Sentences with phrase «thick tall grass»

I have a 6.5 hp and it is no problem cutting thick tall grass.

Not exact matches

Sliced bread (sic) a centimeter thick staling on forty surfaces fit for soggy sandwiches real bread excels all this high top, Vienna, cob baguettes three times daily breads poignant as a sob Jewish rye and German brothers from the hob Tall grass waving gluten foreshadowed cultivation its unbloody....
The reason, says study leader Scott Collins of the National Science Foundation, seems to be that mowing opens up a «big, thick canopy» formed by the taller warm - season grasses, allowing sunlight to get through so that «a lot more species can coexist.»
Take caution when taking your dog to areas with tall grasses, thick brush, marshes and woods, as the risk of tick is exposure is extremely high.
The fields were garbed in brown stubble; thick clumps of fescue grass keeled over, and tall stems of annual and biennial weeds gone by waved in the light breeze.
The ones in the Turtle Grass are a little difficult to see at first because the thick carpet of grass is usually taller than the aneGrass are a little difficult to see at first because the thick carpet of grass is usually taller than the anegrass is usually taller than the anemone.
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