Sentences with phrase «thick lines between»

The opening phrase, «Shells can be», invites descriptive words on the short, thick lines between the shells.
As a visual aid, it is helpful to use a thick line between the two bars that provide the high or low points and a thin line to indicate where the line was extended to the right.

Not exact matches

It is slightly thick, tangy and perfectly walks the line between sweet and spicy.
On a floured work surface, roll the dough about 4 mm thick and line the pan, while ensuring a right angle between the bottom and the sides.
Spoon some Nutella out onto a foil or plastic wrap lined baking sheet and spread it out evenly, mine was probably between 1/8 and 1/4 inch thick.
Because side sleepers rest on one side, the distance between their head and mattress is greater than stomach sleepers and back sleepers, therefore, they need a much thicker, more supportive pillow to remains their body in a right line
The boxes are larger and the black lines in between the candidate's pictures are thicker.
Line Width: Line width ranges from thick to fine, and everything in between.
Bar - code scanners use Bessel beams because the pencil - like beam of light they produce is thin enough to read between the lines of a bar code; even so, scanner lasers are much thicker than the ones used by Betzig.
The U.S. has endured a slew of «near misses» in recent years: a 0.48 - centimeter thick stainless steel lining is all that stood between Davis — Besse nuclear power plant in Ohio and a meltdown in 2002.
Their interactions were tracked by lines between them: thick if two participants were engaged in frequent conversation and hair - thin if they barely spoke.
As the planet is massive enough to hold on to a thick atmosphere with heat - circulating winds, however, it may host a wide range of relatively stable climates, with the most hospitable region for Earth - type life around the line between shadow and light known as the «terminator.»
But, beware of anything that straddles the line between thick and shapeless.
The crossover, which actually straddles the line between compact and midsize, is right in the thick of it against the likes of other notable players — the Audi Q5, the Acura RDX, the BMW X3, the Lexus NX and at least another half - dozen rivals.
[13] Begun around 2001, the Piths, canvases with deliberately frayed edges and covered in thick black strokes of paint, indicate Truitt's interest in forms that blur the lines between two and three dimensions.
Bare canvas and pencil lines visible between the stripes insist on the object and its making, and so does the wood of the stretcher, set thick dimension out.
Their thick lines and strong contrasts between bright yellow, red, and black have ties to urban American realists like George Bellows and John Sloan.
Like Guston's 1978 painting The Line, which depicts an aged hand descending from a cloud and making a thick mark with a piece of charcoal held between two figures — a riff, of course, on Michelangelo's hand of God — Head and Bottle denotes the single all - seeing eye of the creator.
Between San Francisco and New York in the late 1940s he developed his «mature» style, characterized by jagged, thick lines of color that tear across his canvases.
Paul Pagk's Minuit Fugue, a pink abstract painting is pretty much the definition of painterly surface effect; I really love the contrast between the large areas of thick glossy paint, and the crustiness that occurred as the paint approached the whiteish lines.
But if you look at the ten year running average (the thick black line), you can clearly and indisputably see that from 1400 to a little past 1900, the range of values fluctuates erratically between about -0.25 and -0.6 ˚C.
Graph illustrating the differences between thermometer - based estimates (thick black line = CRUTEM3, thick red line = Central Europe Temperature) and various proxy - based estimates (other lines) of temperatures over the 19th century.
Thin lines show observed data, and the thick lines show linear trends between 1977 and 2010.
(Upper row of plots) Extracted from the COSMIC data 9 - day zonally symmetric (s = 0) waves seen in the ionospheric parameters: foF2 (left plot) and hmF2 (right plot); (bottom row of plots) Phase difference between the ionospheric parameters foF2 and the PI (left plot) and between hmF2 and PI (right plot); the thick white line shows the zero phase difference (Mukhtarov & Pancheva 2012).
Precisely where we draw the line between «thick» and «thin» is somewhat arbitrary, given that the absorption shades smoothly from small values to large values as the product of absorption factor with amount of CO2 increases.
I used a thick, silver paint pen to draw a line between the two colors, to add a little bling, and speak to the mirrored frame on the opposite bookcase.
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