Sentences with phrase «there kind of a point»

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But there comes a point where the founder has to start hiring specialists, says Daniel Lubetzky, the founder of KIND, during an interview at the Entrepreneur360 Conference in New York City.
No matter what kind of business you run, there are likely many points of contact where you can talk directly to buyers, such as through social - media channels, blogs and live events.
And they were kind of dropping the whole program at that time and I was early in the game there so I went out and at that time T.V. was starting to come in and a lot of TV series at that time just Highway Patrol and Men of West Point or Men of Annapolis, they had a couple of those.
«There was kind of a choke point for us last year.
The point is that there's a limited amount of time, energy, and capital in any company, and you should be using them to get the kind of business you really want.
But Baird and other analysts have pointed out that many international markets don't have the same kind of broadband penetration as the U.S. does, so Netflix may be less attractive to consumers there than it is at home.
My only point is that if, like the Fed, this is the model you've kind of got in your head, then there's another factor — another source of non-inflationary wage growth — that you should seriously consider.
«There's certain points where the cold just kind of gets you,» said combat medic Spc. Tyler Steane.
I think there is a broader point for all kinds of selection scenarios, including investing: its all about finding the right fishing holes.
Mark Whitmore: This is Mark Whitmore, I keep forgetting we have two Mark's on the line here, and Chris you absolutely interpreted what I was trying to say correctly, and kind of to follow up a little bit, I think one of the things that the other Mark pointed out is the issue of timing, and whereas the two prevailing investing paradigms out there seem to be this notion of efficient market theory which attempts to just buy and hold the market no matter what, completely price indifferent.
In his response, Austin made an interesting point: although there is certainly a distinction to be made between investments from private companies and SOEs, there is also one to be made between the different kinds of SOEs.
When some asshat like you, just sayin, HeavenSent, Bob, etc. make blanket statements and refuse to respond to corrections, criticisms, or valid points refuting those statements, then there is no point in bringing up any kind of argument.
kind of liked this post not every part of it — there was some points which i found a little off but all in all it was a nice read, thank you for the post!
He points to the crucial distinction between growth - inhibiting and growth - enabling religion: «There is no one without a religious need, need to have a frame of orientation and an object of devotion... The question is not religion or not but which kind of religion, whether it is one furthering man's [sic]
Experienced speakers know that there is no better way to make a point than to use an apt illustration, and a good story that fits the point is the most effective kind of illustration.
I'm slowly getting there, but my husband has high blood pressure... Point is there are all kinds of deprivations in life.
The whole point of my post was to say that many, many such phenomena are dismissed as being some mysterious but material event, when it is clear there is not only a violation of physical laws, but that some kind of intelligence is involve in the violation.
Hartshorne remarks that while «many theological and philosophical doctrines» of the traditional kind have asserted that «being divine means precisely, and above all, being wholly immune to suffering in any and every sense», yet in his judgement the insight of faith in Jesus as the Christ would rather point logically to the truth that «there must be suffering in God».
The entire passage reads, «In spite of the many kinds of love, which in Greek are designated as philia (friendship), eros (aspiration toward value), and epithymia (desire), in addition to agape, which is the creation of the Spirit, there is one point of identity in all these qualities of love, which justifies the translation of them all by «love»; and that identity is the «urge toward the reunion of the separated,» which is the inner dynamics of life.
There comes a point when those kinds of people don't just show up.
the belief on the existence of the devil was concieved by theologians of the past thousands of years, there was no other way of explaining the bad experiences of people in the past because we were not educated yet to the kind of what we have now, Why this happened because that was part of the learning process that God wants us to know, in pathrotheism, we are part of God, and He himself is evolving because He is the universe, We are now the conscious part of Him, our destiny in accordance to his will also be His destiny because it is His will.Although He prepared first all the material reality of the universe ahead of us, The experiences for us humans including the supernatural is just part of nirmal process for learning because its natural process, today we reach a point of not believing the practices of the past, but it does not mean its wrong, Just like a child, adults loved to tell mythical stories to them, because we knew children enjoys it as part of their learning process.
There are signs that some kind of consensus on this point is emerging out of the theological shambles of the past decade or so.
There is, however, a deeper level at which Whitehead does point toward a certain kind of unity.
Perhaps no question of this kind is ever permanently answered, but it is important to point out that there is a great body of evidence which suggests a negative answer to Meiklejohn's question.
The frequency with which these conditions or circumstances are in place is not to the point; what is to the point is only that there be some such conditions or circumstances, and that they be of the kind that (at least logically) may not be in place.
The point is not to be arbitrary about definitions, however, but rather to reveal the following theoretical issue: All three kinds of ideologies in Table have been called civil religions, but there are obvious differences among them.
But there are many who doubt the possibility of actualizing this kind of love and point to the self - deceit so often involved on the part of those who claim to do so.
