Sentences with phrase «thing about mediation»

«The best thing about the mediation as the flexibility of the mediator.
The wonderful thing about mediation is that it allows spouses to resolve their problems without having to go into a courtroom.
One of the great things about mediation is that you can invite professionals to the mediation sessions (by agreement of both parties, of course) who can be very helpful with joint questions.

Not exact matches

If you aren't willing to let things slide but you're unsure about police involvement, «Consider legal mediation in which a law firm will help you set up a legally binding plan for the imposter to pay off their debt over time,» Bischoff recommends.
A California insurance defense associate had two thoughts about what opportunity looked like for her: «If you're not given increasingly greater responsibility, challenges and chances to do all aspects of a case (i.e., mediation, arguing motions, and trial), then an associate will look elsewhere to get those things
The most refreshing thing about the commercial mediation training program was the broad range of people who attended the program.
Whilst this is specific about cases «such as this one», many experienced mediators, commercial and others, would say that there is no such thing as a failed mediation because mediation helps parties «to understand the process and the viewpoint of the other side, even if they profoundly disagree with it...» That alone is a good outcome even if settlement is not achieved on the day.
I was one of 100 ppl from across Canada invited to Justice Cromwell's Access to Justice summit in TO a few years ago and the thing that stood out most for me was that although the discussion was mostly about needing to support ppl w services outside court (mediation, negotiation support / skills, legal education, parenting coordination, etc) 85 % of the ppl invited were lawyers / judges.
One of the things that many people like about bitcoin is that it is «trustless,» meaning that peer - to - peer transactions can happen securely without mediation from a third party, like a bank.
There are a few things you should know about divorce mediation:
For those clients, one of the things they appreciate about divorce mediation is the fact that the mediator (s) are neutral — they are looking to support both parties collectively rather than strategically trying to jockey on behalf of one party as over and against the other the way attorney / advocates typically do.
The great thing about divorce mediation is that it is one of those rare times when the cheaper option is also the better one.
3 Things that Mediation is NOT (04/21/17) Mediation has become a popular alternative to court proceedings, with mediators resolving disputes of all kinds there is still a significant amount of confusion about what is mediation and what can a mediator doMediation is NOT (04/21/17) Mediation has become a popular alternative to court proceedings, with mediators resolving disputes of all kinds there is still a significant amount of confusion about what is mediation and what can a mediator doMediation has become a popular alternative to court proceedings, with mediators resolving disputes of all kinds there is still a significant amount of confusion about what is mediation and what can a mediator domediation and what can a mediator do for you.
If you are willing to commit to the divorce mediation process, you should also be willing to openly communicate about things concerning the mediation to both the divorce mediator and your spouse.
Divorce mediation is a process in which a neutral third person, called a mediator, sits down for a series of meetings with a divorcing couple to help them reach an agreement about things like property, custody, and support.
Typically, couples start the divorce mediation process without thinking about the administrative side of things.
Based on all of these things that can occur in the moment, I have put together a list of things that divorce mediation attorneys should be thinking about during the divorce mediation process, and things you should expect of the person helping you.
Communication is usually a good thing, and with adequate consents given by the clients, if the therapist has questions about the mediation process, it might be helpful to pose those questions to the mediator directly.
Mediation is about working together, doing things in the best interests of your children and focusing on being able to be parents for your children for years to come.
If you and your spouse have specialized questions about things like taxes, budgeting, or the value of a business or piece of property, sometimes it's helpful to have an accountant or appraiser come to a mediation session to discuss these issues with you both at the same time.
Mediation facilitates decision - making and encourages compromise, but there is one thing about it that makes some people nervous: how to deal with power imbalances.
The wonderful thing about divorce mediation is that the couple has control in developing their agreement.
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