Sentences with phrase «things discussed»

Yet the first thing you discuss in your post is that you don't think rates are going to rise....
It's not the kind of thing we discuss over tea and cake after the service.
The connection between healthy strong teeth, gums, and rest of the body is the first thing I discuss with patients.
As of right now the game is still in its earliest stages of development so there's a possibility things discussed here could change with time.
So the first thing I discussed with the team is how we could make the project greener than their expectations AND not increase the budget.
I may ask follow - up questions about things we discussed in the first session or about your answers on the questionnaire.
Income is based on a few things discussed above: billing and collections.
Man, so many things discussed in this show that I don't even know where to start!
You touch on many of the same things I discuss with my website.
The brains behind Stranger Things discuss the role of the monsters in season two.
Anyone who has adopted a dog from us knows that training is the biggest thing we discuss with new owners.
Send your thank you note within 24 hours (by email) and should mention things you discussed in the interview or add something new to the discussion.
Remember, the process is confidential and you are not bound by things discussed in mediation until you both want to be.
And that's just one of the many things she discusses.
One of the first things we discussed was what provider I should use.
Among other things we discussed the cultural shift when EA bought BioWare, leaving a studio after spending most of your career there, and the weather in Edmonton.
Niche sites / blogs, press releases, guest blogging and offering free services things discussed at panels end.
And When All Else Is Equal, Then You Compare Price... Price is always the last thing we discuss when comparing Collagen products.
Thank the hiring manager for their time, refer to a few things discussed during the interview, reaffirm your interest in contributing to the growth of the company, and leave it at that.
«So, once the final decision was made as a company and we started to inform our customers, we told them the same thing we discussed as employees — that nothing would change.
Price is always the last thing we discuss when comparing Collagen products.
Refer to a few things discussed during the interview and perhaps add more commentary or details.
If they have a valuable purpose at all, it's about getting things discussed and decided and not about giving everyone in the room scrupulously equal air time to express themselves.
I'll admit to often skipping the non-recipe sections in vegan cookbooks, since, 5 years into veganism, I'm pretty familiar with the ingredients, equipment and the usual things discussed.
I've been very adamant about being done pumping when he turns a year thinking about those exact same positive things you discussed... no more working our schedule around pumping's, no more spending time hooked up to the pump while my family gets to roll around on the floor playing, no more stressing out when I can't keep up more normal schedule from day to day... but with only a couple weeks left before I start weaning the thought is making me weepy.
Other things discussed yesterday: breastfeeding breaks at work, popular awareness of WHO guidelines BF «2 years and beyond,» protecting breastfeeding in public, role models and normalising breastfeeding in non-breastfeeding communities, support local breastfeeding cafes, access to skilled breastfeeding support (more than BFI 3 day course), integrate support from breastfeeding voluntary organisations.
The next thing discussed was using reflective language.
The only thing they discuss is how to «destroy the credibility of the Labour party» but he's not as good at it as Labour is.
There's some great things we discuss, including MORE thoughts on the board and some discussion on the differences between Mario Party 9 and Mario Party 10.
Let's discuss all these things in this blog post to give you a
Editor's Note: I've done my absolute best to avoid spoilers but certain things I discuss below may delve into spoilerish territory if you've yet to play the game fully.
Other things discussed include Premier League, buying Sonic games, funny sports names and more.
Section 301 basically states the same thing we discussed above, but with more legalese.
As I fine tune the show, I will be adding show notes with links about things we discuss.
One of the most interesting things I discuss in my book Mapping Innovation is what I call the new era of innovation, which will create profoundly new technologies, classes of data and business models.
I was particularly interested in a couple of things they discuss in their abstract, which says (emphasis mine): Abstract The...
The poster, the trailer, who goes to the dark side, is that really another Death Star and where the heck is Luke are among the many things discussed in this big episode.
What to wear, how to behave, where you go, what you should care and all that kind of things.In simple words we say them «dating tips «Even you must know how to stat conversation which type of things you discuss with you date partner.
August 26, 2016 - The guys behind Stranger Things discuss their love of video games and talk about the Alien 3 scene that inspired an early sequence.
In an interview with Famitsu, game producer Yosuke Hayashi shared some information about the newest game, with one of the big things discussed being when the game began work.
The last thing we discussed was how to use a cheap, simple kitchen tool (a 3 - minute hourglass egg timer) to determine whether the person with whom you're talking is going to waste your time or not.
Make No Bones About It: Boron strengthens your teeth The connection between healthy strong teeth, gums, and rest of the body is the first thing I discuss with patients.
Among other things discussed was the possibility of cooperating together to bring blockchain technology to the masses in a secure way.»
Most of these things discussed by Rohr are not new to those who have at least some knowledge of Buddhism.
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