Sentences with phrase «thermal radiation from the earth»

However I have to agree that the demonstration is nowhere near quantitative enough to infer much about absorption by CO2 of thermal radiation from Earth's surface.
My annotations represent the thermal radiation from the Earth as a pink pentagon with the designation 7μ for the left - hand portion, a blue diamond 10μ for the center portion, and a dark blue hexagon 15μ for the right - hand portion, but please interpret these symbols to include all the radiation in their respective portions of the longwave band.

Not exact matches

14 C is produced by thermal neutrons from cosmic radiation in the upper atmosphere, and is transported down to earth to be absorbed by living biological material.
'' Global climate change results from a small yet persistent imbalance between the amount of sunlight absorbed by Earth and the thermal radiation emitted back to space1.
Absorption of thermal radiation cools the thermal spectra of the earth as seen from space, radiation emitted by de-excitation is what results in the further warming of the surface, and the surface continues to warm until the rate at which energy is radiated from the earth's climate system (given the increased opacity of the atmosphere to longwave radiation) is equal to the rate at which energy enters it.
What the CO2 (both «cold, hot and warm CO2 ′) and other gasses do is to make the atmosphere more optically thick to thermal IR radiation emitted (mainly) from the Earth's surface [note2] which has consequences for the equilibrium temperature profile of the atmosphere.
It seems very clear from this, to me at least, that «thermal radiation» in this context means radiation thermally emitted from the surface of the earth, and was not an attempt to overturn Einstein.
So seen from outer space the earth radiation spectrum should be a small (10 % area) 288K thermal spectrum, overlaid with prominent GHG band spectra like CO2 15 micron peaks, and various water peaks, plus the Ozone 9.6 micron peak.
george e smith says: July 18, 2013 at 12:57 pm «So seen from outer space the earth radiation spectrum should be a small (10 % area) 288K thermal spectrum, overlaid with prominent GHG band spectra like CO2 15 micron peaks, and various water peaks, plus the Ozone 9.6 micron peak.
Do you think you the results from your experiments would allow you to accurately predict how a doubling CO2 will interact with thermal radiation in the earth's atmosphere?
«Carbon dioxide absorbs in the atmospheric «window» from 7 to 14 micrometers which transmits thermal radiation emitted by the earth's surface and lower atmosphere.
The Earth receives energy from the Sun in the form of visible light and ultraviolet radiation, which is then re-radiated away from the surface as thermal radiation in infrared wavelengths.
The spectrum of thermal infrared radiation is practically distinct from that of shortwave or solar radiation because of the difference in temperature between the Sun and the Earth - atmosphere system.
What we do get, is real invisible heat from the Sun which comes to us as thermal infrared which in the real world is how heat is transferred by radiation, and we get white light without which we would have no life on Earth because the blue wavelength is essential for photosynthesis.
Earth's Greenhouse Effect is described as all about radiant effects: Wiki: «The greenhouse effect is a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases, and is re-radiated in all directions.
«Because the solar - thermal energy balance of Earth [at the top of the atmosphere (TOA)-RSB- is maintained by radiative processes only, and because all the global net advective energy transports must equal zero, it follows that the global average surface temperature must be determined in full by the radiative fluxes arising from the patterns of temperature and absorption of radiation
Each higher and cooler layer in turn emits thermal radiation corresponding to its temperature; and much of that also escapes directly to space around the absorption bands of the higher atmosphere layers; and so on; so that the total LWIR emission from the earth should then be a composite of roughly BB spectra but with source temepratures ranging ove the entire surface Temeprature range, as well as the range of atmospheric emitting Temperatures.
Heat radiates from the Earth's surface via thermal or (roughly) «blackbody» radiation.
Philipona, R., 2013: Atmospheric thermal radiationfrom historical measurements to investigations of the Earth's greenhouse effect.
Briefly, the warmer body (Earth's surface) is not affected by radiation from the cooler one (the atmosphere) because that radiation does not have enough energy (high enough frequency) to bring about the conversion of its energy into thermal energy.
And this is what really supplies the necessary thermal energy to supplement the Sun's energy entering Earth's surface, not back radiation which can't transfer thermal energy from a colder troposphere to a warmer surface.
«Changes in the Earth's radiation budget are driven by changes in the balance between the thermal emission from the top of the atmosphere and the net sunlight absorbed.
When SW radiation from the Sun interacts with matter (the Earth, for example) it imparts energy to the receiving molecules which can increase the thermal energy of the matter — it fills the «energy gap» required to reach the next energy level (warm).
The researchers, led by Berkeley Lab scientists, measured atmospheric carbon dioxide's increasing capacity to absorb thermal radiation emitted from the Earth's surface over an eleven - year period at two locations in North America.
The researchers, led by scientists from the US Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), measured atmospheric carbon dioxide's increasing capacity to absorb thermal radiation emitted from the Earth's surface over an eleven - year period at two locations in North America.
Positive radiative forcing occurs when the Earth absorbs more energy from solar radiation than it emits as thermal radiation back to space.
The atmosphere of the Earth is less able to absorb shortwave radiation from the Sun than thermal radiation coming from the surface.
And this process is not linear, as the processes resultant from a net ongoing energy change due a massive increase in external input (a multi million year change — increase — in lower atmospheric thermal radiation absorption and re radiation, in the sense of our geologically recent evolved «temperate» earth climate and global energy balance is massive) is not linear.
By capturing thermal radiation (heat energy emitted from the earth's surface components and re radiating it in all directions — part of the same process that is accepted (somewhat like the «earth revolves around the sun accepted») to keep the planet much warmer than it would otherwise be in the absence of any of these molecules — it actually «cools.»
As with the NASA page I showed you, you are contradicted here re radiation not constrained by these Laws as you are re claiming that it's shortwave solar heating the Earth and not as normal Science has always stated, that it's the Thermal energy we feel from the Sun and which heats the Earth.
CO2 at concentrations of just 300ppmv has a very strong effect on a narrow band of the Earth's thermal radiation centred on 14.77 microns taking over about 10 % of the Earth's greenhouse effect from clouds and water vapour.
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