Sentences with phrase «thing about this curriculum»

The best thing about this curriculum is how eclectic it is.
The wonderful thing about curriculum is that even though it includes standards that teachers use each year, it can be updated and developed as our society's needs change.

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If a colleague says, for example, «I didn't like the way everyone was talking about changing the curriculum at the meeting the other night,» several things might need clarification.
The suggestion here is that the dominant interest unifying every course in a theological curriculum ought to be the interest guiding one of the three sorts of theology (constructive, critical practical, or apologetic), that is, interest reflected in one of the three ranges of questions congregations invite about their construals of the Christian thing (What is it?
How about the part where you try to forcibly change everyone's kids» Biology curriculum to teach them things that are demonstrable nonsense?
Small class sizes, teachers who care and a wonderful curriculum are just a few things I love about the school.
As a journalist, I was usually there to write about some so - called «development» in education — a new building, a revamped curriculum, or inventive method of teaching — yet it increasingly seemed to me that the behaviour and attitudes of pupils were too often sabotaging the very things designed to help them.
However they have also shown the same thing about non-religious beliefs such as Humanism, the teaching of which stands in more urgent need of well - funded academic research by virtue of their more recent arrival on the curriculum
We might spend more time thinking about things outside the brain that could offer the best kinds of stimulation and training to that organ, such as a demanding curriculum.
A rich curriculum that helps students learn a lot about a lot of things in all the disciplines — literature, history, science, math, and the arts — will help students become thoughtful and productive citizens who love to learn new things.
One of the things that I hear teachers worrying about is the disappearance of creativity in the curriculum.
«Ultimately, we hope this impacts things like the curriculum [and] how issues of diversity are integrated and talked about in the classroom.
We had concerns about things happening in the world and in education, said LeRoy Fulmer, assistant superintendent for curriculum design and instruction for the Waynesville (Missouri) School District.
I've learned five languages at various levels, traveled to about 100 countries, taught a whole mix of national and international curricula, and done things I never thought I'd do before I left Australia,» he said.
Pam: We talk a lot about curriculum and instruction, so hearing the secondary perspective on things probably has an impact on the way I think and respond to these issues at the elementary level.
There are many ways to examine the beauty of this historic event, but the best thing about «The Great Race» for teachers is its many connections across the curriculum.
Whilst particularly in the primary sector many educators would say that there is an issue with respect to over-crowding of the curriculum, we would be concerned about some of the discussion around removing things such as sustainability and climate change and environmental issues from the curriculum.
While she said that teacher training is important, she added that Singapore's texts provide a structured curriculum, and thus «It's one less thing for teachers to worry about
Display pictures - Large A4 coloured pictures of things to do with bonfire night and the story of Guy Fawkes Colouring pictures - Large black and white pictures Display border - Each piece is decorated with pictures and can be printed as many times as you need for a display board of any size Songs and rhymes - Six decorated songs and rhyme cards related to Bonfire Night for the children to learn - 2 of these rhymes are number rhymes so would be great for your maths lessons A4 border - Individual A4 sized page with a border - great for adding work to ready for the display or for the children to use in the writing area Questions - Question cards each decorated with colour pictures Topic words - Words about Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night each decorated with fireworks Fireworks - Colour photos of fireworks - great for discussion and displays Houses of Parliament - Colour photos of The Houses of Parliament Counting card - Rocket counting cards Dice game - Two different sheets with a black and white firework picture - roll the die and colour the correct part of the firework Literacy Worksheets - Various worksheets such as completing the sentences about fireworks, true and false worksheet about Guy Fawkes, describing fireworks, writing safety instructions Maths Worksheets - Make the rocket symmetrical, complete the addition and subtraction sums on the fireworks plus blank calculation sheets so you can differentiate the sums Ideas - An ideas sheet with lots of ideas to cover different areas of the curriculum when teaching about Bonfire Night and the Gunpowder Plot Cutting skills - Cut out the parts of the firework and assemble - there are two different sheets Safety Posters - Eight posters about firework safety for the children to colour Picture dominoes - A colour dominoes game Guy Fawkes pictures - Pictures from old documents about Guy Fawkes and the plot Draw the fireworks - A colour and a black and white worksheet Size worksheet - Cut out and order the rockets in size order - in colour and black and white Matching pairs game - Match the coloured Bonfire Night pictures Rhyme - «Remember, Remember the Fifth of November» - A decorated rhyme card
For example, you have curriculum fairly early on and teachers and parents talking about things in a particular way that might limit choices for girls.
But we need to write about the schools, the programs, the educators here as well, who are doing exemplary things in the sense of trying to make sure they're infusing their curriculum with these international and global ideas.
While many people blame standardized testing for narrowing the elementary school curriculum to reading and math, the real culprit is «a longstanding pedagogical notion that the best way to teach kids reading comprehension is by giving them skills — strategies like «finding the main idea — rather than instilling knowledge about things like the Civil War or human biology.»
