Sentences with phrase «things someone learned»

The first thing you learn about studying theology is simple, yet overlooked: Let Scripture interpret Scripture.
It comes partly from things I learned in school, partly from observing others and just experience of what works for me and how I think.
We can show you ways to help that you might not have thought of, or remind you of things you learned in class.
The first thing I learned about self - publishing is to make sure that you have thoroughly researched your topic.
The following is a list of the five most important things we learned from watching the presentation.
There are a few things you learn when you do online dating..
For the next two weeks, I will be blogging about things I learned at the conference.
What are some of the most important things you learned as a professional football player that have helped you succeed in real estate?
Here are a few things I learned from our experience that can make your trip easier.
I'm a wiser, happier person because of things I learned during those difficult years.
Perhaps the most important thing he learned along the way was how to be alone.
The interesting thing I learned about inflammatory foods in my body, and later in working with clients, is that each of them may appear in different parts of our bodies.
What's the biggest thing you learned in working with indie authors?
Oh, and the other thing we learned was an all matte black chalk paint piece of plywood added very little to the bar.
And of the many things I learnt while sitting there, this one struck me as lightning: several aspiring writers think that the job is done after having written the last sentence.
There are so many things we learn as we go, and we're sharing them with our audience.
On thing I learned early in my career is that you never bet the firm.
So hope you looking for someone active that like to do new thing a learn from everything.
Discuss the new thing you learned after a long day at the dinner table with your family.
One of the great things I learned by helping with the research into character strengths and well - being is where else to look when I am not seeing my husband's strengths.
As 2017 winds down, it's a nice practice to reflect on all the new things we learned over the last 12 months.
Are there things you learned with this organization that have helped you with land development deals?
One of the best things I learned last week was how to ask better questions — both of myself and other people.
The main thing we learned about dating in high school is that dating girls or having a girlfriend changes everything.
One thing I learned very quickly was not to leave the house in a dress (unless it was a - neck or button - down).
What was the most surprising thing you learned when researching and writing this book?
The only thing I learned in college were social skills the rest of education came from on the job training.
One of the most important things you learn through self - publishing is how to think of your book as a product.
One thing you learn quickly as a mom is that kids make a lot of art projects, and it can be really hard to throw out your child's creations.
One key thing she learned from him is that you have to show off and prove your product's worth directly to people and get their reactions.
One thing I learned last several years of investing is to wait patiently until things are settled.
The most important thing I learned there was that a site is only as good as its community.
One more thing I learned about was leadership lessons.
What are some important, valuable things you learned during that time away from the spotlight?
The main thing I learned throughout this project is that staying on a tight budget can get very boring.
During the break, we had a fun photo booth there to take pics and share all the great things we learned.
I use things I learn on their on my own journey of being an author - entrepreneur.
I am excited to connect with other bloggers who are gluten free, share my favorite recipes, and share things I learn about being 100 % gluten - free.
She was always coming up with fun way to remember things they learned in class.
This is a nice and interesting thing I learned here.
The other fascinating thing we learned from the largest companies in credit repair: They do not care about credit scores.
The next thing you learn is that you need to have a networking or business card to let people know what you are looking for.
Here's one major thing I learned: You shouldn't use an assisted band or machines.
Even if your post is simply a list things you learned or an inspirational or influential quote.
One thing I learned late is that if the work is not extraordinary on the page, it won't be on the screen either.
What was the single thing you learned that you'll take with you into 2013?
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