Sentences with phrase «theory of climate»

«Every month, dozens, if not hundreds, of papers are published that are in agreement with the mainstream theory of climate science,» he said.
To me, the real story here is that, every month, dozens if not hundreds of papers are published that are in agreement with the mainstream theory of climate science.
You are not alone in thinking that the statistical evidence for theories of climate science is weak.
That is kids play compared to the necessary first step in finding a coherent theory of climate: admitting that you haven't already got one.
I suggest that what should be taught is the consensus theory of the climate.
At times even good journalists would report some half - baked theory of climate change advocated by someone with a Ph.D..
It's not like there is any other credible theory of climate.
Well the modern theory of climate is not single factor and this case it predicts cooling because of ozone depletion.
This is not an existential threat to the mainstream theory of climate.
Scholar James Fleming writes flatly that «Callendar established the CO2 theory of climate change in its recognizably modern form.»
Neither Lewandowski nor Mann evidently realize that there's no falsifiable theory of climate, either, and so there are no grounds for strong reasons to expect anything there, also either.
«The Greenhouse Theory of Climate Change: A Test by Inadvertent Global Experiment.»
In regards to post number 2 — there is an electrics theory of climate.
In comparison, we do nt have an alternative and simple theory of climate change that can explain the pause, and be consistent with a pause, and «also» explain the 50 years of warming, and the specific characteristics of the warming, sea level rise, and numerous other data.
I am sure many find Spencer's theory of climate as compelling as his theory of origins.
BTW, the LOD has also been identified by Judith Curry as one of the «Stadium Wave» proxies in her own theory of climate variability.
It would be more constructive to concentrate on showing a causal link and proof of specific theories of climate science to establish some basic knowns.
As a youth I participated in many of my father's experiments, observing first - hand the benefits of atmospheric CO2 on plant life and the manifold problems with the model - based theory of climate change, all of which events occurred long, long before James Hansen stood in front of the U.S. Senate and brought the CO2 debate to the eyes of the public in 1988.
Some articles mentioned the possibility of a CO2 greenhouse effect, but they only listed it along with more widely accepted theories of climate change — erratic volcanoes, solar variations, and so forth.
A new report from Japan's Energy Commission reveals that Japanese scientists are rejecting U.N. and Western - backed theories of climate change.
I have heard of a maximum entropy production theory of climate before.

Phrases with «theory of climate»

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