Of course, there is a kind of «thought» involved in scholarship, but I beliee I can make an important point convincingly using this distinctioOf course, there is a kind of «thought» involved in scholarship, but I beliee I can make an important point convincingly using this distinctioof «thought» involved in scholarship, but I beliee I can make an important point convincingly using this distinction.
There is little of transformation here and nothing that points to any kind of project that can inspire or transform us.
It's kind of chilling when you begin to suspect that such things are explainable as perhaps inevitable consequences of being the kind of creatures that we are — that we might point to some part of the brain and say it resides there as nothing more than a convoluted net of neural circuits.
I would reject as uncalled for and unsound the skepticism of those scholars who hold that we have no trustworthy indications whatever as to the character, the teaching and the career of Jesus of Nazareth, but I would be inclined to agree that there are not many particular points where we can feel absolute assurance, We can be sure that Jesus said a certain kind of thing, but not that he said just this thing or that.
Because ancient man did not draw such a clear line of distinction between myth and history, it was possible for the myth of the end - time to hold a particular kind of reality for him which it can not hold for us, and there is no point in attempting to disguise this difference.
«16 Of course there are all kinds of developments in techniques and in cultural achievements; but the point is that man s moral position before God remains the samOf course there are all kinds of developments in techniques and in cultural achievements; but the point is that man s moral position before God remains the samof developments in techniques and in cultural achievements; but the point is that man s moral position before God remains the same.
Forging this kind of relationship created such a sense of trust that when the white police officer who trained me killed a young African - American male in an incident that was ruled to be a justifiable shooting in the mid 90s, there was no finger - pointing between the African - American community and the police department.
From this point of view there developed the further attitude that this «call» to «supernatural life» was actually «unnatural,» i.e. some kind of contortion of human life which should be rejected.
There is no suggestion that the soul is some kind of supernatural element which in some way marks off man from nature and provides a special point of contact for divine activity.
While recognising that in such an analysis, which targets both Christians and Muslims, we do not have the points for any kind of debate but rather are confronted with a diatribe, nevertheless, I believe that in such a forum as the Gurukul Summer Institute, where an honest spirit of inquiry prevails, and where there is a commitment to a rigorous process of theological exploration, we need to address some of the issues raised.
The young daughter of an acquaintance of mine spoke to the point when she told me that at her school there were no requirements of any kind and that, as a result, she «got bored stiff with having to do every day what she wanted to do.»
I suppose there's a third point: we ought to continue to live in a world in which individuals can and do cultivate that kind of moral discernment.
At this point, there are two kinds of people on Netflix: those who've watched Friday Night Lights and those who've heard that they really should watch Friday Night Lights.
At the moment admittedly there are still many gaps in our knowledge, but the closing of so many gaps in everyday experience has meant that it needs no great stretch of the imagination to see that the gaps could readily close to the point where there is no room left for any faith in that kind of God.
There he points out that he finds the same fundamentals emphasized in all religions, namely «that God is; that man stands in some relation to God; and that intercourse of some kind is possible between God and man who has in him the desire to be in harmony with God.
He also grants the common - sense view that a human corpse is a dead thing as a human body, but he still makes his panpsychistic point by insisting that even a corpse is composed of many living things and, as far as our knowledge runs, nothing else.29 In addition, he claims that his belief that there is only a relative and not an absolute distinction between mind and matter is given support by recent developments in physics that have shown that the differences between matter and various kinds of radiation are differences of degree and not of kind.
There are always two kinds of people to keep us going: those who rally around us when times get tough, and those who inspire us as they walk ahead, clearing the brush and pointing the way Without either group of people, the church just isn't the church.
There is so much for all of us that hides Jesus from us — the church itself hides him, all the hoopla of church with ministers as lost in the thick of it as everybody else so that the holiness of it somehow vanishes away to the point where services of worship run the risk of becoming only a kind of performance — on some Sundays better, on some Sundays worse — and only on the rarest occasions does anything strike to the quick the way that little girl's cry did with every last person who heard her realizing that Jesus didn't show for any of them — the mystery and miracle of Jesus with all his extraordinary demands upon us, all his extraordinary promises.
point of fact hardly find a religious leader of any kind in whose life there is no record of automatisms.
There are of course, no rules for creativity; but it has been pointed out that analogies, models and metaphors are common in the search for new kinds of connection and new ways of looking at phenomena.8 Campbell suggests that models also provide a distinctive form of intellectual satisfaction which the scientist values.9
«We've kind of just concentrated on this area, the independent markets, and there's a lot of produce stands,» points out Linda Marra, CFO, vice president and secretary / treasurer.
In my case, though, part of the physical consequences is that food has nearly become my enemy at this point, as there are numerous foods, the primary culprits which are gluten and casein, which give me all kinds of hell when I eat them.
Thought it helps to use oil with a higher smoke point so you can turn up the heat a little higher, there's no real shortcut to making a dark or any other kind of roux, Chase says.
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