Sentences with phrase «things fashion people»

Here are some hilarious things fashion people actually said in public, crowded places.

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These new data - driven solutions permit you to be all things to all people and to deliver the right content at the right time and place in a customized and individualized fashion to millions of potential customers.
And anonymity gives people a chance to share things about themselves that they would never share with anybody else, in a constructive fashion.
New York Fashion Week has returned to the Big Apple to wreak havoc in these city streets (and by havoc we mean crowds of thirsty wannabes, lots of skinny people smoking, and fashion editors complaining about things that others would give their right leg to experFashion Week has returned to the Big Apple to wreak havoc in these city streets (and by havoc we mean crowds of thirsty wannabes, lots of skinny people smoking, and fashion editors complaining about things that others would give their right leg to experfashion editors complaining about things that others would give their right leg to experience).
But before everything actually accelerates, the medical research industry will need three things: (1) A larger sample size; (2) A way of letting people share their information in a granular fashion and; (3) A place to put the terabytes of medical data that ResearchKit generates.
i agree David that we are far from the place, simply because some pious persons of history thought things should be done in fashion.
However bad things may be, God will see to it that there are some, however few, among an apostate nation, who turn to Him with repentance and obedience, and out of them He will fashion His people anew.
Thus, sound and meaning structures are not dictated by the nature of things, but are fashioned by people to serve their need for common understanding.
Few people are more in love with the Star Wars way of doing things than J.J. Abrams, who has fashioned an entire career out of crafting old - fashioned crowd pleasers.
Their practical grasp of the ways of things enabled people to carry out the necessary affairs of everyday life in a tolerable fashion.
Baldwin told the students of fashion that «billions of people around the world» buy all kinds of things in order to «make a statement to the best of their ability, and within the boundaries of their own tastes and budgets, about who they are.»
If what you interpret Paul as saying is that before creating all the myriad galaxies and star systems God decided that They would put some humans on the third planet from an insignificant star on a little arm of a middling galaxy and that the first hominids chosen role would be to perform pretty much to spec and do something silly and rebellious (arguably without sufficient information as to consequences for themselves and their off spring, oh, and for serpents) and cause affront to the tripartite godhead warranting separation of Gods grace from all their offspring; then we are left with people being chosen from way back before the Big Bang to do some terrible things like killing babies or betraying Jesus who was chosen on the same non date (time didn't exist before creation) to die in a fairly nasty fashion and thereby appease the righteous wrath of himself and his fellow Trinitarians by paying a penalty as a substitute for all future sins (of believers?)
So George H. Palmer, when he was professor of philosophy at Harvard, put it: «The most consummately beautiful thing in the universe is the rightly fashioned life of a good person
No shit, that thing the killed you on will become a fashion statement for the people that like you... I know messed up isn't it
Here (they will think) was a people who behaved as though the interesting and important thing about the Mass was the prospect of restyling the package; as though sin and folly resulted from a bad condition of the ecclesiastical machine; as though, given only a rending of garments according to current fashion and theory, our cold hearts would warm up naturally and painlessly.
In pre-industrial society everything that was made bore the mark of the person who fashioned it and who thus confirmed and communicated himself in the thing.
I think the people who wrote the bible were old fashioned trolls, and the whole thing was a joke gone bad.
We spoke with the Bon Appétit test kitchen to identify the most common things people mess up when making good old - fashioned Sunday morning waffles.
I think if Rio came up in this era he'd be the lead type with this stuff, remember his fashion sense, that's what this is, it's today's thing that the trendy people are very good at doing.
One other thing Americans hate is people who run as one thing then govern in just the opposite fashion.
«There'll be a number of people that we'll be working with in a different fashion but look, I'm ready to work with anyone who will help New York City whether again it's on those day - to - day issues, the smaller things or whether it's on the big picture issues like saving Obamacare and making sure that the tax code is fair to New Yorkers,» de Blasio added.
