Sentences with phrase «there feeling vulnerable»

Just sprawling and laying there feeling vulnerable and exposed.

Not exact matches

There have been lapses in this program, most notably last year when Facebook market research in Australia engaged in sentiment analysis of more than 6.4 million Australian youth, including 1.9 million high schoolers as young as 14 years old, to estimate when those children were at their most vulnerable, experiencing feelings of being «worthless» or a «failure» as part of research conducted for marketers.
I also think that, given that there is current, on - going litigation the call by some for mediation is at worst disingenuous and at best mis - guided as so much has to happen before I personally would feel comfortable sitting across from those that have hurt you and then make myself vulnerable to them once again.
Today in our multi-cultural world, in our interdependent economy, in an era with black holes, quantum physics, string theories and quarks, when we are told there is no time or space, we can feel very vulnerable.
My Name Is Toxic Shame I was there at your conception In the epinephrine of your mother's shame You felt me in the fluid of your mother's womb I came upon you before you could speak Before you understood Before you had any way of knowing I came upon you when you were learning to walk When you were unprotected and exposed When you were vulnerable and needy Before you had any boundaries MY NAME IS TOXIC SHAME I came upon you when you were magical Before you could know I was there I severed your soul I pierced you to the core I brought you feelings of being flawed and defective I brought you feelings of distrust, ugliness, stupidity, doubt
Speaking to Premier, Archbishop Angaelos said he is: «certainly concerned, there's a much greater police and security presence in the streets and around the churches... people shouldn't feel vulnerable when they're going to church.
While I was lying there (we really didn't speak to each other much), I was thinking about some people I've talked with recently who feel the very real risk of being more open and vulnerable.
At times it's made me feel uncomfortably vulnerable too, but I'm learning to see that as a passing feeling and instead just be grateful for the opportunities we have — I definitely believe that if you don't put yourself out there and challenge yourself to move out of your comfort zone everyday, you'll never get to where you want to be.
They are, though, vulnerable to capitulation, as rare as those occasions are at home, and if Arsenal can open up a big lead early on then there's room for exploitation we feel.
Hospitals aren't luxury resorts, nurses aren't servants and there will be a line, but I feel that it's important to be mindful of the fact that, even in the absence of complications or the need for intervention, birth can be a frightening, overwhelming and emotional experience, and is an extremely vulnerable time for many women.
At the very heart of the matter, «Lol» is what makes putting oneself out there, being vulnerable and talking about what the formal label «gifted» means feel like a battle for love lost.
It's also possible that there is no issue at all and you are simply feeling vulnerable as a new breastfeeder.
With all the concerns of plastics and infants being the most vulnerable, I felt there was a need for more options for parents who wanted to use glass.
«I think there is an appetite because people feel vulnerable, my constituents feel vulnerable,» said Sen. Brad Hoylman, who carries a similar measure along with fellow Democratic Sen. John Brooks.
The key there is allowing yourself in certain ways to feel vulnerable with your partner; helps build that closeness.
Dating is a tough situation that makes you vulnerable, and you always want to be looking and feeling your best when you're out there in the world.
Calling it a «vulnerable post,» she put her feelings out there.
Because there's a social stigma to these kinds of problems, I felt so vulnerable and misunderstood.
Sometimes I wonder what value there is in sharing such personal and challenging things about myself online, but then I remember a time I read a blog post or article by another woman that made me feel supported, understood and validated, and I strive to be authentic and vulnerable because I want to do that for others, too.
Putting myself «out there» for online dating, I had to accept that I may well have my feelings hurt, feel vulnerable, and i will probably make mistakes.
While being the first to say «I love you» is enough to make just about anyone feel vulnerable, there is nothing shameful about telling another person how you feel.
There are five levels of vulnerable language, and when we eventually access the final stage with a romantic partner, studies show that couples feel safe and extremely connected.
It made more sense that people over 50 would remain alone back before we had the technology that allows us to communicate with anyone from any location in the world without having to go out there and feel vulnerable or get into an awkward situation just because you wanted to meet someone.
I know many teachers may not feel safe being vulnerable to their administrator, but it's amazing what's possible when that trust is there.
As activists and as students, we recognize that beyond the political nuances of the recent executive orders on immigration, there are many students and families who feel incredibly vulnerable as they watch their government place bans against their countries.
At a time when the most vulnerable students are further victimized and made to feel even more marginal, Wayne Au and Melissa Bollow Tempel have compiled a document that should be read by anyone who thinks there is something fundamentally wrong with the current emphasis on testing over quality education.»
There is an eerie, apocalyptic feel to Romochka's situation, and the way he wavers between following his absent mother's advice (Don't talk to strangers... You die if you eat food out of smashed glass...) and doing what he needs to survive creates a vulnerable uncertainty in his character that is truly intriguing.
After reading through how much information is already out there, you might be feeling a bit scared and vulnerable.
Unfortunately for the cat, the cover on the box can cause her to feel vulnerable if she's worried that a companion cat may trap her in there.
Your kitty may feel that there's no escape route from such a vulnerable position.
If you feel particularly vulnerable or feel that you are having difficulty with the mourning cycle, do not be afraid to discuss this with your family doctor or your veterinarian; there is nothing abnormal about the reaction and it is amazing how helpful a little bit of counseling can be.
There's a huge array of choices, and it makes you feel powerful and dangerous, and yet still vulnerable as screwing up, usually by not quite judging a gap between enemies well enough, results in a hail of gunfire and a dead bat.
I also liked that there are times were you really feel vulnerable in some combat sequences and not just like some overpowered character who can kill everyone with ease.
Some days I feel there is a greater pressure when you have attained a certain stature that we can't be inquisitive, vulnerable, or be able to learn anymore.
This can feel scary to do, especially if the relationship feels tense or distant, because you are putting yourself «out there» — making yourself vulnerable.
There may be clubs at break times where they could go to feel less vulnerable.
Just like with traditional insurance, however, there may be times when we feel vulnerable and need to seek out supplemental assurances that everything will be just fine.
There are lots of good reasons to be transparent in our work with couples: it often helps them feel validated by normalizing their experiences and situations; it can also be highly affirming for clients to see the emotional impact on us when they risk being vulnerable with each other; and it can be a resource to the therapist when feeling momentarily lost or overwhelmed.
There are moments in all our lives when we feel overwhelmed and vulnerable by change.
f your partner escalates in anger, or withdraws in silence, there are vulnerable feelings are under this behavior.
We just don't like «messing up» and like anything creative we feel vulnerable when we put ourselves out there.
I admit that I do feel a bit vulnerable putting this out there.
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