Sentences with phrase «there proper name»

We need to start calling things there proper name and if someone is confronting another in a Walmart and telling that person they may go to hell something is wrong.

Not exact matches

The full truth is that I have nothing against trend lines, and yes I understand that there are «objective» methods out there detailing the «correct» method for choosing which two points to connect to draw a proper trend line (DeMark, Magee, I think Pring to name a few).
As we have seen, there is the untranslatable proper name YHWH, which was Israel's most treasured word to point to the reality, who, they believed, had delivered them from Egyptian bondage.
There is a problem with this argument, however, because these words do not really behave like a proper name.
The explanation is that in the Jewish scriptures there are two proper names for God, Yahweh and Shaddai.
There is an ancient Christian theological document miscalled «the Athanasian Creed» (it had nothing to do with Athanasius himself but was evidently the work of Hilary of Poitier and should be given its proper name of Quicumque Vult) that can help us here.
In this sense, it matters little enough whether he is given any particular proper name, although there are other reasons for calling him «God» and certainly we are right in describing him as «Love».
There are, of course, proper names of God or gods, whether in the polytheistic religions or, as in ancient Israel, where the one omnipotent God, Yahweh, bears a special name because the people is convinced to have had a special experience of him in its history, which characterizes him despite his incomprehensibility and actual namelessness and thus confers a name on him.
They can not be converted by force, no one can; but there is a proper ordering of human life which should be carried out by the Church in the name of the heavenly city.
There is no local tradition or historical evidence connecting Thomas with the Parthian empire proper; but it is very probable that Thomas worked in Basra and its neighbourhood on his way to India and the first contact of the Indian church was with the church in Basra (Fais), the name of Thomas linking them together.
The ordinary believer is also familiar with several of the names of the twenty - five prophets mentioned in the Qur» an, not only because almost all of these names are used as proper names, but also because there are more or less complete descriptions of the lives of the prophets written in Malay, in Arabic script, and now also available in Indonesian in Latin characters, and in Javanese in Javanese script.
There are roars at Augusta but it's not a particularly rowdy place, a point of pride that the green jackets uphold in the name of Bobby Jones» notion of a proper patron.
There's absolutely no reason to risk your child's safety and well - being in the name of co sleeping, so it's always a good idea to understand what the basic attachment parenting principles are when it comes to proper sleep safety.
Secondly there is a ComRes poll of Londoners, the first I can recall seeing since Brian Paddick was selected as the Lib Dem candidate (and, therefore, the first to have a voting intention question with a proper candidate names for all parties, rather than featuring «a Lib Dem candidate»).
You can do Halasana, which takes its name from the humble horse - drawn plow it resembles, before or after Sarvangasana, (itself referred to in much more regal fashion as the queen of asanas), but there» «s no reason Halasana can» «t be practiced, with a proper warm - up, all by itself.
There's an affectionate meeting with Laura (Sharon Stone) and her daughter Lolita (who truly lives up to her name), then a bizarre one with prim and proper Dora (Frances Conroy) and her husband (played by the wonderful Christopher McDonald, most remembered as Geena Davis» irritating hubby in Thelma & Louise).
Jeremy targets red - headed Gloria (Isla Fisher) and John is smitten with the proper Claire (Rachel McAdams), but there are complications: Both are the bride's sisters, Claire has an egotistical boyfriend named Sack (Bradley Cooper) and the pushy Gloria insists she's in love with Jeremy after their tumble in the sand.
Jason from MNPP here with this week's «Beauty vs Beast» contest - we've been more or less working our way through the year's big awards contenders over the past few weeks, with a Three Billboards here and a Phantom Thread there, and knowing what you know about my oft - expressed personal... predilections... you'd be forgiven for expecting a proper Call Me By Your Name showdown at some point.
Additive manufacturing, the proper name for such «printing,» is promising in many areas, and seems likely to turn up in all vehicle mechanisms, particularly in engines and transmissions, where there are many pounds to be removed without remotely reducing strength.
Although there isn't any mention of Audi's full - time all - wheel - drive system in the proper name of the Coupe S2, the car is definitely a Quattro, with all of the best and worst traits that go along with that.
Plus, I want to do all of that too, of course, in order to help and to get my brand name out there... Sometimes, the most daunting thing is to find something to contribute to and then get the proper words to pour out, but isn't that actually always the worst?
There's no copyright on the book title (unless it's a proper name like «Harry Potter»).
Training, vet checkups, and proper diet just to name a few, but there is one issue that can be easily looked over - proper socialization.
However, there is another beach tucked beneath the cliffs before you reach Bar Beach proper — Susan Gilmore beach, named after a ship which came to grief there in 1884.
You have changed your name in the past and now a party you are dealing with wants assurances that the name change is proper and there is no chance of impropriety.
in principle (nice dodge there — remarkable how often people use that phrase when they know there's a governing principle, they're probably right, but they just can't put it into proper words, and don't want to take the time to do so), if a lease isn't a sale of goods as defined in the relevant definition, then a licence (which is a lease by another name: cue Shakespeare, Stein) can't be a sale, as defined, either.
There were almost theological arguments made on the proper way to name cases.
Mandarin Chinese (to use the most commonly spoken language in East Asia), incorporates many out - of - vocabulary words such as proper names that pose a significant challenge for machines because unlike English and other Indo - European languages, there are no spaces between words / characters.
Along with the welter of eye - catching headlines naming politically exposed person's there has been no discussion about the issues of privacy, confidentiality and potential legal advice privilege for those individuals who have used perfectly lawful structures for a proper purpose.
And ignoring things like Verizon's bloatware and a ridiculous proper name of «Moto Z Droid Edition» and «Moto Z Force Droid Edition,» there's a lot to like here.
There's no rule of thumb about using your nickname versus your proper name, but if the results of this study are any indication, «Roberts» may want to consider going by «Bob» or «Rob» professionally.
It is proper that you put an end to your resume with your name, signature, and an assurance that all the information you wrote in there are true to the best of your knowledge.
I hate to sound like the field tested and jaded veteran but... In 26 years of transcations, many before home inspections were popular, there is not one deal I can name wherein a proper inspection would not have revealed the defect (s)... the fact of the SPIS is, no matter what the seller says, the practioner had better check it & the buyer better inspect it, you are concerned about drainage?
25 DOS 97 Matter of DOS v. Costello - amendment of pleading to conform to the proof; proper business practices; failure to pay judgment; pleadings may be amended to conform to the proof so long as an issue has been fully litigated and is closely enough related to the stated charges that there is no surprise or prejudice to the respondent; broker conducting business under name other than on license demonstrates incompetency; failure by broker to satisfy judgment demonstrates untrustworthiness; broker may be held liable for failure to satisfy judgment against corporation where broker controls the corporation; $ 750 fine and license suspension until judgment satisfied
My other brush is a Purdy paintbrush and I can't remember the name of mine at the moment but there are a variety to choose from and the paint professional at your paint store should be able to help you select the proper brush.
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