Sentences with phrase «thing as drinking»

But there is such thing as drinking too much water.
So sin was identified with such things as drinking, smoking, and dancing; righteousness was identified with abstinence from such actions.

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«Regardless of what you drink, use a beverage break as an excuse to get away from your desk, walk around, stretch, and interact with some people — all things that will help you maintain your energy levels.»
Thinking about things you enjoy can be almost as effective as actually doing the activity which makes you happy: «the part of the brain responsible for feeling pleasure, the mesolimbic dopamine system, can be activated when merely thinking about something pleasurable, such as drinking one's favorite brand of beer or driving one's favorite type of sports car.
«The kinds of things it takes to be well - known and appealing as a teenager often don't last well long - term — drinking, sex, clothes.
Well, I say change, I would stagger my drinking as the headaches that come with taking in that much sugar and caffeine first thing were not pleasant.
You think of drinking whiskey and playing golf as things you do in your leisure time to unwind.
The online survey of 1,019 Canadians asked which federal leader they would prefer to do things with, including serious issues, such as dealing with a terrorist attack, and not - so - serious issues, such as drinking a beer and babysitting.
As the existentialist writer Jean - Paul Sartre explained:» Without God all activities are equivalent... thus it amounts to the same thing whether one gets drunk alone, or is a leader of nations.»
The themes in it [are] the ever - present themes of adultery, as well as a pretty heavy drinking theme in the song (which probably comes from the fact that I drink pretty heavily), but the most interesting part of it to me, the thing I was most excited about when I wrote it was the bridge toward the end of the song where there's a car fire in the parking lot and all that stuff and the comment «what a cruel God we've got.»
Just as I am not tempted to be a glutton when I'm around gluttons, partying with people who choose to drink, do drugs, discuss politics, or whatever it is they're doing does not make me want to do those things.
He would not be prevented from doing things prohibited by Islam — such as drinking wine or eating pork — and on death he would not be washed and prayed for by Muslims.
The important thing is to offer help and to raise if necessary the possibility of a drinking problem in such a way as to allow the person to reject the statement without rejecting the minister.
I love to watch you eat and drink and dance and explore and worship and pray and get out of your car to move that poor little turtle out of the road... not because you do any of these things perfectly, but because you do them as my children.
Some people have raised the question as to whether teaching an alcoholic that his drinking is an illness will not give him a heavy weapon to use against those who are trying to persuade him to stop that drinking; saying that he might then be able to shrug the whole thing off with some statement like «How can I help it — it's a disease, isn't it?»
Two verses — «They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly things, it shall not hurt them» (Mark 16:18) and «Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you» (Luke 10:19)-- are used by the snake - cult Christians in Appalachia as support for snake - handling and the drinking of poison as tests of Christian faith.
«Drunkenness,» he says, «is a difficult thing for human beings; and as far as it is in my power, I should neither be willing to go on drinking nor to advise another to do so, particularly if he still has a headache from yesterday's debauch.»
Because Jesus Christ is present with all people as the Giver of food and drink and as the Bread of life, and because his presence is revealed to his congregation by the Holy Spirit, and because he permits and commands us to eat and, drink, therefore we may and must eat and drink all things with Jesus in faith, love and hope.
Do not many people stop thinking becoming themselves as mindless beasts ever to be herded here to there and made to eat this thing and drink of the other thing..?
I choose not to drink mostly because I know my limits, and when I struggle with self - control when it comes to much less addicting things such as sugar, chocolate, snack, etc., I would prefer not to give myself an opportunity to abuse alcohol the way I do other foods since the physical consequences have potential to be very dangerous.
The Gospel of Thomas (which pre-dates the 4 Gospels, but was considered non-canonical by the Nicene Council) quotes the Savior: He who will drink from my mouth will become as I am: I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him.
It is crucial for us to understand that the child of faith will not be harmed «if the body is clothed in secular dress, dwells in unconsecrated places, eats and drinks as others do, does not pray aloud, and neglects to do all those «religious» things which some decree... one thing, and one thing only is necessary for us to know righteousness, life and freedom.
A classic commercial, now happily departed from the airwaves, sold a soft drink as «the real thing
If I have decided that these 5 things are wrong (whatever they are: drinking alcolol, smoking pot, homosexuality, whatever...) and expect others to have the same list, I stand as the judge.
Something a simple as not eating and in particular, not drinking regularly can change the chemistry of a persons brain, it changes the way you perceive things, take in information — extreme cases can cause delusions, false sensory intake...
Third, the minister can arrange for him to get acquainted with an experienced and accepting AA member who may serve as a bridge to feeling at home in an AA group [In a study of factors which produce «readiness» for affiliation with AA, Harrison M. Trice discovered that alcoholics with the following characteristics tend to relate effectively to AA: Before contact with AA, they often shared troubles with others, had lost drinking friends, had heard positive things about AA, had no relative or friend who had quit through willpower.
