Sentences with phrase «thing at»

It is not a private thing at all... it's as natural as anything else.
Education is certainly important, but it isby no means the only thing at play.
OK, it's not the most accessible thing at a glance, but
OK, it's not the most accessible thing at a glance, but Okja is packed with things to say about animal rights, capitalism, monopolization and even refugee crises.
Let us rightly consider that a generation is not on that account superior because it understands that a previous generation acted wrongly, if in the present moment they themselves do not understand how to discriminate between the momentary and the eternal aspect of the thing at hand.
The irony to the ad was then, as it is now, that Coke isn't the real thing at all.
There is, of course, something tiresome about those people who only ever order the same thing at restaurants.
Even those people doing the big traditional Hero Things have told me this, they are just doing one thing at a time and the daily work of it doesn't look that sexy.
But Christinaity has not been such a bad thing at its core.
Churches, by and large don't realize that this is a journey... a process... and expect people to accept the whole thing all at once and in doing so, lose them out the door.
Tolstoy, in his Twenty - Three Tales, devotes the final one to describing a king who is in search of an answer to each of three questions: How can I learn to do the right thing at the right time?
They are not the same thing at all.
Creation wasn't some one - time thing at some point in the past as, say, Locke or the Big Bangers teach.
Just how we are to understand this language is not entirely clear, but one thing at least is certainly plain.
Nay, who has been taught any thing at our colleges with the thoroughness which will enable him to go safely and directly to distinction...?»
Learning to say the right thing at the right time «is a gift that comes only after you have learned to die to self and the best start for that is humility, detachment, and charity.»
«The thing at root that we think about is, not only Christ sacrificing himself on our behalf, but it's also the Golden Rule,» Obama told ABC News during his announcement.
There's only one antidote for climbing out of this manufactured narrative we create for ourselves, which is the same thing at the very core of the Christian faith: the scandal of grace.
Yet I know that to say the wrong thing at any point will mean that all the logic and history can summon will go out my Gothic Window into the quadrangle, and Lord Zealous will slam the door.
So as the sermon went on, I began to think I was mistaken, that Greg and I were not arguing the same thing at all.
God can not be for and against the same thing at the same time.
Every description of reality is partial, because although reality may be observed from many perspectives, language can express only one thing at a time.
Of one thing at least we can be confident: The other human species are no more, and there are probably no galactic visitors here, either.
Personally it would not be a bad thing at all if he never preached or ran a religious empire again... if his teaching has any merit, he should submit himself to it from the pew and demonstrate it's virtue at least as long as he has lauded it's power from the pulpit.
Dan and I tried the gender - based roles thing at first, and while some of those roles stuck, others didn't.
If you get the right thing at the right time you can see actual demons follow you around 7 - 11.
I've had this problem my whole life (saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and in the wrong way).
His view was that «man containeth in himself the stars and heaven, they lie hidden in his minde... if we rightly knew our owne spirite no thing at all would be impossible to us on earth.»
That I know is a good thing at any rate.
You are still deciding which life you can eat and which life to spare, so it is not a morality thing at all, as many vegans and vegetarians like to claim.
This is the very reason that we choose not to do our own thing at all, but rather to come alongside existing ministries and to work to build relationships with them.
We must do the right thing at the time.
I think that one thing at least we can learn is not to respond to others in the same way when they disagree with us.
You have weirdly decided to remain stuck in the past and those who do that are doomed to repeat history... that's a very dangerous thing at times.
I for one am thankful for the same things I trust you are thankful for, and if we all repeat off the same list, that's not a bad thing at all.
At a minimum, it seems the only thing at issue was how already - existing power structures were to be used (or, more precisely, not abused) than about trying to ensure the status quo.
The deficit reduction plan in 2010 was the right thing at the time, but the UK is now entering a «new phase», which will be judged by «a different set of parameters», new Chancellor Philip Hammond tells the Today programme.
So, God designed our minds to focus on one thing at a time.
Some popular times to practice gratitude are first thing in the morning and last thing at night, but choose a time that works for you.
Warren does the same thing at Berkshire, and he always started his letters with the mistakes first.
Many other teachers did the same thing at that school.
These books help explain why being a capitalist isn't a bad thing at all — actually, it's the most rational economic philosophy out there.
If you maintain a contrarian mindset, and start with the premise that most investors do the wrong thing at the wrong time, you are less likely to be panicked and act on emotion when others do.
As for other faults she sees with entrepreneurs today, Sweid feels that they'd be better off if they were to focus on just one thing at time.
Streaming shifted television from a world based on scarcity — there are only 24 hours in the day times however many channels there are, and a channel can only show one thing at a time — to one based on abundance: you can watch anything you want at anytime and it can be different from everyone else.
They may not earn a high return going forward and may even lose some in the next bear market, but I believe the psychology of holding bonds will stop some people from doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.
Setting extremely short - term and specific (yet simple) goals allows the mind to focus on one thing at a time without distraction.
Only annoing thing at all is it comes a bit waxy from the packaging when opening individual blades.
Mr. Musk recused himself from the deliberations at Tesla and Mr. Rive said the same thing at SolarCity.
Therefore it all becomes a very personal thing at that moment.
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