Sentences with phrase «things fire up»

It can be a Jekyll and Hyde experience: on low use days, you can reach the evening with 70 per cent in the tank; but when things fire up, you'll burn through the battery by mid-afternoon.
One of the first things I fire up in the morning (besides the snooze button) is my Nespresso machine to prime myself for the day ahead.
Italian food is always an excellent choice for date night because very few things fire up your passion and love than Italian dishes!
Add some heat with a dash or two of FIRE to really get things fired up.
When this thing fires up, there's no doubt it's going to sound incredible.

Not exact matches

Whereas I imagine most of my peers clicked through their six - question survey like a fire - and - forget missile, I kicked things up a notch, making a simple spreadsheet to log my results, and committing to doing the same simple exercise, year in and year out, for the rest of my career.
I'm planning to take things easy this week before firing back up next week, when I'll be getting prepared for the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
For some users, the departure of Taylor seemed to sum up a lot of these changes: Poor communication from the site's management, a move that seemed to indicate a lack of respect for the work that moderators and other users do, and suggestions that her firing might have been triggered by her refusal to do certain things that would make the Ask Me Anything feature more commercial.
For a certain set, it's other things they're after: dog sled rides, solving puzzles, going to concert performances, racking up some serious hot tub time, and just parking one's self in front of the fire.
Sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do because we know they're for the best in the long - run: fire someone, cold call a stranger, pull an all - nighter to get the company server back up, or scrap a project and start over.
If he screws up, the worst thing that happens is he gets fired and walks away with the pile of money he's made already.
Trump fired up crowds with anti-free-trade rhetoric, said it was a disastrous mistake to go into Iraq, and got behind so - called touchback amnesty — all things that would normally send the conservative press into a frenzy.
When a short - term drop occurs, the analyst says, it's a signal that things are preparing to fire up to the top in what will likely be a lasting trend:
I have fortunately gotten offers to work at a startup and in several different contexts similar to my previous position — and these are things I would potentially enjoy, yes, but to waste the potential equity that «personal brand», dirty as it may sound, creates for me (or anyone else) to leverage into client work that pays well and speaking gigs that open up other opportunities — would be a true «lighting on fire» of that which I had done to build that before quitting.
Most importantly, Trump himself contradicted this narrative almost immediately after Comey was fired, telling NBC's Lester Holt: «And in fact when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, «You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made - up story, it's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.
Lenn, your comments against God, here's what it sounded like to me: I saw a Lamborghini drive up, and the first thing I wanted to do was throw up in it, take out a hammer and smash it's windows in, and then set it on fire, because it's too perfect and fast for my tastes... roughly and crudely translated.
What's up with the whole fire thing with christians?
Yeah I think you're right, NC is a right to work state which means you can quit or be fired as long as they employer words / phrases things correctly without really needing a reason, but apparently they screwed it up somehow.
Not much... he could've done the same thing by going in front of his congregation wearing flesh - colored underwear, sticking his tongue out, standing up on the baptistry and twerking... then crying foul when he gets fired... what this tells me is that we're all idiots for being so predictably drawn into these types of stories... this is shameless self - promotion, plain and simple... and he wins because we're dupes...
Do we not all wonder from time to time, from funeral to funeral, from war to war, why God does not fire up that omnipotence and straighten things out?
At every moment the vast and horrible Thing breaks in upon us through the crevices and invades our precarious dwelling - place, that Thing we try so hard to forget but which is always there, separated from us only by thin dividing walls: fire, pestilence, earthquake, storm, the unleashing of dark moral forces, all these sweep away ruthlessly, in an instant, what we had laboured with mind and heart to build up and make beautiful.
The sources of the trinitarian doctrine is quite clear from history, and with it came beliefs in various things like transubstantiation, theosis, that Mary was a perpetual virgin free from sin, infant baptism, ecclesiastical hierarchy, bishop succession, the phoenix, that the world is made up of fire, water, earth and air, and that things formed of one element are immortal while things formed of many elements are mortal.
At the level of international policy, it is desirable to fire up the arms race and to create nuclear confrontation with the Soviet Union, because that activity may make things worse and thereby hasten the end.
«And they have built the high places of Topheth... in order to burn their sons and daughters in the fire, a thing that I had not commanded and that had not come up into my heart.»
that's the thing with these deluded spiffieites, they pop up, fire a shot, want us to «believe».
But at this moment, as the powerful new engines are fired, their thrust and roar shakes and stresses every part of the ship and may cause the whole thing to blow up before we can steer it on its way.
Whoever thinks there are only four elements is a complete moron and by the way water, earth, fire and air aren't even elements however the things that make up water earth and air are elements.
I may not be as fired - up as chief but I do agree that the Catholic Church adds unnecessary complications to things.
[But] studio executives are intelligent, brutally overworked men and women who share one thing in common with baseball managers: they wake up every morning of the world with the knowledge that sooner or later they «re going to get fired.
It's so easy for Christians to get fired up for God when we are surrounded by other Christians or when things are going well.
The lake of fire will burn things up, not refine them.
I took note of those who did not know and did not care about any of the things I was all fired up about theologically speaking.
The thirteenth day the heaven shall be rolled up like a book, and it shall rain fire, so that every living thing shall die.
Although I keep regular milk chocolate on hand to make traditional s» mores too, I like to switch things up and also make mini Mexican chocolate discs to sandwich between my Honey Maid graham crackers and fire - toasted marshmallows.
I find no joy in firing up the stove first thing in the morning while the boys wrestle — literally — their way into the washroom amid constant reminders to BDT (make bed, put on deodorant, and brush teeth) after showering.
Actually, they were out, they were fired up and things were grilled with flip flops on and cold drinks in hand, but boy were we ever early to that party.
A trio of Mexican chiles in the mole - inspired steak rub fires things up, but the dish get sweetened up a little with a chocolate - stout beurre blanc.
The last thing you want is the oil to spill out and then cause smoking from the oven and then the smoke will leak out of the oven and set the fire alarm off and then next thing you know, you're in a cloud of garlic oil smoke and the alarm wont shut up so you're standing in front of the alarm, fanning it with a pillow because that's all you could find at the moment.
I'm not usually all sappy and sentimental about that sort of thing, but here it is a year later and I'm still as fired up as I was a year ago.
Sure, I get that you may not want to fire up your grill or cook fish first thing in the morning (and smell your house out like salmon)... so grab a package of «done for you» smoked salmon.
Anyone who grows up in Southern California knows a thing or two about fires and fire weather.
In fact, my idea of grilling usually involves showing up at someone else's picnic with a plate full of something or other and instructions to throw that something or other on the grill, acting like I've done all the work, while they deal with the whole fire thing.
The sort of glorious weeks which involved, amongst other things, me watching my aunt's whip up amazing African dishes over coal - powered fires.
He can't fire them up and he can not compete because he's a thing of the past.
The important thing is this bad luck call will probably fire up the players, and they'll be more motivated next game.
The Blazers, whose one conspicuous weakness last season was a tendency to become heedless in their half - court game, should find Pack's ability to take the ball hard to the basket — and do so under control — to be exactly the thing to fire up a largely veteran team.
A slightly more than casual fan took time to research and write a logical, rational, fact - based article on a subject, and ESPN the alleged «worldwide leader in sports» just fires up the old «throw snowballs at Santa» thing.
Throw King into the fire early and often in camp and preseason to see if he can take his game up from FCS level to NFL... stranger things have happened.
Do you think this was a good move for the Colts or just a symbolic firing to shake up things in what appears to be another dysfunctional front office?
Just as we suspected, the whole thing started because an angry drunken Avs fan got way too fired up.
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