For the minister to imply that she has unconscious needs which contribute to his drinking increases her guilt and her frantic, futile struggling to change things or change her husband so that he won't drink as he does.
As suggested in Chapter 9, the most salutary thing the wife of a drinking alcoholic can do is to «release» him.
But strangest thing of all was this — as well as food and drink and thread, there was a stick in case she needed to be kept in order.
Homosexual relationships are unnatural as is lying, envy, jealousy, anger, swearing, injustice, irritability, gluttony, drunkenness, rudeness, bullying, torture, theft, pride, foolishness, slander, self embellishment, ignoring the poor, destitute, widows, the lonely, thirsty, hungry and naked, servitude, slavery, low wages, exploitation, pornography, pollution of the atmosphere, drinking water, the oceans and land, greed, licentiousness, unprincipled actions etc. all these things separate us from the love of Christ and therefore stop us from being Christ like.
To quote you, «I believe that I exist at random, but I do not exist alone; and that as long as my quarks cohere, my entire function on this hurtling planet is to give what I can to the other extant things» So all that being said, what is it that makes you believe being a «raging drunk», isn't acceptable... all things being considered.
It isn't my favourite juicer as it's quite difficult to clean (which is really important to me) and I wasn't crazy about the design but if you are new to juicing then it would definitely be a great thing to start with while you get used to the idea of drinking your veggies!
The whole purpose of fasting during Ramadan is not to just refrain from food or drink, but to remember those who are in need and feel for them as well as be grateful for what we have in things we take for granted everyday.
For example, since mesquite trees are common in the area they infuse this flavor into things such as waffles, and hatch chilies are made into a syrup and added to mixed drinks.
I rarely drink, because my body can't handle it that well and I have to be careful when eating out that I don't eat things that contain dairy, for example, as it makes me sick.
Mix the juice of the ginger and lemon together, then drink the shot — don't sip it though as it's not the most delicious thing!
I to can only eat things that is organic so I redo alot of the recipes so I can eat alot of stuff I «am allgic to pesticides, hornmores, n antibotics, dairy, eggs, whey, so I watch n read everything, I do not have a galdbladder n was told I could eat everything after that well I could not n get sick after that it will come out of 1 of the ends is all i need to say, but if I eat this stuff I «am ok, for everybody that may have the same problem as me just try drinking the organic milks w / o hornmores, pesticdes, n antibotics in it n see if that works for you same with the eggs thats what I do open the lid n see what it says, if it don't say that well its not for you (eggland) is one of the names I use horizan, silk, r 2 of the milk blands I use, they also have sorbet icecream but watch them some do have milk in them n if it doesn't say organic milk your not getting that your getting real milk, then go on internet n read, read, read all your labels n read whats best for you cause everybody is not the same, I hope that helps n feel free to send me a message n let me know if anybody wants: - P
I was drinking a protein shake every evening as my dinner right after my workout and then next thing I knew the following week I had put on 2 lbs like that!
This is a very simple drink, and as with most things you'll find on Sprouted Kitchen this simplicity can shine through using good ingredients.
In my eyes, this made it pretty perfect — and that's a very good thing, because as you'll see, there were two more drinks just like it each day.
Apple made their big iPhone 5 announcement today and while I will probably drink the Koolaid so to speak as my phone is up for renewal I am unhappy about one thing.
Consumers should not be misled into believing there is such a thing as a «standard drink
I am not really drinking it for the nutrients... it's more as a way to add liquid to things like smoothies & cereal.
One more thing I like to use gojis for: place a handful in a mug of boiling water and drink it as an infusion, with the added fun of eating the plumped up berries at the end!
However, other authors have voiced concerns about consumption of artificial sweeteners, because they may promote an appetite for sweet things, they harm bone and dental health, and their long term safety profile is not precisely clear.55 However, the European Food Safety Agency recently concluded that aspartame, the most common artificial sweetener, is safe at present consumption levels.56 The shift to milk consumption as sugar sweetened drink consumption falls might be expected.
Man - thing doesn't drink coffee, for the record, so this was an uber win for team awesome, because I'm going to take this as permission to add coffee to pretty much anything from now on.I'm pretty much wired by now to expect coffee straight after a meal, so adding coffee to the meal itself is really game - changing stuff for me.
I didn't understand why I couldn't drink it and have the flavor do the same thing to my tastebuds as the smell did to my nose.
That means we can drink the same thing and I know they are getting what they need as well.
It's just the way to do things because sourcing as local as possible and receiving products as quickly as possible after it comes out of the ground, the better a dish or drink will be.»
«We really look for classic brands — the sort of thing where people can say «I remember drinking that as a kid,» Stan Rothstein says.
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