Sentences with phrase «there measurable ways»

Are there measurable ways to examine the sexual risk climate of a community, such as assessing access to bars, nightclubs, and liquor stores, preponderance of low - rent hotels, parks, or abandoned buildings where teens may be able to congregate privately?

Not exact matches

Unless they are accompanied by measurable trend uniformity, there simply isn't any disciplined way to «play» bear market rallies and survive, because they typically end both forcefully and randomly.
The actual issue is... how can you claim to KNOW one exist... when there is no detectable or measurable way to show it?
You are asking us to base science on the existence of a God whose existence can never be questioned despite there being no measurable way of determining this.
Reporter 2: Can I ask, Alan, what the latest thinking is on whether there is any possibility of detecting these other universes; do they [intersect] our universe in any way that could be measurable or are they purely theoretically?
Dr. Jane Bluestein: There seems to be an enormous need for support, encouragement, and understanding in the teaching profession, including a real practical, effective, nuts - and - bolts approach to classroom successes (much of which are not measurable on current achievement tests, by the way) and problem prevention.
Unless your objectives are measurable in some manner, there is no way that you can produce the evidence necessary to show that the objectives were in fact met.
Even if every publisher, every author, and every editor out there studiously avoided sending traffic to Amazon in any way, that wouldn't even cause a measurable dent in Amazon's book or ebook revenue.
«Through most of my research I've reached the conclusion that there is no formula to determine what constitutes an successful work of art, and that's exactly the magic of a work of art — that it's not measurable by typical quantification methods, so the gesture of creating these pieces speaks more towards the obsessions of optimizations through streamlining quantification and a big data centric way of thinking rather than trying to find a fixed solution.»
There exists a measurable increasing thermal radiative exitance to space with increasing altitude, in every IR waveband, all the way to 200 km.
If you ACTUALLY BELIEVE that it is «virtually certain» that human activities, primarily the increase in CO2 concentrations, is altering the climate in a measurable way, then there's no other conclusion possible: you are a scientifically illiterate moron, with absolutely no concept of how even the simplest model of a planetary atmosphere works.
There are many ways to quantify these types of measurable goals.
«While job seekers aren't fortune tellers, and it's not always possible to foresee an employer's / hiring manager's specific needs, you CAN express HOW you intelligently and solidly hammered out bottom - line (measurable) solutions to burning needs at your current company in a way that will resonate with a future employer (where you leave them vigorously nodding, in the «been there, done that» way).»
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