Sentences with phrase «thing work»

Is there anything about the way you did the activity that reminds you of how things work in your family at home?
Turn out the key to efficiency isn't greed, it's competent and intelligent people figuring out how make things work better.
Do let us know how things worked for you and share your experience with us by using the comments area from below.
It's a challenge to make things work well with the style of home you have, isn't it?
As a heads up, this series will be discussing only the way things work in the traditional publishing world.
And figure out what combination of things works for you.
It isn't always about loving everything you have, it is about how things work together.
You can know a person, and if things work on the positive side, you can think of a long term commitment.
When the distance is available, you instantly get to know about how much time will it take to reach the millionaire of your dreams, if things work well between you two.
I'll take all the advice I can get because different things work with different kids.
However, it does have that engine, and although the rest of the technology could most kindly be described as «traditional», the whole thing works as a package.
These great tips help you get things working for your family!
He's an important player for us, there are moments when things work better at one time than another.
When you sell a house in a buyer's market, a lot of things work against you.
I am fortunate enough that going into this rotation, I already had a relatively comfortable feel for the general way things work at the hospital.
Picking out everything from scratch before I even began would be easier, but I enjoy the challenge of making things work as I go.
Some agents recommend a specific company without taking the extra time and just hope things work out.
In general, though the practice is an experiential one, understanding why things work can help the benefits of the practice take even deeper root.
So how do things work in the third order?
I love it and I think the whole thing works very well!
Have I told you how excited I get when things work out the way I expect them?
It's very hard sometimes to make things work properly, but with online dating over 50 you can do that without a problem, something you will surely like.
It would be interesting to know if things work differently elsewhere.
I don't know your goals, but the same thing works with me!
That's helped to keep things working correctly in each format.
Also please do one more thing... Make sure things work right without the engine running but with everything connected the way you want it to be.
Sometimes that's the only way to get things working again.
This will be done by tapping, but players will have a few things working against them.
They couldn't get things working by the deadline so they had to be cut.
But... it took three years for the top to pop off and the damn thing worked like a charm in spite of the damage.
Getting acquainted with how things work now can be difficult and not less than daunting.
The paint color for the fireplace hasn't been the only thing I worked on this week.
We explain how things work without using complicated legal terms.
I am determined to keep making things work even if there is very little hope at doing so.
On my last purchase of a vehicle, it was years before I found out how certain things worked.
There may be other things working in your favor; the officer may not have filled out the ticket properly, or whatever.
Of course sometimes things work better than at other times, that's football, but the manager believes in me and that means a lot to me.
It's funny... there were so many things working against this happening.
The material was vetted with a local lawyer and applies to the way things work here.
This because once they decide on a version they need to stick with it throughout the development process to ensure things work once it ships.
Teaching people how to cook and bake, or giving the seasoned home cook a tip or trick to make things work smoothly make me silly happy.
It's one of the first things I work on with clients and is the element that affects every single thing you do.
Looking to make some connections and get better acquainted with the way things work there.
Curious to see how things work behind the curtain?
However, we have accumulated a lot of experience on what things work really well, and how to compensate for the limitations or design around them.
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