Sentences with phrase «therapy dog candidate»

A good therapy dog candidate is one that is laid back, feels relaxed around new people — adults and kids alike — and that can achieve a fairly rigorous level of training.
An ideal therapy dog candidate loves nothing more than socializing, and sharing quality time with people (of all ages, genders, ethnicities, sizes, shapes and colors).
Before even entering an AAT training program, the therapy dog candidate must be friendly and non-aggressive.
Therapy dog candidates must possess certain traits in order to qualify.
These organizations have similar requirements for therapy dog candidates: be friendly with other dogs (several therapy dogs may be present during visitations at the same facilities), be at least 1 year old, have lived with the owner for at least 6 months, consistently perform basic obedience skills, remain calm when being handled (petted, grabbed, hugged, etc.) by different people, and tolerate the sights, smells sounds, and equipment found in nursing home and hospital settings (wheelchairs, walkers, I - V poles, etc.).

Not exact matches

If the person is very infirm or impaired, they may be a candidate for an assistance or therapy dog to help them function or interact.
«Good candidates for stem cell therapy are older dogs who are not responding well to medical therapy, like antiinflammatory medications, any longer, or dogs that surgery will not help.
The nature of the greyhound does make them candidates as therapy dogs, especially for hospital and nursing home visits.
Assist in the placement of candidate dogs who do not pass the final criteria for service or therapy work
It's important to first state that not all dogs are good candidates to be therapy dogs.
There is no age or breed requirement and a positive puppy temperament test and good health may make a good a good candidate to be a therapy dog.
It is the Labrador's inherited attributes and the public's perception of the breed that has led them to be excellent candidates for assistance, seeing - eye dogs, therapy, support and scent detection.
Some trainers, behaviorists, owners, breeders and shelters use temperament testing as a way to assess the temperament of an individual dog as a candidate for adoption, therapy or assistance animal work, search and rescue, or other purposes.
The best candidates for stem cell therapy are dogs with arthritis or ligamentous injuries who:
He's a good reminder that no matter how much you love your dog, he or she may not be a candidate for therapy work, at least not now.
For dogs who are not good candidates for surgery or whose owners opt against it, traditional therapy involves a combination of weight control, moderate exercise, and anti-inflammatory medications.
This makes him a great candidate for competitive sports such as agility, flyball, and obedience, and they make great therapy dogs.
They are intelligent and highly trainable, which makes them great candidates for a variety of roles, ranging from specialized therapy and service dogs, to search and rescue, to sports and more.
Lucky would be an excellent candidate to become a certified therapy dog.
But Kermit's calm demeanor and «knack of knowing who to go to,» made him a perfect candidate for training to become a certified therapy dog for funeral services, reported the Austin Chronicle.
Although these breeds are more likely candidates for doing well as therapy dogs, that doesn't mean other breeds or even mixed - breeds aren't well - suited for the task.
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