The things that we have demonstrated — such as the fact that the vertical nanowires can deliver any biological effector to any cell type in a spatially selected fashion — have drawn interest from many different people, and we have been working with stem cell institutes and others to demonstrate the unique utility of this particular platform.
I recommend for people to do things the old fashioned way... get to know their local farmers and butchers... if this doesn't work out, don't shut the door on the nourishment of organ meats.
My favorite bloggers weren't fashion bloggers or beauty bloggers or lifestyle bloggers but real people with day jobs and families and hobbies sharing fashion and dating and things that were meaningful to them.
Ah I am glad more and more people are noticing the whole new fashion blogger thing!!
I love that you addressed the entire thing about being featured and resposted because I feel that is often the reason why many people get reposted in style and fashion.
I think the coolest thing that has happened is that people have started to reach out from all over the world to ask me for fashion advice and to see if I they can buy my original fashion illustrations.
I don't think there are really fashion rules, just things that work on some people and not on others!
I can't tell you how many times I have wanted to give someone (like a complete stranger) make - up or fashion tips but I know it will be taken the wrong way... it's just that for some people if they would just do a little thing here or there it could make a huge difference.
The kind of life that others imagine, a fashion model living would be a world filled with beautiful things and beautiful people.
Fashion bloggers largely emerged through a passion for sharing their daily looks with people that were interested in the same thing, this is certainly true for me.
I wish I lived closer to you so then we all should have more fun of our girls night out:) and another thing, we can go to fashions event around the US, I got invited to go to Vegas and NYC every now and then, the 1st people I'm thinking of you guys are:).
When I entered the fashion world, and I encountered a lot of elitism and all that, it just made me happy... we had the entire world against us... I take things that people look at as a negative as inspiration to do something better.
Here at Fashionista we've each picked one thing we're thankful for in fashion, from our most trusted and reliable articles of clothing, to the people that make working in fashion worthwhile.
While I am not exactly known as a fashion or beauty blogger, I am often approached by brands in the fashion industry because... well, I am a human being, a wearer of clothes and I would really like to think that people can appreciate my sense of style: I tend to dress pretty classic, in the «Girl Next Door» kind of look, but I love statement pieces and shaking things up when I find pieces of clothing that really speak to me!
I find fashion inspiration through so many thingspeople on the street, color palettes, magazines but I will always stay true to what I love and feel that day.
Most people really liked the content mix as is, but the biggest things people wanted MORE of was career / job advice, parenting / mom advice, and household advice — almost 27 % thought we had too much maternity fashion advice also
The interesting thing about being a self - proclaimed style blogger / expert / enthusiast is people sometimes expect you to be a fashion know - it - all.
One thing I do know, is style and fashion is as unique as the person wearing the outfit.
I love her outfits and the greatest thing that they not only available for people with high fashion budgets.
Giving people something more meaningful to think about, is a wonderful thing about fashion.
Ethical fashion is definitely something I want to learn more about — I've heard fantastic things about the people tree.
The funny thing about Fashion Week is that you see people wearing the most outrageous outfits and as much as I love observing those people I have always and will always stay true to myself and my own personal style.
People are always wearing such interesting fashion, I love sitting by the canal and watching all the things going on around me.
But, I know as a fashion blogger, this was one of the things I was going to have to give up — telling people where I get my clothes.
A key thing for any person who's a fan of fashion is knowing what your favorites are.
When asked how this squared with the environmentalist message of the Vivienne Westwood label, he suggested that people should only buy the things they really want, waiting a day between the initial impulse and the actual purchase (This made sense as it isn't vanity per se that is the root of fashion's environmental problem, but overconsumption.)
It's home to an exceptionally concentrated mass of demanding people who are hunting for the next best thing: an app to make their life easier or a new social fashion community to up their street style game.
According to Pat Frost, director of fashion at Christie's, «Vintage is anything up to the «90s — but it means different things to different people
People pretty much did their own thing when it came to fashion at last night's People's Choice Awards.
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