Sentences with phrase «things happen to people»

Good things happen to people who know people.
There is a scary / spooky argument against the theodicy problem — whenever you see bad things happen to people, either they are NPCs (no real souls nobody actually harmed) or they are real players who are being painlessly removed from the game to go play another, starting over on another server as it were (or forced to wait out the end of the game).
Things happen to people all the time.
It knows what you've highlighted or bookmarked: a passage from The Hunger Games trilogy, «Because sometimes things happen to people and they're not equipped to deal with them», is the most highlighted of all time on Amazon's Kindle, marked down by 17,784 users.
Nearly 18,000 Kindle readers have highlighted the same line from the second book in the series: «Because sometimes things happen to people and they're not equipped to deal with them.»
After the usual prologue establishing that bad things happen to people who live in the story's particular setting, we meet the Harrimans as they arrive from London.
Forgiveness usually only makes headlines when truly terrible things happen to people.
Shitty things happen to people all the time.
When bad things happen to people, the first instinct many of us have is, «Well, if only they hadn't...» And look, it is true that sin has consequences.
Where bad things happen to people.
@Ungodly Discipline «Why would God let bad things happen to people?
There are a whole host of reasons for why bad things happen to people, but rarely is it because God sent these bad things.
Students are right to worry that «sometimes things happen to people and they're not equipped to deal with them.»
According to Amazon, the most highlighted passage in all books read on Kindle — highlighted almost twice as often as any other passage — is from the second volume of The Hunger Games: «Because sometimes things happen to people and they're not equipped to deal with them.»
We criticize each other, which is fine, but only Christians wish that bad things happen to people who don't share their opinions.
People still believe bad things happen to people b / c they sinned even though God reprimands Job's friends when they suggest that is why Job is having a streak of really bad luck.
Even if there is no serious sin in someone's life, bad things happen to all people, and when these things happen, the tendency of the average human being is to think that God is punishing them for something.
Bad things happen to people all around me, regardless of their faithfulness to God, regardless of their amount of faith.
God hates sin, bad things happen to people that live in sin... even Christians... that fall into sin.
When severely traumatic things happen to people they often invent fantasies so as not deal with the horrors that happen to them.
These sort of things happen to people, and often when they are far younger.
Sometimes, bad things really do happen to good people regardless of race, color, gender, etc. and sometimes bad things happen to people BECAUSE of those same identifiers.
«I think since, really, I'm a conservative investor, that experience of being in debt and also the experience of seeing things happen to people who took too much financial risk and got hurt, led me to be pretty conservative — I'm a guy that looks for singles and not home runs,» Bach said.
Try to imagine a similar thing happening to a person close to you (a family member) and died in the recent past..
The same thing happens to people who sit for long stretches.
So, because 7 or 8 million people have the game, you better believe there have been some crazy things happening to people playing.
Many things happen to a person when they are diagnosed with cancer, and for many women, depression is a product of hair loss due to cancer treatments.
While you may be of the opinion that nothing serious is going to happen to your CA rental home and harm your personal items, this kind of thing happens to people all of the time.
This kind of thing happens to people every day, and what makes me so special?»

Not exact matches

Look «luck» up in the dictionary and you'll see this definition: «the things that happen to a person because of chance, the accidental way things happen without being planned.»
And, without realizing it was happening, learning to memorize a deck of cards helped me develop techniques that make me a lot better at remembering the names and faces of people I meet — as well as a bunch of other things.
Luggage is the last thing you'd expect people to get excited about, but cofounders Jen Rubio and Steph Korey made it happen with their luggage company Away.
That doesn't mean there haven't been things on Facebook that we don't want to have happen on Facebook — and we're taking strong steps to correct that — but as an organizing tool for people who are trying to reach communities, it's huge.
It's not so much a case of being instructed as it is one of needing to be regularly reminded that (a) nothing good happens by itself and (b) you are the person primarily responsible for making the right things happen.
All the other white ppl are wondering why it's never happened to us when we do the same thing.
Big Data means different things to different people, but Farrell defines it as what happens when the information gathered by a company becomes too big to manage, either because of its volume, variety or complexity.
Friday morning Londoners, who voted by and large to remain in the EU, were walking the streets with a stunned look, and what's even odder (for English people, at least) actually talking to strangers in cafes and on trains, discussing how such a thing could happen, what would happen next, and who was to blame.
Then I started to think of it in terms of probability, which is when that poker craze happened — at least in Canada — where poker became a thing and people were talking about odds and stuff.
«Plus, sad things like cancer happen to young people, too.»
In the last couple years interesting things have happened, so I feel like in 2016 people will figure out answers to big questions and will implement tactical changes.
All the other white ppl are wondering why it's never happened to us when we do the same thing,» the caption of the video posted to Twitter read.
«People don't talk about Florida and all the crazy stuff happening there, but they focus on Mexico when one or two things happen and it has nothing to do with tourism,» said Martha Mendez, who sells day trips for tourists to places such as the Maya ruins Chichén Itzá.
«The ability to get a lot of people in a room and enjoy a single thing is something I love seeing happen,» Ramos says.
Impress people by following through, by going above and beyond to make things happen, by going the extra mile, and by showing them how valuable they are!
Be realistic about financial estimates and projections: «When you present a plan to bankers and financiers, or even to your employees, people will get way more excited about what's real rather than some huge thing that's never going to happen,» says Ciccarelli.
Negative feedback is a gift and huge opportunity because it means people still care enough to let you know, while a silent withdrawal is the worst thing that can happen.
There are two kinds of people in this world: those who believe they can make things happen and those who believe things happen to them.
People should know how to handle this situation, but things like this keep happening,» and other things that don't solve the problem or help you learn to.
A lot of the people in academia were like «No, you have to finish, there's all these bad things that happen if you don't finish.»
When something big happens and a follower opens Twitter and sees your tweet sitting there in their stream before the stream updates with a flood of twenty people saying the same thing in different ways, they're more likely to retweet or favorite it.»
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