Sentences with phrase «things mentioned»

I think that's a perfect example of the kind of things I mentioned in my first post, where devs are making bad games and giving them away for visibility.
The first thing she mentioned in response was low - cost, high - volume spay / neuter programs.
For every job seeker, if you don't have any of the kinds of things I mentioned above, start adding strengths now to fill the gap.
If you want more happiness and joy in your life than smiling is definitely a good start, since other things mentioned above require not just change in your behavior but also your mindset.
Please email me and I will elaborate on several things mentioned here that are not completely accurate.
If they don't review your genre or anything indie, offer to do a guest post and make sure your book is the first thing mentioned in your bio.
These are some amazing things you mentioned on the list and trust me, all of these will remain constant throughout your blogging journey.
However, what's not so great is that things mentioned earlier about how transitioning from the nautical map to towns isn't seamless.
So all this makes sense when we see that some universal intelligence guiding these evolutionary things to happen, I have not heard about thing you mentioned.
It's one of the first things we mention when arriving at work, buying lunch, taking a cab or meeting a friend in the subway.
A few things you mentioned there like a lack of progressive overload and maybe a lack of focus on the glutes in particular seem like they might be pretty common mistakes.
I was wondering some of the same things mentioned above.
You will get a short overview of the whole paper in 1 page (250 words) embracing the most important things mentioned by your writer.
The only things he mentioned about the game are that the game would have «some roots» and «boots and ground».
I'm hanging onto the first thing you mentioned because it's the most relevant to me.
Well... All the good things I mentioned in the last review, they broke them!
But people tend to forget the little things mentioned above.
Another interesting thing mentioned was the fact it has a metal case.
I have been following almost every single thing you mentioned here.
Having spoken in front of audiences, they do want to know specific things mentioned in my writing and how publishing works.
Among the «new» things mentioned during the panel were bookstores running summer camps, offering dance classes, hosting travel events and more.
So excited about all the wonderfully fall things you mentioned — especially these pancakes!
However, it was one of those other things I mentioned which caused my eyebrows to lift with some alarm — the classic line from player's who refuse to give total commitment.
The last thing he mention is NEVER punish your child for a potty accidents.
I think one of the key things you mentioned was checking out a sample.
The baby doll thing you mentioned is weird, but something is wrong with a society that thinks home birth, breastfeeding, etc. is anywhere beyond normal?
I have reflected all day on the two things you mentioned toward the end of the podcast that your Mom told you when she became ill.
One of the other fun things mentioned is the ability to marry your friends, which sounds like both a blessing and a curse, depending on the friend obviously.
I was trying a few different things mentioned over at the Fire forum.
I am guilty of doing all of the wrong things you mention in this article and plan to start your course as soon as I have the money available.
As the other things you mention happen, the acceptance will just increase more.
Apart from this all the negative things he mentioned were clearly made - up facts, so not worth mentioning here.
Do you want that 20 seconds to be divided in 3 pages or do you want it focused on the most relevant things mentioned in 1 page?
This may include the variety of things mentioned above and anything else that you have to pay for.
Apart from the major two things mentioned earlier, there are a few other things that you need to take into consideration.
Even if you don't think you have high levels of stress or cortisol, doing some of things I mentioned above will help improve your health anyway.
If the first two things I mentioned here are done, I am sold.
Maybe, maybe not, but that price tag always seems to be the first thing mentioned when the football media produces it's latest critique of the German international.
One thing mentioned on the features list is a smartphone app to transfer content.
I work in healthcare and have been interested in some of the same things you mentioned, just how to apply the amazing quality customer service to healthcare.
Really the only thing mentioned was the size, and for most parents who first encounter a true jogging stroller, they are usually surprised when they see how big it is.
It's been almost a month now and I've tried pumping and positioning my baby several different ways, as well as all the other things mentioned above.
Curious to learn more about all the little things mentioned in your yoga class?
Last up - despite being one of the very first things we mentioned!
I agree totally with many things mentioned in this article.
So excited about all the wonderfully fall things you mentioned — especially these pancakes!
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