Sentences with phrase «things someone offer»

It's a good thing they offer flights, so you can sample and share!
Once you have researched and found what good rates are in your area, visit several different lenders and get an idea of the different things they offer in their mortgages and interest rates.
This bank is the best I have been a member since 2005 i love it because of easy access online banking, free checking, and the so many great thing it offers.
We have heard or gas cards, advertising and other things offered to use the in - house lender.
There are many things we offer our clients for free that other writing services do not.
There is always an option to negotiate, don't be intimidated into accepting the first thing they offer you?
Here are a few things they offer that help visitors stay healthy and fit on the road.
You must offer all your employees the same thing you offer yourself.
, the small (er) screen and the placement of the power button at the bottom, these drawbacks seem trivial in the face of the other amazing things it offers.
Here are some of exciting things we offer & what our clients had to say about it.
The most valuable thing I offer is my level of experience coupled with a genuine care for my clients and their practice.
The great thing they offer here is the ability to have it all done for you.
For me, it is nature at its best and one of the most precious things offered to us by the universe.
Young professional with a taste for the finer things offering fantastic company and companionship.
Good Things offers coffee and tea, delicious snacks, food to go, and beverages to suit everyone.
Now that we've gone over the basic things they offer, let's get into the course itself.
Since they know we are lovers of most all old things they offer us their old barn wood.
If writing were the only thing I offer, I would never make much money.
The so - called Internet of Things offers a more promising approach, where devices wirelessly interact in a network that spans digital and physical worlds.
And pretty much anyone can walk people through a house and point out the great things it offers.
When couples come in to my office for therapy, permission is one of the first things I offer them.
But you'll warm up to it when you read all the amazing things it offers, again just like the cat.
How will you change your communications (including your resume) to hiring managers, to reflect that your experience may not be the most valuable thing you offer?
Many travelers love it for the many things it offers but also it affordability.
The new content is not the only thing offered by the Arcade Edition.
The transition to a more streamlined casting model won't just make dedicated streaming solutions obsolete but will also see smartphones start communicating directly with Internet of Things offerings such as TVs and smart speakers instead of relying on Wi - Fi, Mr. Noto believes.
Traditionally, supply chain transactions are completed manually, creating delays and a higher risk for recording error, which can cause differences between what was recorded and what was actually loaded,» wrote Chris O'Connor the General Manager at Internet of Things Offerings for IBM.
The quietness and easy access to all other lovely place in the area are the best thing offered at Kubu Manggala Villas.
Pretty Little Thing offers all the sequins, beading, tassels, and lace necessary for a standout gown.
Very Bad Things offers yet another take on the age - old story of how evil begets evil and those who misbehave will eventually pay in the end.
For any device to function better or as expected it should perform 2 important things Offer periodical hardware updates, better -LSB-...]
«The only thing I offered Marcus was an opportunity to get an education.
-- A look at the top ATP stars and how much of a sure thing each offers.
Better yet, if they convinced the cafeteria to stop offering those refined carbohydrate baked things they offer for breakfast and lunch, they hungry kids will hopefully gravitate towards the food.
What I think is really unique about B2R though, is all of the extra things they offer in addition to music lessons.
(As an aside, ecological parenting — Badinter's turn of phrase for what others call «natural parenting,» «attachment parenting,» and so on — is arguably the most original thing she offers up in the book.)
«The Internet of Things offers incredible opportunities for children to learn, play, and interact, but from a parenting perspective they must be treated with caution and care.»
It looks like detailed personality tests in the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe will be the big thing offered this year.
An extremely esoteric game, but discovering every single thing it offers doesn't really matter.
It upsets me that you are more upset that Bedford is out at Dunbar than you are that urban kids have one less thing offered to them (GT)-RRB- that suburban schools do... but yeah, lets compare their test results to those suburban schools under the rules of NCLB.
Amazon, Goodreads and Library Thing all offer giveaways.
«The third thing we offer is the in - depth product knowledge that shows our customers that we are more than just a retailer, we are advisors as to how they can care for their animals.»
Come and enjoy the lovely hiking routes, bird watching, springbuck hunting amongst the various things we offer.
Ordinary Things offers a counter position: this exhibition of thirty sculptures turns to the sculptural rather that the sensational, positioning Lucas» work within an art historical lineage that addresses the materials and processes of sculpture.
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