Sentences with phrase «thermal radiation escaping»

The effect of this disparity is that thermal radiation escaping to space comes mostly from the cold upper atmosphere, while the surface is maintained at a substantially warmer temperature.
At about 90 km up, I note that the atmosphere of Venus cools down to very low temperatures in the vicinity of -112 deg C. I suspect this is the CO2 thermal radiation escape altitude there.

Not exact matches

On the exo - Mars, thermal escape would increase only if the increase in UV radiation were to push more hydrogen to the top of the atmosphere.
Contrary to the idea of black holes sucking everything, even light, into inconceivable nothingness, Hawking proposed that there was one thing that could escape a black hole's intractable grip: thermal radiation, now known to all as Hawking radiation.
Good arguments exist that the central regions should collapse first, producing a condensed protostar whose contraction is halted by the large buildup of thermal pressure when radiation can no longer escape from the interior to keep the (now opaque) body relatively cool.
More greenhouse gases in the atmosphere impede the escape of thermal infrared radiation to space, and thereby raise temperature.
More greenhouse gases in the atmosphere impede the escape of thermal infrared radiation to space, and thereby raise temperature.
The change in DECREASE IN ESCAPING I.R. thermal radiation was consistent with theoretical Expectations / Predictions..
So the thermal energy transported to high altitudes, must be ultimately converted to Electro - magnetic radiation, in order to escape the planet.
How can the earth be radiating a crude BB type spectrum corresponding to the surface Temperature when Trenberth claims that only 40 W / m ^ 2 escapes to space in the atmospheric window, and folks insist that the main body of the atmosphere (gases) does not emit thermal radiation.
If CO2 and H2O molecules now are cooled below the previous equilibrium point by having their radiation allowed to escape to outer space, then I believe these molecules must then tend to absorb more energy than yield energy with each interaction with the other components of the atmosphere until that atmosphere as a whole reaches a new thermal equilibrium where the net radiation going out and the net radiation coming in (primarily from the sun and the surrounding atmosphere) is the same.
Each higher and cooler layer in turn emits thermal radiation corresponding to its temperature; and much of that also escapes directly to space around the absorption bands of the higher atmosphere layers; and so on; so that the total LWIR emission from the earth should then be a composite of roughly BB spectra but with source temepratures ranging ove the entire surface Temeprature range, as well as the range of atmospheric emitting Temperatures.
If sunlight can get in more easily than thermal radiation can get out, then the surface will get hotter (and radiate more fiercely) until enough thermal radiation does escape to balance the incoming energy.
The greenhouse insulating blanket operates asymmetrically with respect to incoming solar energy and escaping thermal radiation just as the enclosure of your house lets electrical energy from the external power plant enter freely and impedes the escape of heat.
There is no way to obstruct thermal radiation from escaping a warmed surface.
What they mean to say is that 15 % to 30 % of thermal radiation leaving the surface escapes in a fraction of a second.
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