The Opticians Role Play kit can be linked to many KS1 curriculum topics - My Body, All About Me, Health and Wellbeing, Places in Town, Life processes and living things, Senses, etc..
In the first step to creating your curriculum, think less about tick boxes — a list of things you want students to learn — and more about realising the content.
On Education and Racism: «When I got older and went to the University of California [Berkeley] I learnt about a more subtle racism and how it filters across our education system through tracking, hidden curriculums, social stratification, and things I had no idea of before.
In particular, I'm interested in learning more about the ways schools engage students in things such as decision - making, school governance, curriculum design and assessment of learning.
The sixth (final) in a series of lessons to develop children's knowledge about «Living Things and Their Habitats,» for the 2014 primary curriculum.
I'm talking about things like teacher licensing mandates, which researchers have long found do not improve teacher quality and traffic in disproven education fads (but do provide easy - access cash cows for state departments of education and teacher colleges since teachers are required to keep buying their products to maintain certification); ever - increasing testing and data - entry mandates; centralized curriculum mandates like Common Core; centralized teacher evaluation and ratings systems; and the massive data entry required to document things like student behavior problems and special education services.
«One of the things that I really like about Dr. Reed is that she is an advocate for the students and she does not compromise,» said Spencer Gazaway, the secondary - curriculum director for the district.
Gary Koppelman 5th Grade Teacher / Elementary Science Curriculum Chair What is one of your favorite things about being a teacher?
«While we do high - level thinking about things like teacher effectiveness or Common Core [curriculum], the question is what exactly will we do tomorrow about those districts.»
And parents don't know that our district will be the model for all others — because we do it best — we will collect SSP data in the form of social and emotional surveys, we will change our curriculum to socially engineer our children with social and emotional instruction without parents suspecting a thing, we will assess and survey up the wazoo about academics, school climate, cyberbullying, etc. while willing parents stand by, we will enhance our teacher evaluation program and refine it into a well - oiled teacher manipulation machine, and since our kids would do well no matter what because we have uber - involved parents, it will look like everything the Administrators are doing at the State's recommendation causes the success.
We've loved many things about the Calvert curriculum.
«The emphasis on writing across the curriculum is a great thing about the Common Core State Standards.»
But if you start doing real things like asking questions about the curriculum, they say «You don't know anything about this.
Well, I think Newark needs good schools, period... This idea of «we have to build charters at the expense of public school» is a ridiculous notion... That's an argument that people are having about real estate, about space, about money and finances, when on the ground, the thing that improves education is what happens in the classroom — is teacher development, staff development, and extended days and, you know, curriculum...
Every time something major is about to change about the way things are run in your school, like schedule or curriculum, you should run it by your students.
Whether like Jennifer Alexander who lobbies for charter schools, you see thousands of Connecticut public school students «trapped in failing schools» or, like me, you see the possibilities for curriculum design and professional development in those schools, what we have before us and before the Connecticut legislators in the future is a key moral question about what is the right thing for citizens in a democracy and their elected representatives to do.
«The thing about this work is that no one here has done it before, so we don't know exactly what we'll need» to spend for Common Core, says David Christiansen, Fresno's associate superintendent for curriculum and instruction.
You can trace the most significant issues related to this topic: group handicapped people by their disabilities, write about various conditions for teaching, programs of education, curriculum and other things.
One thing that has occurred to me in debating those who fall for anti-science propaganda is that there is a need for public school science curricula to include more emphasis on the basic principles of the scientific method, and how one can go about figuring out what's true and what isn't when faced with media controversies about science.
You are, of course, not welcome to spread misinformation or lies about NPR by claiming something like, «Look at this wonderful article that NPR wrote purely for us, at our personal request,» or «NPR thinks that In Home Teaching Agency XXX is a great company, so we built a curriculum around their content,» when NPR has never said any such thing.
The first and foremost thing that you need to be particular about is the biodata, curriculum vitae, or the resume.
However, there are a few basic differences, i.e. while the Curriculum Vitae represents an in - depth and structured information about the professional experience and qualification of a person, the resume usually is the same thing in a very short form - hence, the name.
All about Jobs Career Career help CV / Resume Jobs Leadership and Career Management Skills Portfolio Video 10 Things Not to Do on CV 13 Must Take Steps to a Winning Resume Business Business and Economy Career Success Catherine Adenle Curriculum vitae CV Effective Resume Employment Get the Job You Deserve This Year!
Maintained developmentally appropriate environment.Communicated with children's parents and guardians about daily activities, behaviors and problems.Completed home visits, parent meetings and developmental screenings.Familiarized parents with center's policies, regulations, daily schedule and curriculum.Sparked creativity and imagination by helping children discover new things each day.Offered stimulating curriculum that accommodated all learning styles.Upheld all CPR and Texas regulated certifications.Created and implemented a developmentally appropriate curriculum.Carefully identified warning signs of emotional and developmental problems in children.Maintained daily records of activities, behaviors, meals and naps.Incorporated music and art activities to encourage creativity and expression.
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