Sentences with phrase «thing as a cartoon»

Here, the director laid six miles of track in New Mexico and built two locomotives so he could do things with real trains that he has so digitally enhanced and implausibly staged that he might as well have done the whole thing as a cartoon.

Not exact matches

But yeah, as you read the cartoon, we have to think that some of the things we say and think about others, do NOT sound like Jesus.
As the cartoon shows, those things lead to death.
Finally, let me remind you that the administering image, valuable as it is when it is rightly understood, is still a cross-section, a cartoon, that has temporarily neglected some things in order to give proper emphasis to other things.
As a target because some religious madmen have decided to take issue with some otherwise innocuous cartoons I can say only one thing: if you truly want to destroy your nation, let the nutjobs have their way.
It is a good view to have, because, as your cartoon indicates, what we seem to get in our own heads is always something we have to do or something someone else should do, how someone else should conform to some thing that we are able to do, or expect others to believe some kind of non-sense that has popped into our heads.
Unless you have a better idea we are now going to take away cartoons, and then suckers, as these are two of her favorite things.
Another thing: Be very leery of people on internet discussion boards who post under fake names and use pro-bodybuilders or cartoons as their avatar photos.
Things feel more like a cartoon than a live action film, Freddy is about as scary as a mime, and the lack of tension that dominated the last film is back with a vengeance.
im kidding i am a 6ft 1 in tall white male, who enjoys the small things in life, video games, anime, and cartoons is about all it takes to make me comfortable and happy, but id like to share these hobbies among a million others with someone who will possibly become very dear to me, Aswell as...
Callahan's story is pretty great — and his cartoons can be bleak as f*ck but they're funny — and it's a good counterpoint to the usual disability narrative that we see, which is that a spinal cord injury is the end of all things.
And it does aspire to it; things that would play well as cartoons come off very broad and forced here.
This team builds things just to blow them up, and by the film's climax — which juggles several high - peril situations aboard two criss - crossing locomotives, including the sight of Reid riding his «spirit horse,» Silver, atop a train — what began as an elegantly epic, potentially realistic retelling of the Lone Ranger legend has devolved into Wile E. Coyote - style cartoon shenanigans.
The video, labeled as Part 1 of the previously - touted Sonic Mania Adventures short - form cartoon series, sees Sonic doing all the things he loves most: running fast, freeing animals, and sticking it to ol' Doctor Robotnik.
Though, the fact that the film isn't entirely without obvious merit confuses things even further: Krauss is wryly brilliant as Krauss and delivers the film's biggest laugh with his Herzog - ian reasons for using a wheelchair; Gael Garcia Bernal has a great time as a lecherous member of Laura's delegation, spinning his suitcase with the sneering verve of a cartoon villain who twirls his mustache and gleefully acts smarmy before being felled by his own beleaguered bowels; Herzog's shots of Diablo Blanco, portrayed by Bolivia's real - life Uyuni salt flats, are among the most stunning in any film released this year; Shannon has fun in the impromptu photo shoot that takes place toward the end of the film; and as expected, there's a fascinating push and pull in the battle between human and nature at the heart of the film's central premise.
Also, for those wondering what the hell the mind behind arguably one of the most offensive cartoon creations on the planet is doing in a child - friendly feature, well, Bratt actually does have a few parallels to the real - life personality of the icon, such as his hatred for Hollywood, but it's better left not knowing everything and simply uncovering things for one's self.
There aren't any exclusive kindness focused cartoon characters as such — so by introducing these two with the hope of generating interest and developing more interesting stories for the children to enjoy and learn from, I hope to slowly change behaviour from the very starting point — until unkindness becomes a thing of the past.
American culture casually refers to all things green and leafy as «rabbit food,» every cartoon bunny on the planet lives exclusively on carrots, and the Internet is full
The game begins so promisingly with a 90s cartoon vibe complete with a vibrant color palette and a guitar riff that sounds so much like my Saturday morning viewing as a kid that my nostalgia gland (totally a real thing) briefly went into overdrive and nearly killed me.
At the same time, he does nt really make it a habit to do such things, as Jerry went on for what, four more cartoons than it was ever meant to?
The game looks lovely on the Switch and nice little touches such as the chefs swearing in cartoon speech bubbles when things burn means that Overcooked is both memorable and fun to play.
And Kovac is a character you run into pretty quickly in the first hour or so of gameplay and he is the one who has surived the island the longest and will give you different hints as to how you can do the same thing in the form of his survival guide which you will find pages from throughout the game, which are made into entertaining little cartoon series explaining you the importance of different sections of the gameplay.
Don't have a cube at my office, (I work mobile), but have the next best thing — your cartoons as my desktop and screensaver.
Microsoft's Steve Clayton is probably the most well - known of my «re-publishers», as he's always using the Blue Monster cartoon for different things.
I never even GOT the apple / mac thing — these are cartoons about the human condition as it exists in certain creative males.
As if to prove that, and just in time for the holidays (or a break from dissecting the latest nonpapers at the Bali talks), now comes «101 Funny Things About Global Warming» (Bloomsbury USA, January 2008), the first book of climate cartoons (the first one I know of, anyway).
I picture the following cartoon: a goofy looking human in a bath towel running a dozen hair dryers in each hand, and then zooming out to bring all of their neighbors into view doing exactly the same thing, then panning over to show a busy city sidewalk packed with people rushing to work with a briefcase and a dozen running hair dryers in each hand (either with arms at their sides, or perhaps even up above their heads continuing to dry their hair as they walk, briefcases dangling in the air), and then zooming out again to show the same scene carried out on every city sidewalk.
If you're a fan of classic sci - fi, or if you just watched a lot of cartoons as a kid, then maybe these things look familiar.
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