Sentences with phrase «things someone are»

But the most important thing is not done solely with that, and is not realized.
Good thing I wasn't in a hurry or trying to do something real time.
Also, be sure to ask your child's opinion of how things are going so far.
If they are being punished for eternity, ten the only thing you are doing is satisfying your own desire for revenge and torture.
Everything is going well only thing I am not sure about is the amount of calories.
He changed football matches when things were looking bad for us.
After that, the whole thing is just gone.
The only thing I'm certain about in this draft is the top pick, but literally nothing else in the draft would surprise me.
One - third think about it but follow the template of how things were done in the past.
I wanted to buy one of these for the brain challenge game but funds aren't always there to just blow when other things are more important.
Even if things are looking better for profits for existing firms, opportunities away from existing firms may improve even more, and attract capital away from existing firms.
I am so glad that you are staying positive and thinking positive because great things are just ahead!
You can even consider marriage counseling if things are getting really tricky.
Even if it's uncomfortable to talk about certain things it's so important.
It shows the audience that as bad things are for some today, it's nothing compared to what could happen in the future.
A funny thing was happening in the resale market, though.
Meet the 2008 Winners, 2007 Winners and 2006 Winners and learn what great things are happening for gifted kids the world over!
These kinds of things are happening all the time but this promotion is one of the worst I have seen.
First thing is first, I don't understand why men wear chains.
In many ways things are getting worse, of course, but in many ways they aren't.
Doing the right thing is more important than winning.
My answer was that I wasn't certain, but that things would get more clear if that were the case — and I think things are clearer now.
It feels like things are really changing now, and that next season will be one to look forward to.
On PC, you will notice a few things are different with this build.
I am also not shocked by the ways things are not right.
Reviews should be honest, accurate, and give you a real picture of what things are like at a site.
And then she saw how things were changing for us.
On the surface, it does look like things are going along nicely.
My second new favorite thing is making my 7 - year - old son run them with me.
How can we go on when things are very bad?
Lots of people came to take pics but the whole thing was pretty much left untouched.
One of the biggest things I am always thankful for every year is my health!
In the last decade Russian women started taking features from European women, but in most things they are still the same.
I guess that I live in a philosophical world where things are true because they're true, not because they're useful or appealing.
However, not knowing where things are going doesn't prevent us from taking stock of where things currently stand.
However, other aspects of the insurance like the extent of coverage and other such things are quite different and vary from one town to another.
The first thing is try not to think «I'm # 150 short» but instead that you've got # 350 you thought was gone forever.
The reason why things are starting to change now in law is due to general counsel, who are sick of paying different fees for different clients.
It's the exact same thing you're supposed to do in legal writing!
It's also the main thing you are made of.
The only sad thing is when you have self - realization of what you were missing.
Still, some interesting things were said at this conference, right?
Children may become bored if things are too easy.
It's amazing how simple things are so amazing.
I do have to say things are much easier now to find like fresh ingredients even organic ones.
But it's just natural forces at play, balancing and changing things again and again until certain things are possible in certain places.
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