Sentences with phrase «there by default»

In my opinion, if there is a camera in a device it should by there by default.
So, try to be precautious and backup everything that's not there by default.
You can of course use Samsung's own Health platform, which is there by default, but you can also install the Under Armour suite of apps consisting of UA Record, Map My Run, MyFitnessPal and Endomondo.
The Lotus Widget we saw on the Lenovo Ideaphone S890 isn't there by default, but can be added if you want.
We did, though like the customizable keyboard and its setup process, which walks you through handy options like adding a number row or the Google voice typing button (both of which, as far as we're concerned, should be there by default).
Go to the General Account Settings (it should go there by default).
its there by default
It's not something that's there by default, because they're rare enough that people choose their individual level of risk tolerance, but the coverage is certainly available and many people find that it's well worth having.
It's not something that's there by default, because they're rare enough that people choose their individual level of risk tolerance, but the coverage is certainly available and many people find that it's well worth having.
MOV MUST be there by default, especially in an ARM PC or tablet that can't install a reader for them.
Well, now he's there by default, and two goals in last week's cup game were the ideal way to announce his return.
I also have the belief that Wenger has given Gabriel a little bit of an extra holiday after being at the Copa America, so Mertesacker is pretty much in there by default.
«xhaka is there by default» my God!!
Kos, Mustafi, have become irrelevant, Xhaka is there by default, Bellerin has not progressed, and Welbeck and Wilshere are not good enough.
Let Mourinho not brag he is there by default and I can see Man city displacing him from there.
Thus, index investors are allocating capital there by default.

Not exact matches

Remember though, if you default on a secured loan then the assets or asset class you used as a security could be seized by the creditor in a Court procedure that could also put your company out of business, so there is some element of risk to consider with asset - based financing.
The proposed regulation includes a rule modifying the payroll - deduction safe harbor to allow for an ERISA exemption for auto - enroll payroll - deduction IRAs offered by states as a default program where there is a requirement for an employer to have a plan.
With federal student loans, for example, there's a 270 - day default timeline that's set by law.
Apple hardware is generally more expensive so there's a cost premium Tell me more: No connected technology is 100 % privacy safe but Apple's hardware - focused business model means the company's devices are not engineered to try to harvest user data by default.
That is, the systems uses cellular networks by default, and when there is no signal, it switches to satellite - based transmission.
If Valeant does not file its Form 10 - K by March 30, 2016, there will be a default under the credit facility.
If there's not a single buyer that will take on both the assets and liabilities without the government assuming private default risk, Bear's assets should be put out for bid, Bear's bonds should go into default, and by the unfortunate reality of how equities work, Bear's shareholders shouldn't get $ 2 - they should get nothing.
Even bearing in mind Harold James» cataclysmic warning that democracies should not resolve a political impasse by defaulting to early elections, there seems to be no alternative in this case.
This is even more accentuated by the fact that in a number of US states, there is no recourse for the lender to other assets of the borrower in the event of default (this is not the case in Australia, as discussed below).
While overspeeding is tracked by default, you can ask your service provider to help make sure that your drivers are notified if they are approaching the speed limits, or if there are any road hazards up ahead.
Though there's no comprehensive data that show how often schools are taking graduates to court, defaults grew by 20 % from 2006 to 2011, up to $ 964 million.
Quite a few are going the way of Greece, quite a few more are in danger of doing so and quite a few of those that so far aren't are scrambling to avoid it by cutting back on social spending before there is a default crisis.
So, even strong atheists (those that believe there are no gods) have a far stronger case than any theist, by virtue of holding the default position.
Finally, in the «sadness» category, I am disheartened that there's an almost universal disparaging in this thread of those who happen to be published authors and / or speakers, as though this by default makes us The Man and incapable of basic human compassion.
but how you talk to someone whom you believe by default is going there is another thing.
There is by default a tug of war.
For every one who consciously disclaims accountability for his work, there are dozens who do so by default because of:
But to date, there is zero evidence that a creator was responsible for life on this planet, so by default, Hawking is correct that god did not create that either.
(For example, a Catholic diocese that has many employees, should not have to pay for stuff that is clearly against Catholic teachings... since, by default, everyone who works there is essentially required to be adhering to Catholic religious «rules»...)(*)(On the other hand — This really does give rise to some serious «slippery slope» possibilities... but I digress...)
I've done massage out of a Naturopath's office for 17 years, & one of our receptionists had Endometriosis — she commented that there's a STRONG link between candida & endo... & since getting that under control (which included being totally grain free, so GF by default!)
At least we do not have Ox to worry about, so by default there will be another player in.
Believe it or not, even if the Knicks were trapped in a sinkhole and disappeared into the earth, the Hawks fell through the time - space continuum and the Cavaliers didn't win another game, yet made the playoffs by default, there would still be three playoff teams in NBA history that had worse records.
The UFC is constantly fucking Tony and if he had a proper publicist, maybe there would have been more buzz and outrage that Tony was not the undisputed champion by default going into the Khabib fight, just like Aldo was deemed the undisputed champion going into the fight against Max.
Hardy was there, in his capacity as a journalist (and fan, at least by default?)
The fundamental issue comes down to this: are fathers to be considered by default in law as an alien and a potential threat to their children until vetted, or treated in the same way that mothers are — a parent and a benefit to their children until there is strong evidence to suggest otherwise?
When building a WordPress based CMS site for myself or someone else there are certain plugins that I install by default to make the blog software function as a full featured website.
The «it hurts but I'm glad my child has a nanny she loves» reaction; the moms who strategically hire au pairs only on one - year contracts which, by default, makes the mother the central attachment in the child's life; and then there are the moms who fire the nanny when the child would reach for her first.
But there's a difference between people who are willingly choosing to be alone and those who are alone by default — either because their spouse left and they're just trying to get by and raise their kids and having a love life just doesn't seem to fit into the equation, or because they can't find someone to love (and who'll love them back).
Does the fact that there is a form of parenting called Positive Parenting imply that AP and all other approaches to parenting are then by default negative?
(i.e. there governmental bond holdings, to make it possible to compare what they would lose by the government defaulting as compared to what they would gain by not being taxed to repay the debt over X years?
«That this House notes the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights in Hirst v the United Kingdom in which it held that there had been no substantive debate by members of the legislature on the continued justification for maintaining a general restriction on the right of prisoners to vote; acknowledges the treaty obligations of the UK; is of the opinion that legislative decisions of this nature should be a matter for democratically - elected lawmakers; and supports the current situation in which no prisoner is able to vote except those imprisoned for contempt, default or on remand.»
In the many safe Labour seats in the West, there is no risk in letting the Con in by default if you vote for the SNP and elsewhere the SNP are probably the incumbents or up against the LibDems.
Deans and associate deans have that power and, as Lakoski points out, are in charge by default if there is nobody else specifically assigned the task.
(ii) within such period as may be specified in the guarantee or related agreements, the Secretary shall pay to the holder of the guarantee, to the extent provided under subsection (a)(2), the unpaid interest on, and unpaid principal of the portion of guaranteed portion of the mortgage with respect to which the borrower has defaulted, unless the Secretary finds that there was no default by the borrower in the payment of interest or principal or that the default has been remedied.
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