Sentences with phrase «thing about origin»

Here's a thing about origin stories, they set up the universe of a new world and here, the audience is a blank slate.
Religious folk claim to know things about the origins of the universe and mankind that these people do not.

Not exact matches

The best thing about Ultron is that his origins paved the way for Stark and the heroes in the MCU to face serious consequences for their actions, starting with «Captain America: Civil War.»
Studying them could reveal things we never knew before about our origins in space.
While there may be inaccuracies or things missing from the theory of evolution, the things that we know about it demonstrate to a high likelihood that the theory is an accurate model of the origin of species.
Scientific theories about origins simply talk about how things came to be, not whether God was behind it.
And when they speak of «those people», they were in fact talking about many people, of very diverse origins and backgrounds but who had one thing in common.
Since these are the things about which ideas of being were first formed in philosophy, it is important that as we refine our ideas we not divorce them from their place of origin.
However, this doesn't mean they don't have some things to say about the moral and ethical origins of humanity.
Again and again he inquires about the origin of things: «Tell me I ask thee, O Ahura!
There are so many things that humans will never know about our origin because God did not design our minds to possess such knowledge.
Donald Johanson put the point effectively, if crudely: «You can't accept one part of science because it brings you good things like electricity and penicillin and throw away another part because it brings you some things you don't like about the origin of life.»
Why couldn't there have been a hardworking clansman from Northern Europe to whom God whispered truth about the origin of all things and the imminent arrival of One who would defeat evil once and for all?
For though there is more to be learned about origins, which may do much to fill in the great gaps in our knowledge, and which may necessitate further radical revision in understanding, one thing is certain, and that is that the popular and simple view of origins which obtained among Christians until a hundred years ago has gone for ever.
They teach falsehoods about the origins of North America's peoples and there are all sorts of ridiculous things about their religion and origins.
Catholics have not used the language of primordiurn much because they see biblical history within the tradition and the tradition within history, but the conservatives are often primitive in their views about origins of episcopacy and papacy, and contemporary moderates often try to settle things by going back to biblical accounts of early ministry and communal life.
From being a helpless baby he progressed to adulthood, where he was capable of holding down a job, getting married and having children (should he so choose), making and keeping friends, earning and spending and saving money, respecting confidences, theorizing about the origins of things, separating fancy from fact, getting angry without having to hurt others, caring for others without needing to possess them.
Evolution is a wonderful thing: humans used to grunt to communicate and now use social media and smartphone apps; they used to hunt mammoths and now eat farmed animals... but that could be about to change, thanks to the efforts of someone who has forged a link between the modern world and the origin of the species.
Instead of focusing on the idea of eating more or less of specific things (for example, less calories or more protein), clean eating is more about being mindful of what happens to your food from it's origin to your plate.
The scariest thing about Kevin Knox's origin story is that it's not even close to being complete.
Some of it has to do with the origins of circumcision in the United States, some about the actual procedure, some about the effects of circumcision and about the current rates of circumcision in the U.S. I read a lot more than I will blog about here, but these are some things I thought were worth mentioning.
But one thing that is unique about this site is the names are presented with meanings and origins.
«The secretary of state acknowledges that clauses 2.43 and 2.44 of the Funding Agreement, and clauses 23E and 23G above do not prevent discussion of beliefs about the origins of the Earth and living things, such as creationism, in Religious Education, as long as it is not presented as a valid alternative to established scientific theory.»
«One of the things going on which is totally unacceptable is about why one out of every four public sector appointment comes from the President's area of origin.
All our best theories about the origins of life have one thing in common: it started on Earth.
If Barbour is right, some of the most fundamental things cosmologists think they know about the origin and evolution of the universe would have to be revised.
I would love it if Jeff Bezos [the founder of and Blue Origin, a rival spaceflight company] came out and told me the two most difficult things about developing his suborbital ship.
The origin of the moon involves a really big thing hitting the Earth, a giant impact of something the size of Mars, which is about 10 percent of the mass of Earth.
This lack of iodine is a terrible thing - I saw a BBC TV show (about words and their origins) showing the pictures of these «cretins»; it was very, very sad.
