Sentences with phrase «things human origins»

He covers all things human origins and astronomy as well as physics, animals and general science topics.
He covers all things human origins and astronomy as well as physics, animals and general science topics.
He covers all things human origins and astronomy as well as physics, animals and general science topics.

Not exact matches

There are so many things that humans will never know about our origin because God did not design our minds to possess such knowledge.
The only places in which a general account of the coming to be of the human being is implicit are in pp. 290 - 296, and 528 - 531, extending my remarks to other living things, none of which do I believe to be intelligible either in their nature and behaviour or in their origin in purely physicalistic terms.
Moreover, it is foundational to Catholic orthodoxy that God, the origin and end of all things, «can be known with certainty by the natural light of human reason from the things that he created».
That Man is the product of causes which had no prevision of the end they were achieving; that his origin, his growth, his hopes and fears, his loves and his beliefs, are but the outcome of accidental collocations of atoms; that no fire, no heroism, no intensity of thought and feeling, can preserve an individual life beyond the grave; that all the labours of the ages, all the devotion, all the inspiration, all the noonday brightness of human genius, are destined to extinction in the vast death of the solar system, and that the whole temple of Man's achievement must inevitably be buried beneath the debris of a universe in ruins — all these things, if not quite beyond dispute, are yet so nearly certain, that no philosophy which rejects them can hope to stand.
Young as the human species is, it displays remarkable capacities: to think and reason and imagine; to ask questions and seek answers; to use language, metaphors and symbols; to ponder the mystery of origins; to locate oneself on maps of meaning; to project ideals and seek their realization; to ask how one fits into the most inclusive scheme of things.
That man is the product of causes which had no prevision of the end they were achieving; that his origin, his growth, his hopes and fears, his loves and his beliefs, are but the outcome of accidental concatenations of atoms; that no force, no heroism, no intensity of thought or feeling, can presume an individual life beyond the grave; that all the labors of the age, all the devotion, all the inspiration, all the noon - day brightness of human genius, are destined to extinction in the vast death of the solar system, and that the whole temple of Man's achievement must inevitably be buried beneath the debris of a universe in ruin... all these things, if not quite beyond dispute, are yet so nearly certain, that no philosophy which rejects them can hope to stand.
I've read material on one site (the site has 5K + pages, of which I read less than 100) that uses Velikosky as part of the starting point for a theory of the origin of the universe, and subsequently humans, that is congruent with Genesis, but also both explains and predicts things not found in that account.
Evolution is a wonderful thing: humans used to grunt to communicate and now use social media and smartphone apps; they used to hunt mammoths and now eat farmed animals... but that could be about to change, thanks to the efforts of someone who has forged a link between the modern world and the origin of the species.
The agency enforces the city's human rights law which prohibits discrimination in housing, employment and public accommodations based on race, sex, gender, country of origin and gender identity among other things.
So some of the origins we have about, [well] we have more than 50 different origins in this issue and we go from the very large in cosmic from the origins of the universe and the origins of life itself to the origins of the human mind and computing and also to things that you might wonder about just in your everyday life, like where [did the stirrup] in horseback riding come from, where did the clock come from.
Many of the elements that make up our human bodies, and the bodies of every living thing on Earth, have their origins in the formation of the universe.
Their origins can be found in such things as folklore or myth; however, from the initial interview, the humans are just recently learning of their powers.
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