Sentences with phrase «thing kids»

Especially about things our kids do that are normal, if not acceptable.
You're the one who gets that endless list of things the kids need to have.
They're not a silver bullet, and they're not the only thing kids need for a great public education.
Sometimes, though, there are no apparent explanations for the odd things kids say or do.
There are few things kids love more than a porch swing, and this one will grow with the family.
They recommend watching the news with your child and discussing it, and asking about things your kids have heard at school.
And they are so much healthier than some of the other things kids want.
I think they'd also be a great end - of - the - year Teacher gift written with things the kids liked about their teacher or something they learned that year.
And if that means the only thing kids are served is chicken nuggets with vitamin soup, then that's what it means.
Any question we had, any little thing the kids asked for, she made sure it was taken care of.
It was most fun for me to see what things the kids thought were most important; secret levels, licensed music, and of course lots of shooting.
I know you probably assumed the first thing my kids ask for in the morning is a carrot, but no my friends.
The paper chain reward is another way to help us look out for and see the good things our kids do.
We think we'll remember every sweet, smart or funny thing our kids will ever do or say, but we don't.
With school over, the last thing his kids wanted was a schedule to meet.
I forget to send in things the kids need for school, don't feed the dog on time and have left the house without brushing my teeth.
It's just one of those silly things kids do when they have nothing else planned.
Furthermore, given the endless number of weird things a kid might ask it, the likelihood of getting something wrong is, well, quite high.
The channel has amazing videos that showcases cool and fun things your kids can try out for their science fair project.
I also wanted to include those really bizarre things kids just love.
It is fun to see all the great things my kids have created: a miniature golf set, a monster and more!
The timer will turn the heat off even if you get distracted by the cute things your kids are up to or an important exchange with a spouse or roommate.
You can still be a good parent and not be crazy in love with every single thing your kid does.
As kids joined our team, they were given a welcome packet, which contained the same things all kids received at the beginning of the year.
This is one of our favorite shows of solidarity: when parents come together to laugh (or cry) about the crazy things their kids do.
I have to admit though, it does have lots of sugary things a kid would like.
To address your child's very real concerns, it helps to be ready for these common things kids say.
Sleep is a beautiful thing kids just ask us moms who haven't had a good night sleep since you were born!
You'll never know what new and exciting things your kids will discover about what their body can do — like the ability to hide cake crumbs.
I try to make sure I notice all the little special things my kids do and take them in.
We have shared in the past 7 things kids learn through play and benefits of play to child's happiness.
Indoor pollution can be the result of everything we have already outlined above and a few other sources such as pets, things kids track indoors, cooking, and more.
You can see that in some of the prototype technology - supported assessments being developed today — they're presented in terms of puzzles or projects with things kids explore on the Web.
A crew of friendly children demonstrates some of the amusing things kids (and grown - ups) can do with their bodies.
Identify things your kids can do in the evenings to make the mornings less chaotic and rushed, such as setting out clothes, packing backpacks or even preparing their own lunches.
We had things kids today can only dream of.
Another snow day means things the kids can do, cutting and coloring are right up our alley!
The one thing our kids really don't like, they have to learn to love.
There are all kinds of things kids can find to do on a cheap tablet.
Those are 7 things I took away from reading the book 52 Things Kids Need from a Mom — a book that was given to me by my mom.
Just starting to eat clean and have been trying to clean up things my kids love, such as pumpkin bread.
The best thing a kid can have is loving and patient parents.
Summer is just getting started, and the last thing kids want to think about is summer homework.
Is cereal the only thing your kids are interested in for breakfast?
Before we talk about how great quinoa is in chili (spoiler alert — it's great), let's talk about silly things kids do.
Make chores a fun thing kids can do with mom and dad, and thank them for their help.
What's more, parents can engage directly with all the great things their kids are doing in school.
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