Well, one of the fun things about [an] item such as that insurance one, or others, is in each case, we've zeroed [in] on some unique moment of insight for that origin story that we're telling and tried to connect it with a larger picture of science.
Mariette: Like, you know, «origins of the species,» but like origins of the species [and] everything else actually, which is one of the really fun things about this issue.
So some of the origins we have about, [well] we have more than 50 different origins in this issue and we go from the very large in cosmic from the origins of the universe and the origins of life itself to the origins of the human mind and computing and also to things that you might wonder about just in your everyday life, like where [did the stirrup] in horseback riding come from, where did the clock come from.
Grotzinger and his colleagues hope that data from the Curiosity Rover will them uncover more things about the Mount Sharp's origins.
The remarkable thing about the study was that fibroblasts are of mesodermal origin, while neurons, of course, derive from the neuroectoderm.
«It's about understanding the process or the origins of how things are made,» says Soraya Darabi, co-founder of the clothing line Zady.
The best thing before hanging out is read a little bit about her country and origins and how people from her area behave on dates.
I am of mixed Slavic origin, linguist by profession and artist by vocation, adoring nice movies, music, traveling and learning new things as it makes me more open - minded and tolerant, but I have some very strong life principles that nothing will change and very conservative stand points about things...
Writer Simon Fuchs begins with a reasonable idea — we're all likely to be curious about the origins of Peter Pan — and does unreasonable things ever after.
Perhaps my favorite thing about the film lies in the choice to introduce Ant - Man as a legacy character, rather than forcing us to sit through yet another origin story.
From its mysterious cosmic origins to its talent to regulate each being within the universe, listed below are 15 Things Only Superfans Know About The Soul Stone.
It wasn't necessarily easy to go back that far; as Downey put it: «That's the dumb thing about history, if you're talking about something that has its origins more than 12 minutes ago, you're already coloring it with your ego and your story.»
Talking about the project's origins, Anderson teasingly tied in some of Phantom Thread's plot, joking that he hadn't been feeling well and noticed «a love and affection» from his wife he hadn't seen in a while, adding: «So, I called Daniel to say, «I think I have a good idea for a movie...» One thing lead to another and then we had fashion books all over our house and we kept talking, writing and then things kept going, going and going until it seemed impossible to stop.
The other thing that I really liked about Insidious: Chapter 3 is that it ties the other two movies together quite well with all the Easter Eggs and character origins scattered throughout the entire movie.
Since its story was already related during a dull dumping of back story in the 2014 movie, Ouija: Origin of Evil may be relatively pointless, but co - writer / director Mike Flanagan's creepily effective film has at least one thing going for it in that regard: The first movie was so repetitive and forgettable that it's unlikely anyone really cares about or even remembers the story as it was told in the original.
The resources available will use dyslexia friendly fonts so all students can access the learning - Students will summarise our learning from the previous six topics with some one mark questions and will write down the answers in your exercise books Students will then recall the differences between science and religion on the origins of the universe and life and will make a list of three differences between science and religion Students will study and research the different interpretations in Christianity of the Genesis creation story and will answer four tasks based on research about these different interpretations Students will study the role that science and religion play in people's lives and will make a list of things that attract people to science over religion Students will make a list of things that make people religious and will then plan for a potential 12 mark question
If it were possible to wear out an internet browser, I would probably be guilty of doing such a thing in my ongoing and never - ending quest to learn about the origins of certain words and phrases.
The buzz has catapulted the book to No. 1 on the New York Times paperback best - seller list, but there's one thing no one is talking about — the origins of this kinky best - seller and its implications for the industry.
The best thing about this food is, though it changes the food for better digestion and health benefits, still cares about the origin and give their best to provide with a dog food that still holds the quality of wilderness.
However, nearly a year and half since Purina bought Durango, Colo. - based Zuke's, the company's founding executives are emphatic about one thing — the 20 - year - old brand remains true to its origins as an innovator of natural pet nutrition products.
A new Super Mario Run commercial has released, it shows how the gameplay of side - scrolling Super Mario games has evolved but has kept the things that made of Super Mario a world - renowned title, obstacles, bonus secrets areas, different kinds of enemies and power ups, through the level are the things players love about Super Mario franchise and Super Mario Run has kept the true to his origins.
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