Sentences with phrase «things i'd do before»

Studies indicate carbon dioxide emissions from transportation in the province have declined 16 % in that time, and while it's impossible to draw a direct causal relationship between the tax and the emissions decline, it's fair to say it was a factor contributing to indisputable behavioural changes — you can't emit 16 % less CO2 by doing the same things you did before.
Do the same thing you did before and check out the keyword ideas tab
One of the first things I did before putting in an offer on a new home last summer was call my Internet provider.
EP: So there is a good chance that if you go to this party, you will fall back into your old sinful habits, and will end up doing the same things you did before.
I don't know what sort of praiseworthy items God will find in deathbed conversions, but maybe He will praise things they did before they were believers?
That you make known the things you do before you do them so we can see and marvel at your wonderful power and majesty.
It's the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning, and the last thing I do before I go to bed.
I won't talk about the things I did before I believed.
Would be great to hear more about the things you did before you got your cafes.
One of the last things we did before leaving for Australia was cleaning out our pantry and fridge.
I get to take it back in for another 3 days this week, so I have been working furiously to get a few things done before I go computer-less again.
In retrospect, the times we spend away are the most relaxing for me, even if it means scrambling to get things done before we leave and playing catch up when we return.
This was the last thing we did before heading back to the city, and it was the perfect closing to our trip.
That's not to say that after facing us they will take a liking to one of our players and think on it in summer like with Henry Bronkhorst etc but this thing they do before games is a ploy none the less..
Wouldn't it make more sense to see who's on the team and do some of the things we did before?
Every year, we all say the same thing: this year we're going to get ahead of the holidays and get things done before the madness starts!
If you do experience that burst of energy at the end of your pregnancy, it may allow you to get some things done before your baby arrives, but remember not to overdo it.
Avoid drinks in the last few hours before bed and make a toilet trip the last thing he does before going to sleep.
Whether we stay at home, work, or a little bit of both, most moms have a long list of things they do before 9:00 a.m., and those lists are nothing short of impressive.
To keep up with the baby's appetite and to reduce the need for more bottles and more pumping, a mom can nurse her baby as the last thing she does before they part ways — either at the day care center or with the caregiver.
Some of our friends expressed concern about how they don't want us to have a baby and stop hanging out with our friends and doing things we did before we had our baby.
MINDSET: Still very much in nesting mode, and trying to get all the little things done before the baby arrives.
This morning he took his diaper off and I was running around as usual trying to get the few things done before he starts his day.
Yes, it's nice to go out an do things you did before you had a baby, but I do have a baby and I want what is best for her.
That's the first thing we do before we find the radionuclides.
The last thing I do before bed around 10 p.m. is read — I always have at least one fiction and one nonfiction going and strongly prefer real books to e-books.
I thought I would just eliminate meat and dairy and eat all the same things I did before.
The last thing I do before falling asleep is diffuse essential oils in my bedroom.
It turned out to be quite the blessing, as it gave us Sunday to get some things done before heading back to work Monday.
My shame at all of the no good, stupid, horrible things I did before I met you, my fears of being alone, my jealousy, my insecurities.
The first thing I do before styling my hair whether wearing it down or braiding it is to give it some big loose curls.
The last thing I do before heading out is double - checking that my outfit will last the day and keep me warm and dry.
From the type of coffee you order in the morning to the last thing you do before bed, the simplest lifestyle tweaks can make a world of...
Good thing you did that before painting or you might have gone too far, lol.
One of the last things I did before going on break was attending my Kindergarten student's musical.
Last thing you do before you turn out the lights?
And the last thing I do before bed is apply this PM Anti-Aging Moisturizer on my face.
For most singles, the first thing they do before screening through the standard age, height, status, education, etc. is scan those pesky photos.
If the same things you did before led to zero results then repeating those same actions are likely to lead to exactly the same results.
Even with one computer in the room, there are ways to integrate that one machine into your classroom and still make sure that you and your students are indeed doing things that you couldn't do before, not just doing the same things you did before in a quicker, more efficient way.
Of all the things I did before launching, I think it was learning how to create an interesting and persuasive book description that has made the most difference.
That should be the last thing you do before you go to bed, check outside entrances to ensure they're secure.
Make sure you do not feed them anything in the 3 hours before bed, take away water at least 2 hours before bed, and take them to their toilet spot to empty themselves as the very last thing you do before you go to bed.
Pay attention to the things you do before you leave the house, and begin doing them randomly throughout the day.
Be sure to give your puppy a few chances to empty out during the evening and make sure the very last thing you do before going to bed is take him out to potty, even if he's asleep and you have to wake him to do it.
For as long as I can remember, the first thing I did before going somewhere new was read travel blogs about that destination!
One of the best things we did before retiring was learn to write.
It's about putting yourself in a positive mindset and getting important things done before everyone else.
One of the things I do before I travel internationally, is to let my banks that issued my credit or ATM cards know that I will be traveling abroad.
The last thing I did before I needed to take a break to head off was head to my boyfriend's town to drop some stuff off...... and then to the island to check the items.
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