Sentences with phrase «things at kindergarten»

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That's not a surprising finding exactly (any parent or kindergarten teacher could tell you the same thing), but in a world where we could all use a little more civility at work, it's worth reminding ourselves that tired employees are generally not the kindest or most patient employees.
Things like having kids be able to read proficiently at the end of kindergarten, things that are developmentally inconceivable for a lot ofThings like having kids be able to read proficiently at the end of kindergarten, things that are developmentally inconceivable for a lot ofthings that are developmentally inconceivable for a lot of kids.
That's one of things they're looking at or children's readiness for kindergarten and so, talking to the preschool teacher, asking them, and talking to other parents too.
Catherine Snow: Incorporating Rich Language in Early Education Educations Funders Researchers Initiative, November 18, 2013 «Taking on the task of improving reading skills, for all children and especially for those scoring at the bottom of the skill distribution, requires three simple things: first, we must provide all children with experiences designed to ensure a broad knowledge base and rich language before entry to kindergarten; second, we must redesign post-primary instruction to focus on discussion, analysis, critique, and synthesis; and third, we must redirect resources from testing children to assessing what is actually going on inside classrooms,» writes Professor Catherine Snow.
«That approach to kindergarten is really aligned with the needs of today's society,» says Resnick, citing the need to adapt to the speed at which things change in the world.
The inspiration for «Just Breathe» first came about a little over a year ago when I overheard my then 5 - year - old son talking with his friend about how emotions affect different regions of the brain, and how to calm down by taking deep breaths — all things they were beginning to learn in Kindergarten at their new school, Citizens of the World Charter School, in Mar Vista, CA.
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