Sentences with phrase «thesis work in»

With a background is in Film Studies and English Literature, Marshall Elliott received his MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute in 2014 and exhibited his MFA thesis work in the exhibition «Principal» at The Old Mint in San Francisco.
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In addition to laying out his thesis work in gory detail, Bob tried to organize his experience in terms of «field experience» and «collections management experience» in order to better match the requirements of the job.
Kat got involved with AFSA to support her thesis work in 2015 - 16.

Not exact matches

Remember, the thesis of «How To Retire Early And Never Have To Work Again» is that all one has to do is save 55 % + of their after tax income for 18 years from ages 22 - 40, and s / he will have 20 years of living expenses covered to not have to work until government assistance kicksWork Again» is that all one has to do is save 55 % + of their after tax income for 18 years from ages 22 - 40, and s / he will have 20 years of living expenses covered to not have to work until government assistance kickswork until government assistance kicks in.
In addition, he is sourcing investment opportunities, developing investment theses with industry executives, and works closely with portfolio company management teams to develop and execute strategic growth and operational improvement plans.
Moreover, this work has helped our team form a thesis around investing in exceptional companies applying emerging technology to traditional industries in novel, sustainable ways.
Taking a big position in a stock works out if the thesis is correct.
You never once smacked one of those kids, the ones there on full scholarship with visions of patched sport coasts in the Ivory Tower, you never once icily mentioned that you were working full time, going into debt, commuting two hours to school, that you had three small babies at home, that you worked in a fast - paced and exhausting industry under tremendous pressure just to come home, kiss your kids for a brief moment, launching into that thesis until well past midnight, just to get up at 6 the next morning and do it all over again, relentlessly.
If this thesis can be maintained, what we have is a secularized version of the Protestant ethic --- one that glorifies success, preaches sacrifice in order to get ahead, understands work as a «calling,» and emphasizes individualism.
In the period when I went to the World Student Christian Federation as a secretary, in 1947 religious scientists worked within the thesis in Martin Buber's I and Thou that separated the scientific I - It approach to things and the knowledge of persons through dialogue and mutual lovIn the period when I went to the World Student Christian Federation as a secretary, in 1947 religious scientists worked within the thesis in Martin Buber's I and Thou that separated the scientific I - It approach to things and the knowledge of persons through dialogue and mutual lovin 1947 religious scientists worked within the thesis in Martin Buber's I and Thou that separated the scientific I - It approach to things and the knowledge of persons through dialogue and mutual lovin Martin Buber's I and Thou that separated the scientific I - It approach to things and the knowledge of persons through dialogue and mutual love.
Daniel T. Rodgers, in his book The Work Ethic in Industrial America 1850 to 1920 University of Chicago Press, 1978), enlarges upon Weber's original thesis, suggesting that «at the heart of Protestantism's revaluation of work was the doctrine of the calling, the faith that God had called everyone to some productive vocation, to toil there for the common good and for His greater glory.&raWork Ethic in Industrial America 1850 to 1920 University of Chicago Press, 1978), enlarges upon Weber's original thesis, suggesting that «at the heart of Protestantism's revaluation of work was the doctrine of the calling, the faith that God had called everyone to some productive vocation, to toil there for the common good and for His greater glory.&rawork was the doctrine of the calling, the faith that God had called everyone to some productive vocation, to toil there for the common good and for His greater glory.»
In the case of Protestant capitalist theses, it has resulted in emphasis being placed on subjective affinities between sets of ideas rather than on the institutional settings in which ideas are actually produced, as in the work of Zaret and FulbrooIn the case of Protestant capitalist theses, it has resulted in emphasis being placed on subjective affinities between sets of ideas rather than on the institutional settings in which ideas are actually produced, as in the work of Zaret and Fulbrooin emphasis being placed on subjective affinities between sets of ideas rather than on the institutional settings in which ideas are actually produced, as in the work of Zaret and Fulbrooin which ideas are actually produced, as in the work of Zaret and Fulbrooin the work of Zaret and Fulbrook.
The foundations for real numbers, which physicists as well as mathematicians must have in order to do their work, were insecure under the thesis of Principia Mathematica.
Neither should we choose any of the numerous works in which Whitehead establishes mathematics as derivative from the abstract theory of classes or intuitive set theory, because in these works he acknowledges the paradoxes in set theory that drove him to affirm for a time Russell's logistic thesis that mathematics is the «science concerned with the logical deduction of consequences from the general premises of all reasoning» (MAT 291).
He also involved himself in political controversy (he was a supporter of Italian unification, while striving to retain a place for the temporal power of the popes), and ecclesiastical debate (it was largely his theological duels with the powerful Jesuit order which resulted in the condemnation of certain of his works and theses).
It is at this point that the thesis to be developed in the remainder of this essay is most sharply at issue with Hartshorne's work.
But if our thesis that the work of redemption includes a work of creation in which human creative effort shares is valid, then this radical separation between the divine love and man's works of love must be shown to be a distortion of the fact.
If the views of these theologians are correct, then the good accomplished in redemption lies in a different dimension from the goad realized by human effort, and we can not sustain the thesis that the work of redemption involves as an integral aspect a process in this world, and the actualization of love in this life.
Thus modern theology has devoted a major part of its work to the proof of the thesis that in Christianity mankind is given the best guarantee of the highest and purest life.
Not only are graduate theological schools producing more theses and dissertations on Wesleyan subjects, but Methodist periodicals (Quarterly Review, Methodist History, Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society) are increasingly printing their articles, and new publishing enterprises are emerging to take up their longer monographic works (among these are Zondervan's Francis Asbury Press imprint, Abingdon's Kingswood Books imprint, and Asbury Theological Seminary's new series in Pietist and Wesleyan Studies) These scholars are quite likely to be found in the Wesley Studies Working Group of the American Academy of Religion.
