Sentences with phrase «thing by burning fossil fuels»

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Black carbon is the term used for sooty particles produced by fossil fuel combustion and come from things such as automobile exhaust and biomass burning.
But there can be too much of a good thing: In the last 200 years, humans have added a lot of extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas to produce energy.
Such factors include increased greenhouse gas concentrations associated with fossil fuel burning, sulphate aerosols produced as an industrial by - product, human - induced changes in land surface properties among other things.
That's the conclusion of a Carnegie Institution for Science study... that shows two things: Emissions from burning a lump of coal or a gallon of gas has an effect on the climate 100,000 times greater than the heat given off by burning the fossil fuel itself.
One of the things pointed out in that post is that we know that the rise in atmospheric CO2 is entirely caused by fossil fuel burning and deforestation because many independent observations show that the carbon content has also increased in the ocean.
And it's no mystery why this has been happening: the profligate burning of fossil fuels, the very thing that US Airways was bound and determined to do despite the inconvenience presented by a melting tarmac.
The fossil fuel industry seems to be moving on to their last public relations stand: «Yes, human beings are causing global warming by burning fossil fuels — but that will be a good thing!».
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