Sentences with phrase «therapeutic ketogenic diet»

Sorry I know this question is off topic but I am currently reading your book and i am still not sure whether therapeutic ketogenic diets for neurological conditions are something that needs to be maintained indefinitely or the person can return to your standard PHD diet when symptoms improve?
In contrast, therapeutic ketogenic diets used for epilepsy or as experimental cancer therapy often restrict carbs to fewer than 5 % of calories or fewer than 15 grams per day to further drive up ketone levels (9, 10).
This is usually the reason recreational keto dieters say they can be high protein, which either ends up looking like PSMF or it's probably not very ketogenic (which doesn't really matter in this #context; protein is restricted in therapeutic ketogenic diets).
A therapeutic Ketogenic diet begins, most of the time, with a fast.
follows 30 children with significant autistic symptoms as they adapt to a therapeutic ketogenic diet.
Another study published in the Journal of Child Neurology follows 30 children with significant autistic symptoms as they adapt to a therapeutic ketogenic diet.
I provide clinical support and practical help to people following a low carb lifestyle, as well as to those who have been prescribed a low carb or ketogenic diet for therapeutic reasons or who have chosen to adopt a therapeutic ketogenic diet.
We recently started our son on a therapeutic ketogenic diet to aid in seizure control.
If you're using MCT - based products to support a therapeutic ketogenic diet for cancer (or similar), this version of PF probably isn't for you.
Based on the above reasoning, for carbohydrates, our estimated plateau range is from 10 % of energy on the low end (which we recommend for therapeutic ketogenic diets) to 30 % on the high end (a «moderate carb» diet in which all the body's glucose needs are met from diet).
If you require a therapeutic ketogenic diet (i.e. for the treatment of cancer, epilepsy, Alzheimer's, dementia or Parkinson), then you will need to maintain a very low insulin load, which typically means consuming more fat and even reducing your protein intake.
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