Peter Abelard's seminal work, Sic et non, which quoted Church Fathers on both sides of a series of theological questions, set the tone for the Questions genre of the Middle Ages, The writer set out a Question, stated the best arguments on both sides (thesis and antitheses), made a determination (synthesis), and then rebutted each of the antitheses in detail.
Eck had been working hard at pastoral work in several parishes around Ingolstadt, and had become a devoted Reformer within the established Church — he had always granted Luther's thesis against Indulgences, but reform should keep within the bounds of established canonical and papal norms.
With such phrases as «would soon discover,» «what would they make,» and «they would find,» Dennett is forced to slip in non-Zombie verbs to make his thesis work.
Finally, there ought be noted the role of Loomer's doctoral thesis, «The Theological Significance of the Method of Empirical Analysis in the Philosophy of A. N. Whitehead» (1942), a work which attained an almost incredible influence, given the fact that it remains to this day unpublished.
This rejectionism had, over time, crystallized — some would say, fossilized — into the view that the legal establishment of the Catholic Church as the official religion of the state was the desired arrangement (the «thesisin the theological jargon of the day), while other arrangements (like the American constitutional order) were mere «hypotheses» that could, under certain historical circumstances, be «tolerated» — even as Catholics in countries governed by the «hypothesis» worked for the day when the «thesis» of Catholic establishment could be....
Currently he is working on a thesis about the social roles of women in the Early Church.
Though there is precious little on this topic to work with in the text, I now want to see if I can make this thesis clear.
A man with a long history of criminal violence became a serial killer while working on a Ph.D. thesis at the University of Bradford, the subject of his thesis being the methods of homicide used in the city during the nineteenth century.
If this be so, then the central theme of this essay as worked out in theses I - VII is by no means irrelevant.
One can, of course, differ with the thesis of Donald Kagan's Pericles of Athens and the Birth of Democracy, but to suggest (as the April editorial, «How Democracy Came About and How It Might Be Sustained,» does) that the work has anything in common with «deconstructionism»» «made up,» «fabricated,» the product of «myths» and «creative misinterpretations»» is totally unwarranted and patently unjust to Kagan, who is a distinguished historian in the classic, traditional mode.
Questions which came up as early as Thesis I and later in the course of our work must now be pursued to a conclusion and clarified in the light of similar problems.
Having completed work on my Ph.D. except for the dissertation, I was at last established as pastor of a church in southeast Texas, trying to write my thesis with one hand and take care of pastoral duties with the other.
I'm just taking a break from thesis work... sigh... but yeah, I remembered seeing some fragmented papyri documents in the British Museum, so I «googled it» (it's actually a verb now) and got this:
@John: «So before you even read the body of the work, which is where all the actual arguments for the author's theses lie, you conclude in advance that the author's main two theses are wrong.»
However, my preliminary work in this area leads me to assert the second thesis, namely, that evangelicals have followed the curvature of culture.
My thesis consisted of an introduction, translation, and notes for the Testament of Job, a minor Jewish work about as long as the New Testament book of Romans and written in Greek in the first century B.C. or A.D..
He shared his working paper with a student, conveniently in need of a thesis for his next examination.
Although I do not agree with the larger thesis toward which Sherburne is working in his article, I am in basic sympathy with his treatment of unmediated prehension.2 Doubtless we all have occasions when what we experience seems as though it were a direct and unmediated prehension of something that happened to us long ago.
But essential ecumenicity inheres, if in quietness and subtlety, in the Decalogue; and it receives its first emphatic description of meaning in the Yahwist's work in the tenth century B.C., a work which proclaims the central thesis of God's impingement on Israel, to be sure, but at the same time — such is the historical form of Israel and the meaning of her life — on the world, the whole household of God.
With this interpretive scheme in mind, Fish can now proceed to his other point, really the converse of his thesis that Milton always works from the inside out.
(In view of our previously negative reaction to Grässer's work [N. Perrin, Kingdom, pp. 145 - 7], we may perhaps be permitted to add that now we would be much more sympathetic to parts of it, although we still could not accept its total thesis.)
Gilligan began exploration of her thesis in what became a ten - year study culminating in her work, In A Different Voice.8 In this book some of the affinities between process and feminists become cleain what became a ten - year study culminating in her work, In A Different Voice.8 In this book some of the affinities between process and feminists become cleain her work, In A Different Voice.8 In this book some of the affinities between process and feminists become cleaIn A Different Voice.8 In this book some of the affinities between process and feminists become cleaIn this book some of the affinities between process and feminists become clear.
I know a number of University of Michigan graduate students who have done thesis work on coffee farms in Costa Rica, and they have all told me there is very little true shade in the farms.
Unfortunately for Badinter's thesis, if American women are, in fact, being subjected to crushing, guilt - inducing nursing shame, it doesn't appear to be working too well.
In a new thesis at Sahlgrenska Academy, the University of Gothenburg, Per Möllborg, Child Health Medical Officer, has studied the different factors surrounding SIDS to enable further preventative work.
Indeed, if one turns one's eyes to Rawls» earlier work - especially his PhD thesis - one finds that, for Rawls at least, a belief in the Christian God is foundational to liberal egalitarianism.
While working for a petrochemical company in London she wrote her thesis on U.S Foreign Policy towards Terrorism after 9/11 focusing on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
His doctoral thesisworking title «Institutional Development in Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament» — explores how diplomatic practices and international institutions change over time.
She is working on transforming her thesis into a book, which will explore the group's emergence and its history; the allegiances made with African - Americans, its commitment to independence for Puerto Rico; and the social programs it initiated in El Barrio.
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