between some of the terms of the theory and some observation terms; these correlations linking theory and observation are called «rules of correspondence».
In the context of Darwin's theories of evolution, the bones were re-examined by anatomist William King, who promptly named them Homo neanderthalensis, a name that provocatively (and incorrectly) suggested they were the missing link between apes and humans.
One theory, proposed in the 1990s, suggests that ball lightning is a plasma held together by magnetic fields arranged in rings that link together into a knot.
Prevailing theory suggests that pain and itch are linked in the nervous system.
Current theory holds that the similar production rates for these two molecules suggest a direct link between them.
Though the studies haven't found any statistical link between gynecomastia and male breast cancer, the theory would suggest gynecomastia can increase your chances of getting breast cancer.
Every theory about how people discover content in the digital age — from Chris Anderson's long tail, to the stunning success of Netflix and Amazon's recommendation engines, to the power of aggregators like Reddit — suggests that the links between ordinary people are very important.
The authors do however seem to have a strong empirical case to suggest La Niñas and flu pandemics may be linked — and they have a theory.
Dear Nir Shaviv, I would be glad to receive your comment about the recent paper from Andrew C. Overholt et al 2009 ApJ 705 L101 - L103 doi: 10.1088 / 0004 - 637X / 705 / 2 / L101 TESTING THE LINK BETWEEN TERRESTRIAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND GALA Does it mean - the spiral arm mechanism you suggest does nt fit - can some other mechanism explain your measurements and hypothesis - does this have an impact on the cosmic ray climate theory or not If we talk about the paradox of the faint young sun, imho its still an issue that any mechanism solving the problem of the major ice ages occuring each 140 million years in the last billion, does nt work for the first 3 billion years.
Suggest that you read the linked article first, then modify you r boiler plate defence of the warmist theory in light of what has been presented, not om what you think may have been shown.
From racist pseudoscientific theories that suggested we were the missing link between apes and humans to the notion that we were a retrogressed or dying race.
Media richness theory (Walther, 2011) may in turn suggest that Skype predicted relationship satisfaction due to its sizeable link with communication satisfaction.
The Dyadic Model of Alcohol Use and Marital Quality among Older Couples also incorporates gender role theory, which suggests that men and women have distinct roles and that women's identities are more linked to nurturance and relationships (Bernard, 1972).
Different patterns of emotional reactivity characterize proactive and reactive functions of aggressive behavior, and theory also suggests a link of both types with narcissism.
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